Ezio and Lily were standing on the huge dragon because there was no island anymore. Ezio was truly depressed. Every time he arrived on a new island, the island would end up in a disaster. Paradise Island was his fault, but now Sabaody was gone. This was no small matter, this place was right in front of the Red Line and all people who would go to the New World would first visit Sabaody.

Now there was no Sabaody anymore. Poor Shakky, this crazy girl beside him destroyed her bar. Ezio wasn't sure how strong she was, but he thought that Shakky was a very strong pirate in the past.

Ezio sighed. He had the most important plan that was coming next. He had no time to watch over a crazy girl that could ruin everything in a mere second. Besides that, he had his happy time with Hancock only a few days ago, how could he bring this crazy woman to her?

A guy appeared in front of them.

„Ah, Lilly. This is Benson, he is one of my most trusted men. You can disrespect people, but never disrespect this guy"

Benson stretched his hands out to the crazy girl. Lilly looked with disdain towards this man, but she wanted to give her fiancee some face, so she accepted the greetings of this servant.

But this was her biggest mistake. After she touched his hands, Lilly vanished.

„I don't need you, crazy woman! I have important things I have to manage. I can't let a crazy wild card like you run around me… And I have to talk to Hancock before you two destroy my poor headquarter. Almighty Benson, what would I do without you? You're the best sidekick…"

Benson smiled proudly. He didn't know that he angered one of the scariest woman in this world.

On some unknown island in the New World.

Blackflame D. Lilly appeared in the middle of a forest and had a shocked face.

„Where the hell is this place?"

After several seconds, she realized that she was tricked by this annoying guy named Benson.

„It was again this damn Benson! I'm always tricked by this bastard! I will catch this guy, and take him as a hostage. This guy should be very important to Ezio… If I have him in my hands, I don't think Ezio could escape from me!"

If Benson knew that he was the target of a crazy girl, he wouldn't sleep at night anymore. This time he angered a crazy girl, this wouldn't be a good end, even for the Almighty Benson.

Lilly tapped on her ring and a piece of white paper landed in her hands. This white paper was a Vivre Card.

She looked in which direction the Vivre Card moved to, and then she followed that path.

This was the Vivre Card from Ezio. She got it from her grandmother. The old fox didn't want to give the precious Vivre Card of his grandson to the old lady, but in the end he did it. He gave it out so that Lilly could find her fiancé in this big world. This was the reason she could find Ezio even though she didn't saw his face once.

If Ezio knew that the old fox gave such an important item to a crazy girl, he would beat his grandfather up. A crazy girl with his Vivre Card in her hands? This was like a curse for poor Ezio. At this point in time he didn't know that Lilly had the Vivre Card, so he could still sleep at night. But this would change in the near future…

The two admirals were standing on a marine ship and looked a little bit shocked.

„Did we just witness the battle for the heir of the Blackflame Family? Such a historic event. I heard that this battle would always destroy an island. This time they choose Sabaody… Couldn't they destroy an island that was less important?", asked Akainu who was still a little brat.

„Well, we can't do anything about it. Even the Five Elders won't interfere in the Battle of the Blackflame's. It's a tradition and each new generation would be cursed with another pair of brats from this family"

The two admirals sighed. They mission was a complete failure because of those two brats. Akainu was transformed into a little brat and felt humiliated. Even all those pirates escaped in a miraculous way.

Akainu hold a picture in his hands. On the picture was a man with the mask of a panda. He took out a transporter snail and called the marine headquarter.

„I have something to report. A new bounty for a very dangerous person. His name is… Pandaman! We have to capture this criminal at all cost!"

Garp and the old fox were sitting on a piece of wood that was floating above the water. They had no ship and the island was gone. Both of them sighed.

„So, this Kuma guy took the little monkey away"

Garp nodded.

„What did you do with the education of your children? You incompetent old dog. Your son became the most wanted criminal, and your grandson wants to become the Pirate King. You suck bringing up your children, old dog"

„I don't want to hear such things from a guy who spoiled his children to the point were they lost all common sense. Your two daughters are completely crazy! But I have to say, that grandson of yours is capable. Maybe he is a little bit too naughty, but when he gets serious, he is frightening"

The old fox nodded with a wide grin.

„The little fox was intelligent even before he was five years old. Hah, it's a blessing from the gods! But I think the little fox will hate me. What should I do, old dog? You saw the wife of the little fox today… I didn't tell him that we arranged a marriage. I even gave them his Vivre Card… The girls from the other branch are too scary, I couldn't do anything"

Garp looked at the old fox with an opened mouth.

„This time you screwed up, Ruben. Your poor grandson… How could you give him a woman with the last name of your family? You know too well that the daughters of your family are all on the crazy side… And you gave that crazy girl even a Vivre Card? This grandson of yours will beat you up for sure!"

The old fox nearly cried.

„I have to do something. The little fox is the only one who can take over this family. Now that I saw the little monkey, I realized that he inherited the stupid mind of his grandfather. And by grandfather I mean you, old dog"

„What? Isn't the little monkey so stupid because of his mother and the curse of your damn family? My son is intelligent. It's only his mother that is questionable"

„You dare to scold my precious daughter? I will beat you up, old dog!"

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