Trebol and Sugar had a bad feeling. Both of them noticed that the family disappeared in a miraculous way. They were nervous because Doflamingo wasn't present and they had a lot of enemies. It was possible that someone took advantage of this special situation, and they were right.

In front of them appeared two guys. They were Ezio and Benson.

Ezio grinned.

„Reiju, I choose you!"

After that Ezio threw a ball towards Trebol and Sugar. This ball looked strange, one half was red and the other white. It looked like a Pokeball.

Then the stone disappeared and Reiju was standing in front of them.

„Reiju, attack them with Razor Leaf!"

After that many leafs that were strengthen with armament Haki appeared and attacked Trebol who was unprepared.

„Finish him off with Whine Whip!"

This was the end for Trebol. He couldn't win against the logia monster named Reiju.

Ezio threw another Pokeball to Reiju, but she didn't do as he wanted her to. She caught the ball and threw it towards Ezio's head. This ball was in reality a stone and it hurt Ezio when it hit him.

„What's wrong with you, Ezio? Benson, bring me back. I'm not some tamed monster!"

Ezio looked towards Reiju with guilt. He wanted to do that only once. With Benson's abilities, he could even be a Pokemon Trainer. That was the reason why Benson was almighty.

Benson took out a transporter snail and Ezio ran after the fleeing Sugar.

„It's showtime"

Alabasta was peaceful today. This peaceful time was disturbed by a loud noise. This noise would only be heard when the World Government would send a very serious message to all kingdoms.

The King and Vivi were shocked. Both of them ran to the big screen in the center of the island. This screen was only used when the Government wanted to convey their message to all people in the world, even to the commoners. Many people arrived in front of this big screen, it wasn't only the royal family, it was the whole city.

The screen showed a picture of two people. One was a handsome young man with black hair, the other was a little girl. It was Sugar and Blackflame Ezio.

„Oh, shit. He is doing it again!", said Cobra with a frown on his face.

„This guy… Was it good to make him an ally? The time was so short and he is doing it again! Do you think the World Government will tolerate it a second time?", asked Vivi.

„I only hope that this guy will not burn down another island… What a troublesome boy"

Both of them stopped their conversation because Ezio began to talk.

„My precious citizen all over this chaotic world, I greet you. My name is Blackflame Ezio, and I have to show you something"

All the citizens all over the world watched towards a big screen. All of them had different reactions.

„It's the Celestial Devil!

This was how everyone described Ezio after the Paradise Island incident. Ezio would be angry if he heard that, he wanted to be a hero!

Then Ezio continued.

„At the moment I'm in Dressrosa, an island on the New World. This island is in control of one of the seven Shichibukai's. His name is Doflamingo"

Ezio took a deep breath and his face turned serious.

„Dressrosa had a very capable King. He was a king that was loved by his citizens and he would do everything for his people. I wished their were more kings like Riku, but in this world, those kings are rare"

„Several years ago, this king was the victim of a scheme. This was a scheme that was planed by Doflamingo. With his power, he took control of the body of king Riku and made him hated by his nation. Every citizen blamed the royal family since then for events that weren't their responsibility. But Riku couldn't do anything against it, because the one who planed all this was Doflamingo, and he did it because he wanted to take over Dressrosa. The schemes didn't end here. He didn't take over this beautiful island only to be a king. No, this dangerous guy created a huge underground organization with many slaves. In the underworld, Doflamingo has another name. His name is Joker"

After that he paused for a moment, but the world who saw this was in chaos.

You can say that the name Joker was famous all over the world. Many kingdoms had a deal with him to buy weapons or other things. To be exposed by a Celestial Dragon with this special transporter snail - this was a huge event that would change the fate of many islands.

After a short moment of silence, Ezio continued.

„To describe all the evil things Joker did under the protection of the World Government… It would take several days to talk about all of them. I will show you only one crime he did, so you can understand how heartless this bastard is. At my side is a girl named Sugar. Don't be fooled by her appearance, she isn't a child. She ate a Devil Fruit that stopped her from growing older. And her devil fruit is the reason why this beautiful country named Dressrosa is full of sorrow. I will show you what she and her boss did"

After that the screen split into four different pictures. The four pictures showed different places of Dressrosa. Ezio hit Sugar and she lost conscious. After that something shocking happened. All the toys in Dressrosa transformed back into humans. While this shocking scene happened, Ezio explained the power of Sugar's devil fruit to the world. There were families who cried after they reunited and everyone could see the underground base of Doflamingo with all their slaves and weapons. It was shocking to see the peaceful Dressrosa that was in chaos after all the toys transformed back. The whole world saw what Doflamingo did to this island with the power of this girl named Sugar. Even for the cruelest rulers of this world, this was a shocking event.

The whole world was sent into chaos. Doflamingo was a devil. Everyone who watched this could only hate this guy. All four pictures showed crying families that reunited and all the sorrow that was accumulated over the years. All emotions of a nation were shown in this single moment.

After all this happened, all the screens disappeared and Ezio was back again.

Ezio's face was serious and everyone could see that he was angry. Then a huge flame surrounded Ezio and the flame transformed into a black dragon. Ezio stood on top of the dragon and roared towards the transporter snail.

„Doflamingo, you damn bastard. Do you think I'm a joke?"

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