Sengoku was preparing for a war. Even with all the plans and schemes he had, he couldn't help but be nervous. His opponent was Whitebeard after all. With the power of his devil fruit everything was possible.

His plan to take out the strongest man and Roger's son brought him many sleepless nights. He had so many problems, but who knew that his biggest problem had yet to arrive.

After all of the screens in the Marine Headquarter began to show a picture, Sengoku's hair turned completely gray after a couple of minutes.

"He is doing it again!", he shouted.

All of the important marine's were in a meeting when the Celestial Devil decided to talk to the world again. After the last time in Paradise Island they weren't too shocked that they would see him again.

Well, they weren't shocked until the Celestial Devil announced he would participate in the war.


Sengoku was freaking out.

"Calm down, Fleet Admiral."

The marine's were shocked. The man who was always calm and collected was losing the control of his emotions every time this guy named Blackflame D. Ezio was mentioned.

"I should calm down?", he asked. "This boy is an even bigger disaster than Whitebeard!"

The marines frowned. They had to admit that he was strong, but in comparison with Withebeard… How could he compare them?

"You don't believe me, you fools?", he sighed. "Let me remind you of something. We know about two fights were this brat participated. What happened to the island he fought the first time?"

The marines thought about Paradise Island and couldn't help but frown. The island that was once recognized as paradise was now a burning hell.

"Now you remember?", Sengoku was angry. "Then do you remember his last fight? It was only a couple of days in the past. Where the hell is the Sabaody Archipelago? TELL ME WHERE IT IS!"

The marines began to sweat. Sabaody was no more….

"And now…", Senkgoku had tears in his eyes. "His third fight is taking place in our headquarter. In OUR headquarter! Just think about it… If this guy is going all out like the last times, then there will be no more headquarter in the future…"

"But isn't he on our side?", asked someone after a moment of silence.

"Are you deaf? He said he would come to kick Doflamingo's ass! And that is one of our fighters. This brat just does what he wants. He is a wild card in this battle. Not only our forces, even Whitebeard is screwed! This guy is like a natural disaster that leaves only destruction in his way. Ah, what should I do…"

Sengoku looked towards a little boy that had a serious expression and stood in front of him. Who was that boy?

"Sengoku, I met a new criminal and we need a bounty for him. I will catch this guy, even if it is the last thing I have to do!", the boy said.

"Who the fuck are you, brat?"



The marine's couldn't believe their eyes. Why was the admiral a child all of a sudden? And that before the war?

"Why… You… Who?"

"A criminal named Pandaman was responsible for this.", Sakazuki said with anger. „I want a bounty for this guy and his sidekick!"

"Oh, no…", Sengoku looked out of the window. Not only would this celestial brat ruin everything, now one of his strongest fighters was transformed into a little boy.


Even Whitebeard saw what the Celestial Devil was up to. The Whitebeard Crew was confused.

"So this Celestial Dragon comes to the war to fight against… Doflamingo? Isn't this guy on his side? I don't understand this brat…", Marco said.

He looked towards his father and saw that the legendary pirate had a frown on his face. Marco never saw his father frown in such a way, even after Ace was captured.

"We should think about an alliance with Sengoku."

"WHAT?", the crew was surprised. They thought they heard wrong.

"Yes. I'm serious. We should take care of this wild card named Blackflame Ezio. With this brat in the mix, this war could end as the biggest disaster in the history of the Four Seas!"

Whitebeard took a deep breath.

"Everywhere this brat pops up, only chaos and disaster appears!"


The old fox returned to the Holy Land and had a grin on his face.

"The little fox did it! He won!"

The old fox was never so happy in his life.

"I have to visit that old woman from the other branch. Haha, I can't wait to see her face!"

Then he thought about Sabaody… and frowned.

"The children of our family were always a little wild, but these two…", he couldn't help but sigh at the battle he witnessed. "Even the fight between the old woman and me wasn't as terrifying. I said that he had to make his departure big, but this guy is destroying islands left and right…"

Then he saw a screen that popped up everywhere in the Holy Land. He recognized the face that smiled at him.

"Little fox?"

The old fox was excited. Two servants stood in front of the screen. He kicked them away and sat down in front of it like a little child.

"Bring me some snacks! My little grandson is up to something again!"

After that he saw how his grandson freed Dressrosa from this evil pirate.

He nodded with a a smile on his face.

"Ah, I knew my little fox was always a hero. Such a good kid. I think he turned out to be this good because of my education…"

Then he heard that his grandson declared that he would fight at the war himself. The old fox nodded again with a smile. He pointed towards a servant that was on his left and laughed.

"Do you understand now what I meant with my good education? I said he should always make his arrival and departure into a big event! This is how you say to the world that you would participate in a war!"

He laughed out loud but the servants couldn't help but sweat. The education of this old man was insane! No wonder why his grandson turned into a natural disaster.

The old fox began to think for a moment.

"Wait, Doflamingo… Isn't this guy a servant, too? Little fox, you are attacking the wrong guy…"

After Ezio finished his speech, everyone in the Holy Land was silent for a moment. After that every Celestial Dragon in this land began to freak out.


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The Celestial Dragons couldn't tolerate the Blackflame Family anymore. They surrounded the Blackflame Castle a second time. This family would destroy the image those Celestial's build over the last hundreds of years.

Ruben looked at his servant with confusion.

"What's wrong with those guys? Wasn't the speech my little grandson gave to the world cool? I think it was cute…."

"RUBEN! BRING THIS STUPID GRANDSON OF YOURS BACK HOME!", the Celestials yelled in unison.

The old man stood up with a frown.

"STUPID?", he shouted with a red head. "Who dares to call my little fox stupid? My daughters, I understand. But the little fox? The beating you received last time wasn't enough, huh?"

After that the old fox ran out of the house. The only thing the servants could hear were the screams of the World Nobles who couldn't defend against the wrath of an old man.

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