One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 24 - Water 7.

While laying in the shade and trying to enjoy the sun without getting burned, I enjoys a cup of tea. Though the quality was rather bad since it was taken from the slav.... free labor force's ship. They had a few books, but most of them where about jewels and treasures. Not finding it interesting, I use one of the men on the ship to tell me about the next island we're approaching.

"The island has many waterways that people use to travel around with, the city is known to have great shipwrights, but most of them are already contracted. What about the merchants and popular places to visit?" I summarized what the man told me and continue the information gathering.

"There are shopping districts in the eastern part of the island. Each area has a different use. Most of the districts are living area's for civilians, some are for people with a short stay. The closer you get to the centre the more nobles you'll meet. Close to the shipwright island there is a district for auctioning and buying traveling Yagara Bulls. They are some kind of swimming beast that most people use to get from one place to another. Long ago, the shipwright island builders made a new invention, they caused a lot of future trouble with that. I heard someone even died. Now it's used for transportation. There it goes, the sea train" The man says while pointing at a train that is riding on top of the water. Looking at the direction the train is going, the shadow of a island slowly starts to form in the distance.


Stepping off the ship while stretching, I look around with interest. I've seen Water 7 before in the anime, but seeing it in person still gives a different feeling.

"I'm going to take a look around! I'll be back before dinner!" I yells at Aokiji as I run toward the direction of the rental station. I notice the stables look quit small as I enter the shop. One man stands at the counter while looking up and down at the young girl who seemingly has no money on her. "Go away kid, I've got a business to run" The man grumbles as he pushes Jess out of the store. Looking at the Yagara waiting at the side of the water bank, my face turns odd. Those weird things are the Yagara? I'd rather walk than get that thing to drive me around. Though leaving without saying a word would feel weak as well. Feeling the urge to pull a prank and put my experiment to the test, I walk up to the edge of the water and sit down. Seemingly enjoying the water while I dip my feet in. A thin blackish stand covered with red veins creeps into the water down my skirt. Making it's way into the stables, it jabs the first Yagara it finds, making it run wild while the man of before tries to ret it to a customer. Affecting the other Yagara, they slam into the door as they try to break free. One wasn't enough as the other Yagara start to slam against the door as well, breaking the door in half. Seeing the Yagara escaping into the city, a smile creeps up on my lips as I make my way toward the shopping district.

The man fall to the ground as he yells "Nooo! my Yagara!!" Now why does this sentence feel so familiar?


After buying multiple clothes and changing my torn clothes for a new white dress, I take out my bunny backpack I got for my birthday. Making sure I look presentable I walk towards the next stall that meets my expectations and needs.

"Excuse me sir, I would like to buy a Den Den Mushi, would you be so kind as to get me one?" I smile as I asks the man at the counter.

"Why of course little girl, what kind would you like? We have one with a video function, great to use on vacations. We have one that you can only use with communication, for calling friends far away. The bigger ones might be a bit to expensive for a small lass like you" The man smiles as he shows me multiple different Den Den Mushi.

"Now why would a lass like something like that?" The man asks suspiciously.

"You will give me the thing I asked for without questions" I slowly state as I look the man in the eye. The man seems to freeze for a second as he begins to smile.

"Why of course! Here you go! anything else?" He says as he waits for me to take the Den Den Mushi.

"Yes, you will listen to all orders that come from this number without question" I whisper as some people walk into the store.

"I will listen to all that the lass will ask of me. Would that be all?"

"Yes, that would be all. Thank you and have a nice day" I wave as I leave the store, ready to build up my information network. Though it might be too much work to operate the information on my own. An ȧssistant would be nice, but until then, the work needs to be done. Might as well get someone from the inside to help. I smirk as I see the woman who has been tailing me for some time now. A woman with a cowboy hat, blue eyes and hair that reaches till her shoulders. Let's make sure my big bro will stay safe in the future. I walk into an alley as I wait till the woman approaches Me.

"Well what business do you have with me?..... Nico Robin"

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