One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 26 - Galley-La Company

Seeing the woman gasping and cursing while her head turns red as a tomato, I put up a more distressed face. Lighting up the anger and sympathy of both the woman and the public.

"Kalifa calm down" The afro man coldly states as he grabs the woman called Kalifa by the shoulder. While he calms her down, my eyes fall on the dove.

"Your bird is cute" I say as I look at the birds face. "I wish I had a bird, I would train them really well. They will listen to everything I say and maybe become an intel bird" I smile as I turn my face towards the afro man as soon as I finish my sentence.

"Lucci, don't listen to her! Who knows what that little devil is planning!" Kalifa yells as she curses under her breath. Though people might not hear what she is saying, her expression is enough. Feeling the situation getting worse, Lucci decides it's time to leave before their impression with the public gets any worse.

"My apologies for my coworker, she is new to the job. We do have to get back to work, till next time little miss" Lucci says as he walks into the shipwright workshop.

"Sure, let me play with the birdie next time!" I watch them walk away as my smile slowly fades when the group gets out of sight. "Black sheep... What's up with those guys, they all have a stick up their ȧsses. Who will ever believe they work as shipwrights or whatever they should look like..." I turn towards Aokiji as I asks the question I already know. But I might as well make their opinion worse in the group before they leave. It just happens a blue haired man walked by while I said my question out loud. Making the man frown while he heads back inside.

"*Yawn* Don't really care... Go do something... I'm going to enjoy the last sun rays, come back... by... eight PM" Those where his last words as he fell back to sleep while laying back down in his chair. "Lazy bum" I grumbled as I peek inside the workshop, only seeing unfinished boats and ships in the making. "Well... this is boring".


The next morning, I wake up before Akoiji, as usual. I walk down the shore as I was thinking about restarting my routine. Eating and touring are fine, but some stamina might be a good idea. I'm not immortal yet, so a bullet could still kill me. As well as all other lethal wounds. I still have 5 years till then to make up my defense.

Putting on some weights I 'borrowed' from the storage, I start jogging down the shoreline as the sun slowly starts to rise. The salt air in my nose, as well as the wind makes me feel refreshed and awake. I could run for hours and not get tired of the scenery, if only some half nȧkėd guy wouldn't stand at the end of the shore. Yes, that could only be one guy. Not one I would like to encounter...

So like all health young children her age... I climbs up a building and watch them blow themselves up with their new inventions. They make some interesting stuff. Guns, robots, ships? and some other stuff. They can be heard telling about the new train, but that is still doesn't work.

"Who would have guessed it would work? They blow every invention of theirs up every ten minutes. How many times does the train have to explode before it works. Well they do push through... Idiots need to have though skin to make their dreams come true" I feel a headache coming up again as I see the half nȧkėd guy again. "Seems he has brought materials to build with..." I sigh as his work is good, if only he didn't clothe like a pervert every minute of the day. The image alone burns my eyes. Anime might be in some scenes and cases pictured as 'kid friendly' with sėxuȧŀ related stuff, but the details in real life and what is visible is really different. It hurt just to look at it. Why does it have to be such tight undėrwėȧr! It doesn't hide anything!

The situations is torture, as well as the inner turmoil and conflict. "Stay or leave?" "Their experiments are fun to watch... But the spedo burns my eyes."

"I'ts boring with Aokiji and they tell some interesting stuff...But the spedo burns my eyes."

Such difficult moments in life. What to chose. I weigh the pros and cons some more while not noticing a shadow behind me as I was to engrossed in the pros. The arms of the shadow grab me by the waist as I get thrown over the shoulder.

"Yare yare, never knew Garp had a pervert granddaughter in the family... This is not meant for the eyes of children. Time to go" Aokiji says as I give him multiple pushes in the back, not slowing him down at all.

"I don't wanna go yet, the bike is boring!" I yell as I'm dragged away by Aokiji. While receiving stares all the way back to the bike.. Sometimes it's unfair being light, small and looking like a child.

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