One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 31 - Impel down.

Along the way, Aokiji explained that we would be passing the triangle of the three gates of justice. There we would rest for the night and continue onwards towards marine ford. The journey was once again boring as hell. Though this time I had to stay quiet or else Aokiji would freezings me into an ice cube and let me float behind the bike. Not liking the idea of becoming a popsicle, I chose to keep my mouth shut. At least, until we reached the next destination. Impel down. Having promised to stay close and not wander away, meaning 1m. Since I told him last time he didn't tell how far was too far, he made sure to make it crystal clear before we arrived, leaving no room for arguments.

We reached the place in the afternoon. Passing the gate was a hassle as it took an eternity to open. Not surprising as the gates are huge and must weigh a lot. Standing on the deck where a few marines to welcome our arrival. One giant that looked a bit like Dracula. And another whom is just weird. The man is half nȧkėd, has pointy eyebrows and a pharaoh like head, colored yellow and green. Somehow he seems a bit weak and perverted. Everything he says sounds like he is kissing up to the warden called Magellan. It couldn't be could it?!?

I walk behind afkijk who seems curious as to why I went to hide behind his back.

"Well well, this is new? What happened, cat got your tongue?" Aokiji joked as he looks at me with a strange look.

"he.. ay.." I softly mutter.

"Well..." Aokiji seems to have heard what I said, but the strange man didn't as he walks up to me and kneels down, making me back away a bit further.

"Little girl, can you repeat that once more, I didn't quite hear you" The man called Hannyaball asked.

"You sure you want to hear?" I ask as he will surely be mad.

"Yeah, I can take it!" Hanyaball states as he stands up tall.

"Okay... " I softly mutter. stepping forward and making it look like I gathered my courage, I open my mouth once again.

"Jess, you rather n-!" Aokiji tries to stop me once again as he looks like I'll cause some trouble once again.

"You look kinda gay" I promptly state, making sure they all heard it. Magellan looks disgusted at Hannyaball as the guy did seem to be a bit of a heel licker the past few years. Hannyaball didn't seem to notice the reaction as he himself seems to have turned to stone.

"I'm not against people loving the one they love, but can you be moderate in showing?" I ask as I pull at the edge of the poor mans pants, looking like I was trying to gather his attention with utter failure.

"Black sheep? I'm hungry... Can we eat?" Changing the topic, Aokiji sighs as one I still didn't change the nickname and second at the precent situation. Feeling it was too bothersome, he nods and makes his way towards Magellan.

"Well, let's head inside" Aokiji says as he looks behind him once more as Hanyaball still seems to be frozen in place.

"Yeah, leave him there, he will follow eventually" Magellan retorts as he rather go inside than be at his coworkers side.


"Yare yare, Sure, but make sure you don't kill anyone" Aokiji lazily says, while the others give him some strange looks. How can a cute little girl who doesn't look older than six kill someone?

"Can this big sister guide me? She looks just my type of person" I ask making even more people shocked. As the person I chose was one of the most sadistic personnel at the prison. The woman before me whore reveling pink clothes that showed a part of her bȯȯbs and stomach, the sleeves of her jacked have many frills. Her hair seems to have explodes in golden orange waves that reach till her lower back. On the top of her head rest two pink horns and in her hand she holds a devils trident. Though I must say, those bȯȯbs are just unfair... 'I'm still growing, I'm still growing' I mutter inside my head. This time I won't be a twenty year old loli, for sure!

As I daydream about a future that will surely never come, the woman walks up to me with a smile. "Well shall we start the tour, I would love to show you my pets! oh! You can call me Sadi, nice to meet you!" Sadi says as she gives me a hug. She lifts me up as she walks towards the first floor.

Like that we passed every level of Impel Down. While I was having fun with Sadi, the pets and the 'residents' I made a mental map of the interior and the blind spots in the security. Making sure that I would have a way out if and when I would ever get locked up in here.


Walking into our room, Black sheep was already out like a light. They gave us a room together as they thought a six year old couldn't take care of herself. The only one that seemed to take me serious was Sadi, well we did have a wonderful day together. We even exchanged numbers and 'agreements'.. Laying down I closed my eyes to take some well deserved rest.

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