Chapter 121   Teach is not dead?

At the same time, New World was boiling.

The news that Bai Ze and Four Emperors Shanks ended in a tie, like a prehistoric plague, instantly spread to the entire New World.

Regardless of

Agree or disagree, believe it or not, Bai Ze, the captain of the Yanhuang Pirate Group, is now the fifth sea king.

The original Four Emperors are also rewritten today and become the Five Emperors! New World Fifth Emperor, Bai Ze!! Malin Vando, Sengoku Office.

At this moment, Aokiji Kizaru and Lieutenant General Taotuhe are all here, and I saw Sengoku staring at the newspaper and muttering to himself, “The fifth emperor, the fifth emperor has appeared in New World, and our Marine has another powerful enemy.”

New World was promoted to the fifth emperor. Of course, they were the first to bear the brunt of Marine, both of Mary Geoise’s Celestial Dragons and Five Elders. .

This Marine Marshal’s seat is a shame for the town’s mother, but Sengoku’s eyes fell on Taotu, and his mind became alive, thinking about some excuse to get out.

At that time, I will retreat to the second line, like Garp, teach Marine students, and then life will be good.

Sengoku had a headache, and the Marine executives in the entire office were full of dignity, although they knew that the matter was over early.

However, only Taotu’s eyes flickered at this moment, and the image of the thunder and far shield appeared in his mind, “The fifth emperor of New World, has he already done it?”

“It seems that I have to work harder, Marine’s next Marshal Marine must be myself!!”

Taotu clenched her pink fist, her eyes changed again: she became firm, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she remembered the scene when her family and the whole village were slaughtered by Celestial Dragons when she was a child.

Celestial Dragons, wait for me, your end will not be far away!!! “Is Taotu wrong?”

The look of Lieutenant General Crane moved away from Taotu’s face, and the somewhat crazy arc of Taotu came into his mind. What kind of arc was that, that kind of… a strange smile that Lieutenant Crane had never seen before. And since the last time Taotu wiped out Yan Calamity Cinder and Volley Six and Kata Kuri and his party, she felt that she didn’t know this sister more and more.

“For the sake of rights?”

Lieutenant General Crane murmured to herself.During this time, she knew very well that Taotu was very close to some of the senior leaders of Naval Headquarters, and she also showed her goodness to some potential Marine senior leaders in various ways.

This kind of temperament is not what the peach rabbits of the past have! At this time, the peach rabbit in the eyes of Lieutenant General Crane, in one sentence, is familiar and unfamiliar. As for where the unfamiliar is, she can’t say it for a while. I feel that she is more confident and decisive than before! Baiju Kaido, headquarters.

“Stab it”(Read more @

Looking at the newspaper that was twisted into fly ash in front of him, Kaido, the beast, was angry.”

A slap on the special seat.

“The fifth emperor of New World! Bai Ze!!!!”

“Good! Very good!! Very good!!! Very good!!!!!!”

The eyes are crimson, the blue veins are violent, and the teeth are gnashing, I can’t wait to swallow the words Bai Ze and the Fifth Emperor, except for the Naval Headquarters…Peach Rabbit, Bai Beast Kaido The person who most wants to kill is not someone else, it is that… The two love generals Jack the Drough and Bai Ze of Plague Quinn are now the captain of the Yellow Pirates and the newly promoted fifth emperor.

You know, whether Jack the Drough or Plague Quinn, they are his extremely important right-hand man, and they are not comparable to ordinary cadres and six volleys.

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Just as Kaido was angry, a unique laughter rang in his ears, and then a figure appeared in his room.

The man with short blond hair, sunglasses on his eyes, pink feather coat and cropped trousers, with pointed shoes on his feet, made a weird laugh, “Dignified Four Emperors Kaido has such an angry side It seems that the loss of the three love generals has dealt a great blow to you.”


“Doflamingo, are you irritating me”

Seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, Kaido’s eyes narrowed into a straight line, and the full-bodied suffocation hit Doflamingo all his head.

That’s right! At this moment, the person who appeared in the Kaido room of the beasts to alarm anyone, not others, is the partner of the transaction with the beasts Kaido, now Doflamingo of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In the face of the anger and threat of the beast Kaido, Doflamingo waved his hand as if he had never heard it before, “Isn’t it just three 3 stronger subordinates, as long as I have the resources, I can help you recreate three 3s, 咈咈咈咈咈”

“You didn’t come here in person to tell me these nonsense.”

The beast Kaido suppressed the anger in his heart.Although Doflamingo is not his opponent, this person is of great use to him.Now that the three plagues have been wiped out, he has to rely on Doflamingo to make a comeback.

“I’m here to discuss a major event with you, one that is enough to gain greater benefits than the three plagues.”

Doflamingo’s eyes stared at Kaido, and continued, “Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin, like you, know, that day, Charlotte Linlin, whose arm was cut off by Bai Ze, the fifth emperor.”

Immediately, Doflamingo whispered and talked about Charlotte Linlin’s experience after the defeat, but when this news was heard in the ears of the beast Kaido, his face suddenly changed.

Teng’s stood up from his seat! “What did you say!”

“Charlotte Linlin, she is dead!!!!”

Hearing Doflamingo’s words, Kaido’s heart was shocked, and his face was suspicious, “Are you sure you didn’t lie to me”

“Even if Charlotte Linlin loses an arm, there are not many people who can kill her in the entire New World, and as far as I know, Bai Ze they did not pursue it.”

The beast Kaido groaned for a moment and said aloud that he had also heard about the battle between Bai Ze and Charlotte Linlin that day, and of course it was limited to what was said in the newspaper.

“Bai Ze”

Doflamingo looked at Kaido, the sullen beast, and sneered, “In New World, Bai Ze is not only capable of killing Charlotte Linlin, who was severely injured in his arm, except for him, such as Blackbeard Teach.”


“You mean Teach is not dead, and waits for the rabbit to sneak attack and kill Charlotte Linlin!!!”

Even if Kaido understands the meaning of Doflamingo, with Teach’s temperament and means, it is really possible. Moreover, if it is a Ming fight, I am afraid it will be difficult for Charlotte Linlin to fall.

“Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu” it seems that you are not stupid, I tell you, at the moment Teach, and I generally the Seven Warlords of the Sea, has now been originally very soul of the soul fruits Charlotte Linlin, combined It’s a weird Dark Fruit, this person is probably strong enough to be comparable to your Four Emperors!!”

A piece of news broke out that Kaido Kaido fell silent. After a while, Kaido was relieved and looked at Doflamingo, “In that case, I agree to this cooperation.”

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