The three of Rockstar and Lu Niu gathered together, and even the pirates on the boat wanted to surround them. Bai Ze immediately stopped them, "You all retreat, I will come by myself!!!"

  "Little friend Bai Ze, did you just... the devil fruit is true." Whitebeard knows more about devil fruit than the average person. Combined with the previous situation, he immediately got one that was enough to pierce s answer.

  "Yes, now is not the time to hesitate, you should withdraw first."

  Bai Ze gave White Beard a positive look, but the gleam in White Beard's eyes flashed, and he no longer hesitated and waved his hand, "Listen to little friend Bai Ze, everyone retreats, don't hinder little friend Bai Ze from making a big difference. trick!!"



  "How can we withdraw, cadre Bai Ze is very kind to us!!"

  "I said retreat!!!" Whitebeard couldn't tell for a while, so he could only forcefully issue a retreat order, but the effect was very good. Although Marco and others had some doubts, they still retreated according to the order.

  "Captain, you..."

  Rockstar looked at Bai Ze with a deep meaning, grabbed Lu Niu and Fujitora, and whispered, "The captain will be fine, the navy will suffer a big loss this time, let's withdraw first and make room for the captain!"

  "That's... well."

  Fujitora Green Bull froze for a moment, then nodded and left the place. As for the other pirates in the red-haired pirate group, of course, they saw the captain's operation just now, their eyes glowed, and they evacuated away excitedly, turning from time to time. The head looked at their captain fiery, and the scene of Guingamp kicking back Blackbeard Titch with a punch came to mind.

  Has the ability of the captain to shake the fruit has been used to such a terrifying situation? With a punch, Titch and other more than ten people are thrown away. This is probably something that only Whitebeard can do. Hehe, I can't wait to see the captain appear. Weird picture.

  When everyone sees the ability of the captain to use the shaking fruit, I don't know... how will they react, hehehe~~

Chapter 41 The full-level overlord is domineering and domineering, turning over the Buddha's Warring States


  With Whitebeard's order, although many pirates are unwilling, they will not go against Whitebeard's wishes.

  For a time, many pirates who were in a fierce battle seemed to have heard the king's order and quickly retreated. The prestige that was forbidden was more decisive than the navy, and they did not mix their emotions at all.

  It can be seen that the prestige of Whitebeard among pirates is so prosperous!

  In the tens of millions of battlefields, many pirates came out one after another, turned around and ran towards the bay outside Marine Fando, evacuating Marine Fando at the fastest speed.

  Because this is Whitebeard's order, they must do it in the shortest time possible!

  Because of this, the many navies who were fighting against the pirates were all stunned, because all the opponents in front of them disappeared and quickly evacuated. The second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Sabo, who had just obtained the rockberry fruit, took a deep look at the white Ze, and immediately ordered the More than a dozen revolutionary army cadres also evacuated.

  No matter the pirates, the revolutionary army, or the many prisoners of the advancing city, they all ran away from the navy headquarters at an extremely fast speed and participated in today's top battle. They can boast at least a year, or even longer.


  As for why this is so, the reason is very simple, they have experienced a scene today that they will be unforgettable in their entire lives!

  The navy, Wang Xia Qiwuhai, the four emperors with white beards, the elite cadres of the other three four emperors, and even the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army came to the top of the chess game. Although such a monstrous battle, although I don’t know if it will be the last, it is definitely unprecedented! !

  And these are not the most important.

  The most important thing is that Akainu, the general of the Navy's headquarters, was killed by the fourteenth cadre of the Red Hair Pirates!

  If this incident spreads, the majesty of the navy will definitely be wiped out. I am afraid that for a long time in the future, the word navy will become a joke around the world.

  Malin Fando at his own door was killed by pirates. What kind of insult is this? If these pirates escape him again, their navy will be embarrassed.

  "Everyone, give it to me!"

  "Be sure not to let Bai Ze and Whitebeard leave Malin Fando! At all costs!!!"

  The Buddha's Warring States' eyes were rounded, and he immediately launched a golden Buddha statue that had regained its combat power. With one jump, he took the lead in killing Whitebeard. The matter had evolved to such a point, he would never allow those two. This guy left Marin Vando, even if... he would die at all costs! !

  Huang Yuanqing pheasant frowned slightly, looking at Bai Ze, who was on the opposite side of the bay, and his eyes were cold. If these pirates escaped here, they would also become a ridiculous joke as admirals of the navy.


  Seeing Warring States and the two generals take action, the remaining more than [-] naval elites screamed and slaughtered towards the navy. As for Doflamingo and the Hawkeye Kings, Qiwuhai was calm. Looking at the field, he looked like he was watching a play, and he had no intention of taking action at all.

  After all, they have a mutually beneficial relationship with the navy, and they know very well that although the navy has given them the title of King Xia Wuhai, they actually hate them more than ordinary pirates, as long as they get the chance , they will be destroyed immediately.

  It can be said that the relationship between these kings, Qiwuhai and the navy is both a friend and an enemy at the same time!

  Since then, they will naturally not be stupid enough to help the enemy deal with the enemy.

  Wouldn't it be better to watch from the wall, snipe and clam competing for the fisherman's profit! !

  However, among the many kings under the Seven Martial Seas, only the female emperor Boya Hancook looked strange, and looked at Bai Ze, who was a husband in charge, with some worry.

  It's not because Bai Ze's domineering arrogance captured her, but...because she learned from Kerla, the murloc revolutionary army who also had Tianlong slaves before, that this man named Bai Ze has a kind of ability that can destroy their Tianlong. A potion to remove human branding.

  And this is the most tempting thing for Empress Boya Hancook, which has always been her heart disease.

  Not just for her, but also for her two younger sisters, Sonia and Mary, who also bear the same slave mark as herself.

  When Wang Xia Qiwuhai was pregnant with ghosts, the Warring States Period, who was the leader of the Golden Light Buddha, already had a huge golden palm, descending from the sky towards Bai Ze, and slapped it on the head.

  The golden giant fist, which contains the domineering domineering color of the king, is even more blessed by the color of the armed force.

  Even an admiral of the navy would not dare to take his edge lightly in the face of this move! !

  And at this moment, the Warring States of the Buddha no longer holds back, and he dares not hold back any longer! ! !

  "Is it domineering and domineering, I have it too~"

  Bai Ze murmured, looking at the giant palm that covered the sky falling from the sky, the corners of his mouth curled up, the full-level overlord appeared domineering, and the soles of his feet directly slammed towards the Buddha's Warring States who came in the lead.

  "The Sixth Form of the Navy's Ultimate Profound Truth [Six Kings Spears]!!!"

  The completely disproportionate golden palm and Bai Ze, who pushed the domineering arrogance to the extreme, slammed together fiercely.

  The next moment!

  The dark red overlord was domineering, bursting open, and the endless destructive power raged on the spot, and some nearby navies and pirates were directly thrown away, and it is roughly estimated that there were thousands of people.

  After one blow, the golden body of the Great Buddha of Dingtian turned into a golden cannonball in the eyes of more than [-] horrified eyes, and shot towards the city wall of Marin Fando! !

  With a loud roar, the Warring States of Buddha was directly under the hard steel of Bai Ze and flew out! !

  It was Kizaru and Aokiji who had rushed forward and stopped the offensive abruptly, with very rich expressions, staring at Bai Ze, the young and outrageous boy, who was in charge of one husband in disbelief.

  "Overlord... Overlord is domineering!!"

  The two of them murmured and stared at Bai Ze with a complicated expression. This guy actually had the domineering look of an overlord, and he directly took over the attack of the Warring States Period.

  Kizaru Aokiji was stunned, Kapoor and others were confused, Wang Xia Qiwuhai was also confused, Whitebeard Ace Luffy, etc., even Fujitora and Green Bull.

  They were all stunned by the domineering and domineering fight on the field.

  Looking at the domineering tyrannical power of the destructive power that breaks the sky, the Rock Stars and a group of people who know Bai Ze's domineering look are also dumbfounded. How can this happen?

  The captain's tyrannical domineering is so... tyrannical to such an extent that just relying on this kind of coercion can be said to be close to their boss Shanks! ! !

  Especially those navy and pirates who were overturned, climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, looked at Bai Ze who was still alone in the field, and their eyelids were jumping wildly.

  "This is... tyrants, tyrants, tyrants, tyrants!!!!"

  "How is it possible, it turns out to be the domineering domineering of the true Sengoku-sama, and... it is still the top existence!!"

  "This guy is domineering? In addition to the red-haired Shanks, the red-haired pirates have another existence who has awakened the domineering, and the level of use is already so high!!!"

  Ace's eyes flickered, this man is too strong, and his domineering arrogance is too weak compared to him! !

  Luffy's eyes flashed and he was full of enthusiasm. As for Sabo, who got rock berries, his expression changed when he looked at the disfigured field that was destroyed, "Does the overlord look domineering, Mr. Bai Ze really has it, what a terrifying battle. Power, even the Warring States were sent flying with one punch."

Chapter 42 The legend turns out to be true

  Overlord is domineering!

  Coercive quadrupole.

  Bai Ze this one-handedly smashed the Warring States out of the sky. Seeing this, more than [-] navy elites were stunned for a moment. After recovering, they attacked and killed again.

  Various devil fruit abilities emerge in an endless stream, to say nothing of thousands of navy devil fruit abilities, instantly engulfed Bai Ze like locusts.

  That is at this moment.

  The corner of Bai Ze's mouth curved into an arc, and the previous right fist turned into a palm, and pushed it forward suddenly. The next moment, like the previous scene of dealing with Tiki, it appeared very similar to thousands of navy fruit capable people on the opposite side.

  bang bang bang~

  bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang ~~~



  One hundred! !

  The thousands of navy devil fruit users who rushed forward suddenly seemed to be bombarded by an invisible high barrier, and the next moment was extremely similar to the scene where Tiki attacked Whitebeard before.

  It's just that there were more than ten people in Tic before, but now there are more than thousands of people in the field!

  Shocking fruit? !

  This word popped into everyone's mind for the first time!

  Apart from the ability of Whitebeard's Shake Fruit, they really can't think of anyone else who has this ability, Shake Fruit·Empty Shake! !

  Can't go wrong! !

  "Sure enough~" Whitebeard was the first to react, his eyes staring at Bai Ze, the young man who had been so kind to their Pirates several times.

  There are really more than one devil fruit of the same kind. Decades ago, Roger, the pirate king, told himself that he didn’t believe it at that time, and boasted that if this matter was true, he was really looking forward to another shock. Who will be the owner of the fruit.

  And today, this person actually appeared! !

  "Zhenzhenguo, this is... Dad is wrong, is it Bai Ze?!!"

  "How could it be possible that my father's air-shock ability was... used by Bai Ze???"

  "Hey, damn it, I'm not dreaming, it turns out... the legend turns out to be true!!"

  "Bai Ze has the same shaking fruit as his father, I'm a jerk, it's a big deal, and it's a big deal now~~~"

  "With such power, it is definitely on par with my father, such a terrifying shock ability~!!!"

  One by one, the pirates around Whitebeard stared dumbfoundedly at the arena. Bai Ze's words just now appeared in their minds, and now they all understood.

  No wonder!

  No wonder, no wonder Bai Ze asked them all to evacuate. It turns out that this guy has the same shocking fruit as his father, which is incredible! !

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