Instantly avoiding Spandam's attack, he punched directly on his abdomen with a dull sound. In the next instant, Spandam appeared hundreds of meters away, mercilessly embedded in the ice. within.

  "How can it be!!!"

  Spandam, who was embedded in the ice, looked at Rob Lucci on the opposite side in horror. Although this kind of Six Kings Spear: It is incomparable with Bai Ze and Taotu, but it crushes their existence.

  Many of Rob Lucci's subordinates are also stunned at the moment. Six Kings Spear: It's actually six kings again!!!! Feilu reminds you: the three things of reading are collected and pushed.

Chapter 75 The battlefield is anxious, two disasters and two stars besieged

  Reproduction of the Six Kings Spear:!! Rob Lucci's first-hand Six Kings Spear:, immediately attracted the shock of all parties.

  First, Bai Ze, who was at the top of the war, and then the newly promoted General Taotu. Now the core member of the company, Rob Luqi, who is responsible for protecting the Tianlong people, has also awakened the ultimate meaning of the Navy's sixth-style [Six Kings Spear:], and this world is completely chaotic .

  That is the ultimate meaning of the sixth form of the navy, the legendary existence, and now there are three 3.

  The Empress Hancock and Jinping were also very surprised. They also did not expect that this person who was announced to be the fifth division of their Yanhuang and Black Thieves would even know the ultimate meaning of the Navy's Sixth Form [Six King Spears:].

  At this time, Rob Luqi's eyes were also shining brightly, and he shook the fist in his handshake, feeling the boundless surging power contained in it. Although he was just awakened and not very proficient, dealing with people like Spandam would definitely be an instant kill.

  "Is this the ultimate meaning of the six types of Navy [Six King Spears:] mastered by the captain?"

  Rob Lucci, who was mumbling to himself, thanks Bai Ze for his guidance. Otherwise, he would have to wait until he broke through the last layer of bottlenecks, and he might not even be able to awaken the sixth form of the Navy in his life. Recruit the ultimate mystery.

  "It's really an interesting pattern of flaming yellow and black thieves. A team captain of the fifth division can awaken the ultimate meaning of the Navy's sixth-style [Six King Spear:], but unfortunately it will fall here today."

  Just as Rob Luch was rejoicing and the parties were fighting, a playful voice pierced the air from the sea not far away and spread.

  The person who came was none other than Kaido's other two disasters, Fire Calamity Ash and Plague Calamity Quinn, and it was Calamity Calamity Quinn who spoke out.

  "Killing the Awakened of the Navy's Six Ultimate Profound Truth [Six Kings Spear:] sounds good."

  "[Tyrannosaurus Fist]!!"

  Plague Quinn, who has the dragon dragon fruit Brachiosaurus form, without any fancy moves, punched Rob Luqi, who had just awakened to the Six Kings Spear:, trying to kill this potential threat in Germination. state.

  Say it slowly, say it fast.

  In the blink of an eye, Plague Quinn's attack had already come to the sky above Rob Lucci's head.

  "[[-] Tile Zhengquan]!!"

  Facing the attack of Plague Quinn, a fist the size of a casserole slammed into it with a fist capable of splitting [-] tiles.

  Ten thousand Wa Zhengquan, it is obvious that Jinping has also made great progress after joining the Yanhuang Pirates. If it is placed before, Jinping is definitely not the beast Kaido in front of him. The reward value is as high as: 13 billion plague Quinn opponent.

  After one blow, the ice surface cracked, and countless vigor, the surrounding navy elites were all thrown out, and the cracks spread.


  "The king went down to the Seven Martial Seas, no, it was the former king who went down to the Seven Martial Seas. I didn't expect your strength to grow so fast."

  Before that, Plague Quinn wouldn't take Jinbei's Qiwuhai under the king's eyes at all, after all, the difference in strength between the two is not a star and a half.

  But now Jinping's strength has made him pay more attention.

  "Yes, then take the old man's blow!"

  "[[-] Shark Wa Zhengquan]!!!"

  The arrival of Epidemic Quinn and others, Jinping didn't know how, and now he strikes again, directly increasing the combat power again, the rapid fist, even the air is blasted, and the punch is slammed towards Epidemic Quinn.

  "Crazy boy!!!"

  Epidemic Quinn's eyes flashed coldly, and even when he fought with Jinhe, an ice surface cracked and the navy flew over again.

  On the other side, the Star of Locke and the Empress Boyahan Cook fought on their own. In the end, only Katakuri and Yan Calamity did not take action. Of course, they also hid in the dark, like poisonous snakes at any time. The Blackbeard Pirates who may attack.

  "The Yanhuang Pirates, Bai Ze, really underestimated you."

  Katakuri let the rest of the cadres swept through the formation and looked at the white man in front of him with deep meaning.

  Ze, the guy who... killed his sister, Smoothie.

  The reason why he didn't let other cadres take action was because this Bai Ze's strength made him very jealous, and rashly taking action was likely to increase casualties.

  "Katakuri, how to avoid long nights and dreams, how about taking action together."

  Beast Kaido's first confidant, Fire Cinder, said to the dessert three general star Katakuri.

  "So good!"

  Yan Zhanjin's intention is similar to his, and the two join forces, this kid will definitely die.

  "[Waxy Thorn]!!"

  "[Evil Dragon Claws]!!!"

  The air was boiling with two congratulations. Katakuri and Yan Calamity came up with a big killing move. What they had to do was to kill this kid named Bai Ze in the shortest time. As for the others, It's all little things.

  Of course they know the principle of capturing the thief first and capturing the king! As long as Bai Ze is dead, the others will be defeated.

  The trident, which is full of extremely armed colors, is spinning at a high speed, carrying an unparalleled offensive and heading towards Bai Ze. On the other side, Yan Calamity's demonic claw is even more powerful.

  It can be said that the existence of the general level should be treated seriously, but now there are these two people forcibly in front of them.

  In the face of the joint attack of the two, even if any admiral of the navy had to avoid his edge, the power of the thunderbolt of Bai Ze on the opposite side soared.

  "[Thunder Palm]!!"

  In an instant, with Bai Ze's protruding right palm as the center, a huge thunder palm with a length of more than ten meters suddenly slammed towards the combined attack of the two.

  The three attacks collided in an instant.

  Thunder rumbled across the sky, and Katakuri and Yan Calamity snorted lightly, and the strength in their hands was even stronger.


  The endless thunder was reckless, and a naval battleship not far from the three of them was instantly shattered, and at least dozens of naval elites were electrocuted to death by the thunder.

  After one blow, the ice surface between the three of them instantly cracked several feet of water, and many seawater gurgled out from it.

  The thunder in the sky dissipated, the three of them stood in the air, Bai Ze stepped back five feet, and the opposite Katakuri and Yan Calamity retreated back more than ten feet.

  Looking at the retreating distance between the two sides, Katakuri and Yan Zhanjin looked solemn, and their eyes changed when they looked at Bai Ze again. Absolutely superior.

  Plague Quinn and Dessert's three generals, Star Cricket, saw this, and the two looked at each other.

  "All cadres take action and stop these people!"

  "Yes! Boss Quinn!"

  "Yes! Lord Cracker!!"

  Immediately, the many officials of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling who were watching from the sidelines joined the battle together. As for the plague Quinn and the dessert three generals, they stepped out without the slightest hesitation.

  "[Overlord God Fist]!!"

  "【Armed Color Slash】!!!"

  Two consecutive attacks attacked Bai Ze with extreme ferocity, and Katakuri and Fire Calamity on the other side, very tacitly, turned into two meteors and attacked Bai Ze again.

  "[Silently groaning]!!"

  Katakuri's ultimate move came out again, and the dark red overlord color was full of domineering firepower. He immediately wrapped his arms in the color of arms and attacked Bai Ze in multiple directions.

  This is not only just as soon as Katakuri's domineering arrogance is revealed, the flaming embers on the other side of the same dark red domineering arrogance burst open, instantly soaring to the highest, and slammed away with a punch.

  "[Evil Dragon Stab]!!!"

  The two tyrannical arrogances converged in one place, and instantly pressed towards Bai Ze on the opposite side. There were four attacks in the middle of the attack. Such a blow definitely exceeded the general level by a large margin, even if the existence of the general level was affected by this. One hit, not dead but also seriously injured.

Chapter 76 Upgraded version of the six kings thunder gun, black beard shot

  The four extremes attacked in an instant.

  Everywhere on the battlefield, there was a stagnation for a moment, and all attention was attracted by the four peaks of the field.

  "The ultimate mystery of the sixth type of the Navy [Six Kings Thunder Spear:]!!"

  Without the slightest hesitation, Bai Ze's endless thunder poured into his right fist in an instant. Even if the upgraded version of the [Six Kings Spear:] was released, only any fancy moves would smash it with one punch! At this moment, Bai Ze, Bathed in thunder, as if incarnated into a thunder god of war.

  Boom boom boom four peak strikes, instantly collided with the thunder, and suddenly four dull sounds like an earthquake, one after another ups and downs in the ears.

  Thousands of feet of waves, soaring into the sky! Several warships were torn to pieces by the raging air current, and drifted among the thousands of feet of waves, as if a tsunami had occurred in the field.


  "Such an attack, so strong, what's the result, that guy named Bai Ze is finally dead!"

  "Yes, that guy must be smashed into scum, look, what is that!!"

  When everyone was shocked, they saw five figures, shooting backwards and flying, one retreated a huge ten feet, while the other four also retreated ten feet!! At this moment, Yan Lichen and Katakuri are four. 4. The eyebrows are full of unbelievable things. Didn't this guy say that there is only a white beard's shock fruit, but how can such a powerful thunder force happen now! Damn, does this person have more than one devil fruit? !!!"good chance!"

  "Hahahaha, let's go to hell, boy Bai Ze, the fifth emperor of the new world can only belong to our Captain Blackbeard!!!!"

  In the next instant, a huge figure appeared behind Bai Ze, a huge fist like a sailboat was wrapped in an extremely rich and domineering armament, and a punch that ripped through the air slammed into Bai Ze's head ruthlessly.

  San Juan Evil Wolf! Now one of the subordinates of the Blackbeard Pirates, and also the big pirate that Bai Ze rescued from the Infinite Hell on the sixth floor of the advance city, but at this moment, he took the opportunity to attack and openly attacked Bai Ze!" San Juan Evil Wolf, that's the Blackbeard Pirates!"

  "Hey, even the Blackbeard Pirates have appeared, and their target is Bai Ze... the big pirates!!"

  "I can't believe that Bai Ze has attracted so many people's attention, but fortunately, if it is only our navy, this time to a great extent, we will wipe out the entire army!"

  "Hey, that kid is completely over now. He just fought against the Flame Calamity Kuli and the others, and he must not be able to: recover, he is dead!!"

  The tens of thousands of navies around are in high spirits. Bai Ze, a big pirate, died, is he finally going to die?

  "[Gravity Suppression]!! Just when the giant fist the size of San Juan's Evil Wolf's sailboat was still ten feet away from Bai Ze, a pressure like Mount Tai suddenly emerged from the shoulder of the Evil Wolf, and the next moment, the San Juan Evil Wolf , without the slightest sluggishness, and slammed onto the ground in an instant! Not only that, even the body of the San Juan Evil Wolf was mostly pressed under the ice layer of the Green Pheasant Ice Age, and several nearby naval elites were instantly Seven orifices bleed to death, you can see how strong the gravity around Bai Ze is!!

  Everyone! Especially Kizaru, who had a smile with Fujitora, looked in the direction of Bai Ze with wild eyelids, "That's the Gravity Fruit, the same Gravity Fruit as this navy traitor, how could it be possible!!! "

  Kisaragi was dumbfounded, and Aokiji Peach Rabbit also twitched at the corners of his mouth. Everyone present was trembling! Gravity fruit, like that... Fujitora's smile, how could it be possible! That... Bai Ze's body is not actually two kinds of fruit abilities, but Three kinds!!! The shocking fruit before, the thunder ability just now, and the gravity fruit that is the same as Fujitora's smile now, the three tyrannical devil fruit abilities, will appear on one person at the same time.

  Incredible! It's incredible!! Having three kinds of Devil Fruits in one person is definitely a shock to everyone, not to mention three 3 Devil Fruits, just two, I'm afraid they will all explode due to the conflict of attributes Died, unless the user has a 1 Devil Fruit that neutralizes the other.

  "If I can save you, I can send you to hell."

  Seeing the horrified appearance of the wolf, Bai Ze's eyes flashed with a cold light, and the thunder in his hand flickered.

  "Do not!!!!"

  As the wolf's eyes widened, a thunderbolt of light instantly hit his head, and the ruthless destructive power instantly destroyed the wolf's brain tissue.

  With a bang.

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