Seeing the excitement that was concealed by Taotu, Bai Ze continued, "And now you are too weak, regardless of your strength or your prestige in the army."

  If this sentence is heard by outsiders, it will definitely be shocked.

  The weak and newly promoted General Taotu, the general Taotu who is stronger than Akainu was actually said by Bai Ze to be too weak!! Fire Calamity, all of them, that's because I want to build momentum for you, and this is also the first step for you to gain prestige in the army quickly."

  Bai Ze said in a succinct manner, thinking of a plan that looked like a lunatic to others.

  A great plan to create the legend of naval heroes by hand, and all this is a necessary part of changing the world in the future.

  "Don't you think"

  Taotu is not a fool, at this time she knew why this guy killed everyone on this small island, of course, all the residents of the island and all the navy died before that.

  During this time, Bai Ze and Taotu were the only ones who knew that Yan Zhanjin was killed. As for the aftermath, Bai Ze believed that Taotu would do well.

  "Remember, I've never been here, and all the people like Yan Lijin were killed by the newly promoted Peach Rabbit Admiral of your navy."

  Hearing Bai Ze's words, Taotu's eyes flickered. To be honest, she really didn't have the strength to destroy everyone including Yan Jie, otherwise the navy would not be able to.

  "As for your strength, I will give you special training these days. Here is a Devil Fruit that is very suitable for you."

  "As for the level that can be developed, it depends on your own efforts in the future."

  Bai Ze threw out a 1 devil fruit like a 1 insignificant object, which was also the fruit that Bai Ze burst out after the Fishman Island battle.

  "Devil Fruit"

  Of course Taotu knows about this kind of fruit. As for why it is not used,

  That's because she didn't want it at all, or didn't come across the Devil Fruit that made her tempted, but today Bai Ze actually gave him a Devil Fruit. It seems that this guy has not been paying attention to him for a day or two.

  She swallowed the devil fruit and felt the changes in her body! However, her beautiful eyes soon filled with incredible color, "This is a multiplication fruit, a devil fruit that can empower combat power."

  Feeling the soaring [-]% of the combat power in his body, Taotu couldn't believe that there was such a devil fruit in this world, and the root: the memory devil fruit obtained was not afraid of sea water and sea floor stones.

  "There are such amazing and powerful fruits in this world!!"

  I have to say, with Taotu's knowledge, I was shocked at the moment. If this fruit were known to the outside world, the Four Emperors would be crazy.

  Moreover, the most important point, she just took the multiplication fruit to make his combat power soar by [-]%. If this is deeply developed, then the blessing of combat power will definitely destroy the world in the future!! Things that increase strength rapidly now She has it, and the corpses of Yan Zhanjin and others in the rally square are in full view, Taotu clenched her hands tightly, and nodded solemnly, "Okay!"

  "Since Captain Bai Ze is so arrogant, then I am not a woman!"

  "In the future, as long as there are people who oppose the Tianlong people and use it to my peach rabbit, I will definitely support it!!"

  Taotu took a deep breath, and she also had the multiplication fruit she just got, which made her more confident to fight with the Tianlong people! She followed Vice Admiral Crane's original intention to join the Navy! "Hmm."

  "This is only the first step of the plan. After you finish dealing with the matter here, go to the Amazon Lily Kingdom, which is the kingdom of the female emperor Boya Hancook, the captain of the first team of my Yanhuang Pirates. I got the news, Charlotte. Lingling's subordinates are the only ones left, and the three dessert generals, Katakuri, are going to attack the Nine Snake Pirates."

  "And there, it's my second plan to pave the way for you, and there will be help for you when you get there!"

  After Bai Ze finished speaking, he glanced at General Peach Rabbit who was part of his plan, "Okay, I'll leave the rest to you, I'll go first."

  "Remember, I've never been here!!"

  Bai Ze's body turned into a thunderbolt, and in the next instant, he appeared more than a hundred meters away, and then disappeared on the square, heading into the distance.

  Above the square, between heaven and earth.

  In an instant, it fell into silence! There was no sound at all!! Taotu stared blankly at Yan Zhanjin's corpse, every word and sentence that Bai Ze said to her just now appeared in his mind.

  One second! Five seconds! Ten seconds 1!!! It lasted for more than a minute, and the peach rabbit, who felt the power of Peng Bai in his body, came with a gust of cold wind. Come back to your senses.

  Looking at Yan Xianjin's corpse again, his eyes were full of certainty, and he looked across the sea to the holy land of Mary Joa in the distance, and muttered to himself, "One day, I will give the world to no one else. The title of Tianlongren."

  "Yanhuang Pirates, Bai Ze?"

  "If this person and myself can really eliminate the Tianlong people in the future, it's not a bad idea to cooperate in private!!"

  After a while, Taotu withdrew his gaze, and finally landed on the corpses of Yan Zhanjin and the others, took out the phone bug, and 'reported' the matter here to the Admiral Fozhi Sengoku.

Chapter 87 Soaring Prestige

  Navy Headquarters, Buddha Warring States Office.

  The voice of a phone bug came from the side of Bilibili. Warring States, who was working at a desk and dealing with many affairs of the Navy Headquarters, picked up the phone and listened.


  "General Peach Rabbit what is it!!"

  "Fire Calamity and many cadres under Kaido of the beasts, all of the six sons of Lingkong were killed by you!"

  "Okay, you give me the location, and I'll send someone there right away!!!"

  After hanging up the phone, Sengoku didn't hesitate at all, even when someone called the leaders such as Aokiji Kiaburu and Lieutenant General Crane.

  After a while, the Sengoku office was crowded with more than a dozen high-ranking naval officers, each of them with top-notch strength.

  "Warring States, what's the matter with such a big fight!"

  Admiral Crane came to the Warring States Office, and said with a gloomy expression, at the same time summoning all the top navy's top combat power, except for the war on the top, that is, the battle on Fishman Island has never been like this before.

  Looking at the office full of more than ten top elites of the Navy headquarters, the Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin whose arm was cut off by Bai Ze was also among them. Although that guy was in a semi-crippled state, he was not ordinary at all. The lieutenant generals are comparable.

  "General Peach Rabbit heard news that Yan Calamity and Lingkong Liuzi had been killed by her on this island."

  While speaking, Sengoku pointed his finger at the island where Taotu was now.


  "Yan Jiajin and Lingkong Liuzi were killed by General Taotu, how could it be possible!!!"

  Everyone in the office looked towards the Warring States period, their eyes filled with disbelief, and even Lieutenant General Crane, who knew Taotu very well, flashed strong surprise in his eyes.

  Although she knew that Taotu's strength was very strong, even a little stronger than Aokiji Kiabou, but it was not at the level of killing Yan Calamity, and even Lingkong Liuzi was killed by Taotu.


  The face of the Warring States period flushed with excitement. Their navy has been negative news for a long time, and now Taotu's move is undoubtedly an excellent event to boost morale. They must report to the whole army, no, the world.

  "I was also very surprised when I heard the news, but I have good news for you."

  "The reason why General Peach Rabbit was able to kill Yan Lijin and the others was because she got a devil fruit that was very suitable for her. The specifics are still unclear, but at this time General Peach Rabbit's strength has increased by at least [-]%! !"

  The information from the Warring States General Taotu was like a lot of family treasures, but listening to Vice Admiral He and many high-level officials of the Navy Headquarters, it was like thunder rolling, and his mind roared, blank.

  [-]% of what they heard! That's [-]% of the Peach Rabbit General. The previous one was on a par with the Green Bull, and now the Biao has increased by [-]%. During this time, his strength may have exceeded the general level.

  And this is also their excitement and surprise beyond the general level of combat power, and their navy has added an incredible monster!! "So, now I order this time Aokiji Kiabaya, you immediately take everyone to where the peach rabbit is. In addition, the news that Taotu killed Yan Jiajin and the six sons of the sky spread out, this kind of victory is too important for our navy!"

  "But what if Kaido, the beast, goes crazy and asks the teacher for guilt?"

  A core lieutenant general in the office frowned and asked worriedly.


  "Beast Kaido"

  "Now that the three disasters and the six sons of the sky are gone, just relying on his cadres, he can't make any waves. If the beast Kaido really dares to appear, I don't mind pouring out all the combat power of the navy headquarters, and it will be wiped out!!"

  Now the good news from General Taotu, the Warring States period is bound to be obtained, even the beast Kaido can't stop it! An hour later.

  The island where Taotu is located is now surrounded by dozens of naval warships, and the entire island is surrounded by water. At this moment, on this island, there is most of the top combat power of their navy headquarters.

  Aokiji and Kizaru also came to the scene, ,! At this moment, more than ten top combat powers stared at the corpse of Yan Lichen on the square in the field, as well as the six sons of the sky and many beasts under Kaido's banner. Cadres, the ones with the least reward are hundreds of millions, and the amount of the reward in the field adds up, I don't know how high it will be.

  "Flame Calamity, it's really him!"

  "I didn't expect General Taotu's strength to increase so much!"

  "Yeah, it's unbelievable, it's incredible!!"

  "Flame Calamity, Kaido's strongest fighting force, was killed by General Taotu just like that."

  "I heard General Taotu say that the flame disaster was originally set up to ambush her again, but I never thought that her strength was already incomparable, and that's what happened now!"

  "You guys say, if General Taotu and Kaido fight, who will win?"

  "This, I'm afraid no one knows, only they know it after playing."

  The tens of thousands of navy elites who came around looked at Taotu with admiration, fiery and excitement.

  Admiral Peach Rabbit! This is their current navy God of War, Admiral Peach Rabbit!! The goddess of war! It's so powerful, killing the first of the three great disasters of the beasts Kaido, Yan Calamity, this operation alone will definitely let all the seas The thieves admired their navy.


  "God of War! God of War!!!"

  Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice rang out from the tens of thousands of navies, and then spread to pierce the air and lingered over the entire square, immediately attracting tens of thousands of navy to shout in unison.

  Peach Rabbit's prestige suddenly soared like a pillar to the sky, and hearing the green pheasant and the kiwi looked at each other, it was all bitter.

  They never imagined that Taotu, who had been a general for so long than the two of them, had indeed left them behind in strength now.

  Although the three of them are all generals, but with Taotu killing Yan Jiajin, it can be shown that Taotu's combat power level is definitely higher than theirs.

  The rise of prestige made Taotu's face involuntarily become: a red, a flash, she was able to deceive everyone present, even Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane were deceived, but she couldn't deceive herself.

  What did she kill? Although her strength has skyrocketed by [-]% now, Yan Lijin's reputation is not... a vegetarian, even if she is now, under the kind of... situation at that time, can he kill Yan Lijin? It is unknown, not to mention that there is not only Yan Jiajin here, all the pirates have died, and there is no one alive.

  This is completely different from General Taotu's style. It's strange, when did their General Taotu become so cruel, but how could they know that such a drama of Li Dai Taozhuang was all from Bai Ze's hands.

Chapter 88 Just a Katakuri

  On an unknown island.

  Tens of thousands of naval elites in the entire square fell into a dead silence! There was not even a single sound.

  Shocked! Yes, they were too shocked!! Originally, they thought they came here with many core high-level officers of the Navy headquarters to fight a war, but who would have thought that they did not see an enemy, but instead saw the scene in the field.

  They were really shocked, and in addition to the shock, they were most excited and proud.

  That's right.

  I'm so excited! Blazing Ashes, that's how they were killed by their newly promoted General Taotu. The morale is at an all-time high at this time!! The name of the God of War definitely deserves it! With their hero Garp, and now they have a new generation of naval guardian heroes born Death is really insignificant.

  Immediately, Aokiji Kiaboshi ordered people to transport all the corpses, including Yan Jiajin and Lingkong Liuzi, back to the Navy Headquarters, in order to maximize the momentum of morale.

  Just kidding, this is what their Admiral said before he came here, and the three orders and five orders have emphasized many times.

The prestige that the army has lost before will be regained and even surpassed.

  Big fanfare! This time, they will definitely make a big fanfare to let the whole new world, all the pirates, bounty hunters, Wangxia Qiwuhai, the revolutionary army, various forces, etc. know about this.

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