"This guy knows the Navy Type Six!!"

  Sanji and Zoro immediately stepped forward and stared at the person opposite the Yanhuang Pirates who appeared in front of the door of the Yanhuang Pirates, the captain of the fourth division of the Yanhuang Pirates.

  He is also the one who guards the headquarters this time! "It's that... Captain Shirasawa's subordinate who dragged Aokiji on the top!!"

  “Wow hahaha, great opportunity!!!”

  "I want to see how strong the captain like Ace is!!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, before Nami and the others could react, Luffy had already punched him with a rubber fist.

  "Armed Color 【Rubber Pistol】!!"

  An extremely fast fist instantly appeared in front of Star of Locke, and immediately slammed it.

  "[Iron Block]!!"

  The incomparably skilled navy [-]-style used by the star of Locke easily blocked Luffy's blow, "Since the shot is taken, then the captain of the spaceship will also take me a blow."

  "[Squeeze Moisture]!!"

  Luffy, who was still alive and kicking at the last moment, immediately turned into a sluggish expression, but immediately used gear 2 and [-] decisively, falling into excitement and getting rid of the limitation of Locke Star.

  “[Rubber Rocket]!!!”

  Immediately, Luffy, who was out of the sluggish state, immediately started to fight back, but he was instantly avoided by the shaving of Locke Star, and in the original position of Locke Star, there was a huge deep pit.

  Sanji Zoro looked at each other and looked at the very skilled Locke Star that was used by Vice Admiral Navy Sixth Form Shave. This kind of method is something that few people in the Navy can do.

  "【Rubber bullet!!"

  The first blow failed, and Luffy struck again, but he was still easily dodged by Rockstar, "Is this the proud younger brother of the captain of the 2nd Division of Ace [-], and his strength is the same thing."

  "Oh, the third gear!"

  Stimulated by the Rock Star, Luffy immediately bit his thumb and blew air into the bone gap, "[Rubber Giant Pistol]!!!"

  Immediately, Luffy's right hand instantly became huge, and with the blessing of the armed color, he slammed towards the star of Locke on the opposite side.

  And the battle here, the more people from the surrounding Fishman Island came to watch, they wanted to see who dared to run wild in front of the Yanhuang Pirates.

  "Uh, this is Luffy from the Straw Hat Pirates"

  "He's the younger brother of Ace, the leader of the 2nd Division of the Yanhuang Pirates, Luffy!!"

  "Is this what they shouldn't be friends, how are they discussing?"

  "No matter how I look at it, it feels like it's coming true!"

  "Master Bai Ze's fourth division captain, Lord Rockstar, didn't expect Lord Rockstar to be so powerful!!"

  "Yeah, the opposite is Luffy, the grandson of the hero Garp."

  The people of the surrounding fishman islands stared at the field with wide-eyed eyes. Although Luffy's reputation was not as loud as Bai Ze's, it was also extremely good, and the bounty was as high as several hundred million.

  "That's paper painting! It's the most difficult paper painting among the six naval styles!!!"

  In the crowd of Fishman Island, a voice sounded out of nowhere, and everyone who heard this voice all focused on the star of Locke.

  Looking at the body hesitating like a paper, showing an arc that humans can't bend at all, very skillfully dodging Luffy's giant pistol.

  "This guy"

  The corners of Sanji Zoro's mouth twitched. This man named Rockstar was much stronger than the war on the top. He even used the paper painting of the Sixth Navy style so skillfully.

  It's just that they knew that Star of Locke did this, how many times he was beaten by Bai Ze, and the process of learning paper painting. To be honest, there were many times that Star of Locke had the urge to die.

  Bang bang bang bang Luffy's various third-level tricks came out frequently. The giant battle axe, giant whip, and giant rocket launcher lasted for half an hour before the battle subsided in the field. Luffy also returned to a normal state, full of eyes. Looking at the star of Locke excitedly, "It's amazing, is Ace so amazing too!!"

Chapter 109 Green Bull vs Sanji Duo

  The Yanhuang Pirates, the square in front of the gate.

  At this moment, it has been destroyed by Luffy's various third-level tricks, and there are pedestrians in the surrounding fishman island, all of them are dumbfounded.

  "My darling, that... Rubber Man Luffy's strength is terrifying!"

  "The square has been destroyed beyond recognition."

  "Yeah, an absolutely devastating battle!!"

  "It's no wonder that this guy was able to faintly compete with General Qingzhi in the war at the top. This strength is really extraordinary!!"

  "I really didn't expect Master Bai Ze to be able to compete with Luffy as a team leader. It's amazing."

  Luffy scratched the back of his head with a smirk after hearing your words and my words, and the series of battles also made Sanji Zoro's skills tickle, and he immediately took a step forward and made a move.

  "Sanji Zoro, please advise!"


  The two made a sound at the same time, and immediately turned their heads to look at each other, filled with the color of not giving in an inch.

  The star of Locke on the opposite side frowned slightly. After all, these people are Ace's friends. If something happens, it will not be good. "Hahaha, fighting, I like it the most!"

  "You don't have to be humble, let's go together!!"

  Suddenly, a sound came from above, and the next moment, it was the dull sound of 'dong' like a thunderous explosion, piercing the air and wafting around.

  The dust settled, and everyone looked around.

  It was when he saw another man like an iron tower appearing opposite Sanji and Zoro in the field, and the many people of Fishman Island who saw this figure were shocked.

  Green Bull!! That's right, it's none other than Green Bull, the vice captain of the Yanhuang Pirates. At the beginning of the war, he was able to overthrow the existence of General Akainu, and he also killed the dessert three of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling. Will star Smoothie's ruthless man.

  The most important point is that he is a complete fighting maniac!! That's right! As long as there is a place to fight, he is indispensable.

  On that day, if Bai Ze hadn't made the first move, he would have rushed up to fight the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling! Just because he looked anxious, the green bull had been suffocated these past few days. The provocation, from Shiraizawa Fujitora's smile to the equal-minded person, everyone ignored him, not only when he came back and saw someone fighting Rockstar in front of their headquarters, he immediately jumped out.

  "Deputy Captain of the Yanhuang Pirates"

  “Green Cow!!!”

  When Sanji Zoro and the two saw the green cow, the corners of their mouths twitched involuntarily, and their eyelids jumped wildly!! The shadow of the famous tree, this guy is definitely a ruthless character, no, it is a violent maniac to be precise!! ! But since the words have come out, it's gone!! "[First Meat]!!"

  The six-style shaving of the Navy and the moon step were used one after another, and their feet were extremely ruthless and armed with a domineering look. They kicked the green cow's neck, and the attack came in an instant.

  However, "bang"

  's sound.

  A dull sound came, and Sanji, who was about to reach the extreme, was immediately hit by a punch from the green bull. There were faint sparks flying, staggered, and the green bull stepped back half a step, while the opposite Sanji was After spinning several times in the air, it stopped and fell back to the ground, with a slight pain in his right foot.

  "This guy"

  At this time, Sanji's face was unprecedentedly solemn, because the strength just now was too strong, he moved his muscles and bones, and gave Zoro a careful look at the side.

  "[Thirty-six troubles wind]!!!"


  With the slightest sluggishness and contempt, Zoro slashed out in an instant, and the 'sword sword' slash swung at a high speed instantly appeared in front of the green bull.

  It's so fast, it's almost in the blink of an eye.


  In the face of the thirty-six troubles that came from Sauron, the green bull slapped the sword wave to pieces, and his eyes fell on Sauron, who was twitching at the corner of his mouth, "The move is good, but the strength is too weak!!"

  As soon as the green cow grasped the thirty-six troubles of Shattering Zoro, everyone around him was stunned.

  ",Oh my God!"

  "Jianbo was directly shattered by Master Lu Niu, this strength!!"

  "Awesome, too powerful, Bounty Hunter Zoro's Thirty-Six Troubled Winds were broken so easily"

  "Unbelievable, unbelievable, I'm not dreaming."

  "Lord Lu Niu, who is so strong, is worthy of being the vice-captain of the Yanhuang Pirates. His strength is not comparable to that of the captain."

  Listening to the comments of the people on Fishman Island, Ace's face was full of bitterness. He was topped by the green bull. The two men of Luffy were afraid that it would be difficult to end today if they didn't suffer a little.

  As the captain of the 2nd and [-]nd Division of the Yanhuang Pirates, of course, he has fought against the Green Bull more than once, and he has nothing to say about his temper and fighting style.

  "[One Sword and Living Together Lion Song Song]!!!!"

  Leng Yu's voice came from Sauron's mouth, his hands covered his armed domineering, even on the knife he was holding, the blade flashed and passed by in an instant.

  "[Banquet table leg meat kick]!!!!"

  When Zoro sent out a sword, Sanji was not idle, he appeared behind the green bull in an instant, and attacked the green bull's feet directly.

  The cooperation between the two is tacit understanding, one after the other, very tricky.

  Facing the front and back attack, the corner of the green cow's mouth curved, and his right foot stomped on the ground. Immediately, with a bang, a substantial ripple appeared. In the next instant, Zoro's sword Ryu Iai and Sanji's leg kick were all slammed into the ground. The invisible gas field stalemate resisted.

  Immediately, he slapped Sanji with his backhand, and directly fanned him out more than ten feet away.

  "You should go all out, otherwise you will not be his opponent at all."

  As Luffy's sworn eldest brother, Ace didn't want Sanji Zoro to be too embarrassed, he just wanted the battle to end soon! Hearing Ace's voice, Sanji Zoro looked at each other with a flash of determination!" Pork Pot】!!!!!”

  "[Three hundred sixty 360 trouble wind]!!!!"

  Boom and boom, two attacks that pierced through the space came in an instant, converged at one point, and attacked the belly of the green cow. If it was an ordinary person, it would definitely explode and die.

  "[Six Type Iron Blocks]!!!"

  The place where the two of them attacked was instantly covered by the six-type navy iron blocks, and there was a loud roar. There was a thunderous vibration at the intersection of the green bull and Sanji Zoro, and the clothes of the three of them moved without the wind. The air was blowing loudly.

  The people of the surrounding fish-man islands could feel the strong wind coming from the field.

  Without waiting for Sanji Zoro to react, two fists the size of a casserole slammed directly towards the two of them from left to right.

  Fast speed, instant arrival! "Whoosh"

  When people reacted again, the bodies of Sanji and Zoro had already appeared twenty feet away, and in front of them, there were black marks that were more than ten feet away. Conspicuous.

Chapter 110 The world's martial arts are invincible, only fast can not be broken

  One minute! Five minutes! Ten minutes!! After a full quarter of an hour, the fierce battle on the field stopped, but Sanji and Zoro were already out of breath. As for the green cow, who was still in a state of excitement, the judgment was made.

  "Hahahaha, happy!"

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