After a while, the arena was empty, only Konoha, many ninjas and people, were stunned for a long time and could not react.

  Did they win?

  Another crisis has been lifted just like this!! Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. A few minutes ago, Konoha was surrounded by tens of thousands of ninja elites, but at this moment, Konoha was empty.

  1 seconds [-]! Half a minute! [-] minute!!! It lasted for more than a minute, and the Konoha ninja and the people reacted one after another.

  "Uhhhhh, are we safe?"

  "But, maybe it is. I still can't believe that until now, another crisis in our Konoha was carried by Lord Bai Ze for us."

  "Benefactor, our big benefactor of Konoha!!!, Lord Baizawa's idol, an absolute idol!"

  "God of War! Such a terrifying strength, one person has defeated the four shadows including Raikage, it's amazing, my Lord Bai Ze."

  Numerous Konoha ninjas and the public were hotly discussing, and they complained to vent their excitement and excitement.


  So excited! The joy and excitement of the rest of the life after the catastrophe filled everyone's heart instantly.

  "Is it finally over?"

  The pale-faced Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath and looked at the figure in the arena with incomparable emotion. In a trance, he seemed to have seen their Hokage generation's purpose, Senju-sama-sama. The adults are even better.

  The strength of the backhand to suppress the Four Shadows, how tyrannical this kind of strength is, Sarutobi Hizen does not know, but one thing is certain, at this moment in this world, there is probably no one who is his opponent.

  Terrible power, strange ability, coupled with the power of thunder, absolutely can be called invincible.

  Some are happy and some are sad.

  Just when the whole Konoha was boiling, on the top of a certain building in Konoha, Danzo with a pale face sullenly stared at the field with his pupils shrunk.

  Trembling all over.

  Strong! Strong and invincible!! That guy is so strong!!!! Terrible, terrible, such an existence is definitely something he cannot afford to provoke.

  Thinking that he had shot at this great god before, at this moment Danzo really wanted to slap him to death, and he looked to control such an existence, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is an idiot.

  It was definitely the rhythm of courting death that he had to fight against such an existence before.

  As for Bai Ze's poaching of his right eye Uchiha Shisui, Danzo at this moment can no longer feel any resentment in his heart.

  Just kidding such a ruthless man, he suppressed the existence of the Four Shadows with a wave of his hand. Where is he an opponent, let alone him at this time, even if he became Hokage, he would not be his opponent.

  He knew very well that even if his strength increased greatly and he became Hokage as he wished, he would still be far from being able to suppress and beat the Four Shadows so easily.

  "Thank you, Lord, for saving me Konoha from the fire and water again. Please be slaughtered by the sun."

  Saying that, Sarutobi Hizan bowed respectfully towards Bai Ze.

  Sarutobi Hiizan made this move, and the many Konoha ninjas behind him also bowed and bowed solemnly, and their eyes were full of gratitude!! "Thanks Lord Baizawa for saving us Konoha people from peril. !!”

  Immediately afterwards, the uniform voices of everyone in Konoha pierced the air and spread out, rising above the entire Konoha, and lingering in the ears for a long time.

  Ten Dao, Hundred Dao, Thousand Dao, and finally ten thousand Dao, Hundred Thousand Dao!! Countless ninjas and people bowed and bowed in unison, bowing down to Bai Ze like a hundred birds facing a phoenix. is spectacular.

Chapter 152 Navy Six-Style Shave Blessing

  The next day, early morning.

  Konoha Plaza, at this moment, the crowd is full of people who fall on the two people in the field. These two people are not others, one is Kakashi, the apprentice of Bai Zeshou, and the other is Tsunade, the maid known only by the three of Bai Zeshou. .

  For the sake of Konoha, but also to pursue higher and stronger strength, Tsunade resolutely chose to leave with Bai Ze, and there was an uproar in the Konoha crowd.

  "Have Kakashi and Tsunade-sama left with Shiraizawa-sama?"

  "I really envy Kakashi for being able to worship Lord Bai Ze as his teacher. It would be great if I could worship Lord Bai Ze as my teacher."

  "Who told Kakashi to be a genius? People who are not Uchiha's clansmen can rely on the writing wheel to open Susanoo. This is not something ordinary people can do."

  "Yes, only a genius like Kakashi is qualified to be Lord Bai Ze's apprentice."

  Around Konoha, there were many heated discussions among the people, but when they heard Matekai, who had just arrived at the edge of the square, he was shocked, as if struck by lightning.

  Kakashi was about to leave, and that guy became the apprentice of Shiraizawa-sama who saved Konoha twice, and that guy turned on the unique Susanoo of the Uchiha clan! My God, how could it be possible!!! "No! !!!”

  Matekai, who had just returned to the village after finishing the mission, stared at Kakashi in the field with wide eyes, his figure flashed, and instantly disappeared from the spot, and he reappeared and came to Kakashi in the square. Not far away, his eyes were full of red at the moment.

  Matekai, who was in a state of rage, was full of fighting spirit.

  "Kakashi, I, Matekai challenge you 352 times!!!!"

  "This time, I will definitely defeat you!!!!"

  Matekai's eyes widened, his eyes full of excitement and excitement, and he was full of reluctance. Because Kakashi is leaving, he will lose the most powerful opponent in the future, and he will not see him for a long time. this friend.

  "As you wish, this time you are defeated."

  Seeing the state of Matekai, Kakashi nodded solemnly. Matekai sent him off by fighting, and only the two of them understood the friendship.

  After finishing speaking, Kakashi looked at Bai Ze and bowed respectfully, "Trouble Master."

  Seeing the soaring fighting intent around Maitkay, Bai Ze smiled knowingly, and with a wave of his right hand, a large gravitational barrier was created within a thousand meters around Kakashi and Maitkay, making the two of them fight. The aftermath cannot cause damage to the surrounding ground and buildings.

  "Within a thousand feet, you can fight as much as you can."

  The dull voice swayed, but it was the Konoha ninja and the people who were around a thousand feet away curiously, and only then did they find that there was still an extremely strong invisible barrier in front of them, and they thought of it again. Just after Lord Bai Ze's words, in an instant, the eyes of everyone looking at Bai Ze became even more adoring and fiery.

  Lord Bai Ze's strength, how terrifying the situation is, to be able to do this.

  Tsunade also felt the invisible barrier, her beautiful eyes shrank suddenly, and for a moment, she really wanted to use a strange force to try to break the invisible barrier.

  It's just that Susanoo is still awakened now, and Matekai will really be an opponent!! "Teacher Xie."

  Kakashi thanked the teacher and student respectfully, and then his eyes fell on Matekai, "Today, I will use my strongest strength to fight you."

  "Hum, best, me too!!!! Full of explosive hormones, Matekai stepped on the ground, when even the brewing began to open the door.

  Dunjia! "[Susanoo]!!"

  Kakashi, who snorted lowly, was

  Under everyone's attention, he skillfully used the unique Susanoo of the Uchiha clan.

  The blue Susanoo, full of energy, shrouded Kakashi as much as possible. Although there were only arms and ribs, the hurricane energy was enough to illustrate the horror of this move.


  Feeling the violent energy rushing towards him, Matekai breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Open the door!"

  "Open the door!"

  "The door to life is open!!"

  Without any fancy moves, Maitkay opened the eight doors and three doors in a row. As the three doors opened, Maitkay's combat power soared exponentially, and his whole body was full of dangerous aura.

  The attack speed soared and the surging power surged out of Matekai, staring at the opposite Kakashi with excited eyes, "Be careful!"

  "[The Konoha Whirlwind]!!!"

  With full firepower, Matekai wiped the soles of his feet. With the three doors fully open, his legs rotated at a high speed. Finally, his heels ended, and he stomped on the ground. He just slammed and slammed towards Kakashi who was in Susanohu state. past.

  There are no dazzling skills, some are just fierce and domineering offensives.

  In the scene in the field, the corners of the mouths of the many ninjas and people around Konoha were twitching, and their eyelids were jumping wildly. I am afraid that fighting like this can be regarded as the top level in Shangnin.

  However, you must know that both Kakashi and Matekai have just been promoted to Jōnin for less than a month.

  It was a blessing for them to have such combat power after being promoted to Jōnin for less than a month!! Facing the fierce and domineering blow of Matekai, Kakashi disappeared in an instant, and reappeared with Matekai and Matekai. With a kick from Susanoo, he smashed it hard with a punch from Susanoo.

  The dull sound of boom immediately exploded from the field. Although it was blocked by Bai Ze with the gravitational barrier, there was still a little sound that pierced through the gravitational barrier and came out.

  The roar fell, and Kakashi appeared in the original position of Matekai. As for Matekai, who opened three doors in a row, Kakashi was smashed and flew out more than a hundred meters away.


  "What I saw, it was that Matekai was completely suppressed!!"

  "This, can't be, even if Kakashi awakens Susanoo, it shouldn't be like this. Just now, it was Matekai who took the lead."

  "That's right, it seems that it's not just Susanoo that Kakashi's combat power has soared!!"

  "It's hard to imagine what the Lord Bai Ze gave Kakashi to make his combat power soar so much!!"

  The third generation of Sarutobi Hizan also shone brightly in his eyes, and in that moment, he saw Kakashi's feet hitting the ground dozens of times.

  At first thought, he thought he was wrong, but after careful consideration he found that the scene was true.

  Not only him, but also Tsunade Jiraiya and Orochimaru, who looked sullen, also saw Kakashi's abnormality, and they couldn't help but look shocked.

  That kind of means, but they Konoha and even other major ninja villages do not have at all.

  At the same time as everyone was surprised, Kakashi looked at Matekai who was smashed and flew out by his fist more than a hundred meters away, subconsciously forgot to put down his fist, his eyes glowed, "Teacher's six-style shave of the Navy. With Susanoo, it is possible to achieve such a powerful move."

  Long before he merged with Shisui Uchiha's right eye, Kakashi learned the six-style shave of the Navy taught him by Bai Ze, and now he used it against Kai for the first time, and only jumped under him.

  It turns out that the teacher's six-style shave is so powerful!!! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 153 Kakashi vs Kai

  "Cough cough cough!!"

  Matekai, who struggled to get up, coughed violently a few times, and just now he felt as if he had collided with a fast-moving train.

  Looking at Kakashi on the opposite side, instead of retreating, his fighting spirit soared sharply.

  "Hahaha, happy!"

  "In that case"

  Matekai's expression became: abnormally excited, "Eight-door Dunjia fourth door, injury door!"


  Seeing that he was still not Kakashi's opponent after opening three doors in a row, Matekai immediately stopped keeping his hands and opened the fourth door of the eight-door Dunjia.

  With a bang.

  With the opening of Matekai's injury door, a super powerful attack was used by him again in an instant, "[Bamen Dunjia Li Lianhua]!!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Matekai was at a high speed exceeding the speed of light, and instantly collided with Susanoo who used the Navy's sixth shave.

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