Navy headquarters office


Sengoku listened to the intelligence from the Navy in Dressrosa in the phone worm, slapped the table angrily, and scolded:

"Damn Doflamingo! Actually did such a thing in Dressrosa! "

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! "

Another phone bug rang, it was from the five old stars.

"Hey, I'm Sengoku!"

"What did your navy do in the Warring States, Doflamingo did this in Dressrosa, you don't even know?!"

"Lord Fifth Old Star, I have just received the information, please rest assured that I will handle it properly."

"Handle it properly? What are you going to do about it? Abolish Doflamingo's title of Seven Warriors? Then the matter of Dressrosa will still be exposed, and the world government will still not be able to escape responsibility! "

This bad incident caused by Doflamingo in Dressrosa, once exposed, will have an extremely bad impact on the Navy and the world government.

At that time, the people of the world will know that His Majesty Qiwu Hai, who was originally appointed by the world government, is so ferocious.

The great image of the world government in the minds of the people no longer exists.

"So what do you think is good?"

"Didn't you let the yellow ape, the red dog, and the green pheasant launch a demon slaughter order together to hunt down the spell pirate group?"


"Now you don't have to wait for the Spell Pirates to leave Dressrosa! Give me a hand right now! Bury the whole Dressrosa to the sea! Do you understand!


, the civilians of Dressrosa..." In order to seal off the events in Dressrosa, the Sengoku was a little unbearable to kill along with innocent civilians.

"Give me the order!"

An unquestionable voice came from the end of the phone worm.


Sengoku had no choice but to agree.

Sengoku called the Akainu's phone worm and said,

"Akainu, quickly rush to Dressrosa and launch the Demon Slaughter Order!"


The red dog has no doubts about the elimination of Dressrosa, since the Marshal of the Warring States said so, then the existence of Dressrosa is unjust, and injustice must be eliminated!


Over Dressrosa

, Doflamingo keeps fleeing in the air, while Gojo chases after him.

"Bullet line!"

"Super Strike Whiplash!"

"Bullet line!"

During the escape, Doflamingo turned back from time to time and attacked Gojou, trying to slow down Gojo's speed, but Gojo still followed closely behind and did not shake off.

Although Gojou's strength is strong, he is absolutely invincible, and Doflamingo has never given up.

And Doflamingo's current escape is not aimless, he has been fleeing in the direction of the Navy's demon slaughter.

Because he made an agreement with the navy that he would drag the spell pirate group, and then the navy would launch a demon slaughter order to destroy the spell pirate group, he could know which direction the naval demon slayer order came from.

As long as Gojo is lured there, he can use the power of the navy to drag Gojo Gojo, and he can escape immediately after fleeing back to Dressrosa to rescue his subordinates.

At that time, whether Gojo wins or the navy wins, he can preserve his strength to the maximum and make a comeback in the future.

"Bullet line!"

Doflamingo attacked again.

"That's Doflamingo!"

"The back is the white-haired Gojou!"

"Bastard Doflamingo!"

"The white-haired Gojo Gojo wants to win!"

"White-haired Gojo is going to defeat Doflamingo!"

The civilians of Dressrosa, seeing Doflamingo and Gojo Gojo chasing me in the air, cursed Doflamingo and prayed that Gojo Gojo could defeat Doflamingo.

The civilians changed their previous attitude of supporting Doflamingo and targeting the Spell Pirates. Because they knew about the crimes that Doflamingo had committed against Dressrosa for so many years.

And these shady curtains can be brought down in broad daylight because of the spell pirate group. Now the Spell Pirates are still fighting the Doflamingo family at the risk of their own safety in order to save Dressrosa.

They are really grateful to the Spell Pirates!

Listening to the support of the civilians of Dressrosa for the Spell Pirates, the corners of Gojo's mouth rose slightly.

The purpose of winning people's hearts has been achieved!

It's almost over!

The next moment, Gojo Goku directly narrowed the distance with Doflamingo, and the fist of the spell surged out.


Doflamingo received a hard blow in the back, rolled in the air, and spat blood out of his mouth again.


Doflamingo fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a large hole.

"Ahem! Cough!

Coughing up blood in his mouth, Doflamingo reluctantly stood up and looked at the coastline that was close at hand.

"That was... Warships of the Navy! Although

the distance was a bit far away and the outline was a little blurry, Doflamingo recognized the naval warship at a glance.

"Finally here!"

Doflamingo seemed relieved in his heart.

"So that's the case, are you waiting for naval support?"

Gojo came to Doflamingo, but did not strike immediately.

"Bang bang bang! The demon slaughter order launched by the three major generals of the navy together, you spell the pirate group has such a big face! The

three admirals were present, and Doflamingo was so happy that he could see the defeat of the Spell Pirates.

"You really cooperated with the Navy, Doflamingo!"

"So you already guessed? However, guess what, now the Navy Slaughter Order has arrived!

"Do you think the Navy will let you go?"

"Bang bang bang! I don't know if I can be spared, but I definitely won't let you go!

"Hahaha! So do you think I'll let you go? "


Doflamingo thought that the three admirals had arrived, and Gojo Goku should hurriedly gather his subordinates to flee, but he didn't expect Gojo to entangle with him.


But he still thought wrong, and it didn't take much time to solve him.

With one powerful punch, multiple bones in Doflamingo's chest shattered.

Already scarred, coupled with this heavy blow, Doflamingo's body could no longer hold on, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

"Today is really a constant battle!"

Glancing at the naval warship in the distance, Gojo took out his mobile phone and dialed Luki's number.

"Hey, Lucie, come to me and handcuff Doflamingo with a sea tower stone handcuff and take good care of it!"


"And let Esders, Sasuke and Anilu and the three of them don't have to keep their hands, and fight quickly!" Then come to me! A new battle is about to begin! "


When the call ends, Gojo hangs up his phone.

Looking at the approaching naval warship, Gojo said calmly:

"Oh, the demon slaughter order of the three admirals? The Navy really looks up to us! "

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