The bright moon was in the sky, surrounded by stars, hanging a galaxy in the night sky.

On the warship, except for the soldiers on duty, most of them have entered the dream.

The Admiral class warship and the two ordinary warships nearby cut through the sea and headed for Marin van dor.

In the night fog shrouded sea, several ships like ghosts quietly follow up.

"Brother Owen, there is a naval ship ahead. Shall we sink it?"

"Of course, the scale is just a lieutenant general. I will hold him back and say that he is still an old friend of ours. You can take advantage of this opportunity to seize all the goods on board."

"I want to come to the Navy Lieutenant's soul, can make my mother happy. By the way, my mother has just sobered up, so don't mention Prometheus as a traitor, and don't let her mother read the newspaper, otherwise, once she sees the above information, she will go wild again!"

after all this, Owen ordered: "full speed ahead!"

Taking advantage of the night fog, the ghost like ship quickly approached the advancing warship. When the soldiers on duty found out, it was late.

"Space heating!"

Owen's eyes glowed, using the power of hot fruit to look at the soldiers standing on the warship.

The soldier only felt his chest burning incomparably. Before he could make a sound, most of his body was scalded, and he lay down on the ground powerless, without breath.

"In addition to the people who stay here to meet them, the rest of the people will go up. If they can find out later, they will try to maximize their interests."

Although Owen is a hot fruit ability, but in the war, the mind is very calm, so will be later Witt called the monster!

In this way, under Owen's command, the pirate gate quietly touched into the warship.

At the same time, Rowling opened his eyes in his room, piercing the night, and the dark environment could not disturb him.

As a great swordsman's intuition, let him directly wake up from his sleep.

Looking around and listening carefully for a while, Rowling shrugged, with an unknown smile on his mouth, only said: "just a clown."

After that, he closed his eyes again, but this time he had more Gan Wu Zhuo on his hand.

The real pirate world is not cartoon or cartoon performance, but full of darkness everywhere, just like this night.

Under Owen's command, the pirates controlled their voices and climbed into the warship with their hooks and claws at a high speed. The cats were hunched and padded. In a short time, they confirmed the storage room for money and goods.

They began to carry the goods, but in the transportation, it was inevitable that there were some noises, which immediately aroused countless teenagers who were sleeping on the ship and had just been recruited.

Young people live in large cabins, otherwise, there is no way to live so many people.

"Did you hear anything?"

"No? What sound can you make in the middle of the night? Besides, it's a naval ship Some of the people who sleep deeply, completely indifferent, continue to lie on the hard floor and sleep soundly.

However, most people's faces are not very good, this is indeed a naval ship, but because of this, it is even more strange.

"Why don't you go out and have a look?"

"Go out and have a look."

When someone suggests it, naturally someone agrees.

Many young conscripts from the large cabin out of the crowd.

The door opened, and the man who opened the hatch looked at the man with the bucket in front of him and dressed as a pirate.

"Well, what's the situation?"

Seeing that he was found, the pirate looked at the man in front of him fiercely. He drew a knife from his waist and stabbed him mercilessly into the young man's heart, and then pulled it out.

Blood spewing out, in the air across a perfect arc, less than five seconds, then powerless lying on the ground, all over convulsion.

The sudden scene, so that all the young conscripts come over to see muddled.

Isn't this a navy ship? How could there be a pirate on it?

"Pirates, pirates are coming!"

Suddenly, I don't know who called out, broke the "quiet" night, all the warships were rioting.

Owen stood in his own boat, heard this, frowned tightly, his body slightly red, in the night like a lantern, like a conspicuous.

"Now that you've been found out, don't let anyone go and start killing!"


Along with Owen's pirate regiment's shout, all people have drawn out their own weapons, mercilessly launched a massacre!

"What happened?"

As soon as someone called out, lieutenant general mole came out of his cabin. His brows were filled with sadness. As soon as he came out, he saw such a world of purgatory. His eyes were wide open and he was completely sleepy."What's going on here?"

"Lieutenant general, it's a pirate! The pirates are on board

"What? Pirates! How dare you attack a naval ship

Lieutenant general mole looked at the surrounding battlefield. The main ship was sailing faster. There were not many pirates acting as demons here. Most of them were slaughtered on two ordinary warships, one left and one right.

"Dirty bedbugs of the sea! Let all navies fight back! Kill them all! If we let the pirates continue to kill on the warships, it would be a shame for justice

Said the lieutenant general ferociously, and then took his moonstep and jumped to the ordinary warship which seemed to be in a serious situation on the left.

"Your opponent is me!"

Owen, who had been on the side of the line, saw lieutenant general mole leave the main ship and went up without hesitation.

With amazing heat in his hands, he smashed the space toward the mole. He saw the ability of the hot fruit to heat his fist and the surrounding air into a gust of hot wind, and then wound it around his fist and attacked the mole mercilessly.

"Hot ticket!"

A shock flashed through the mole's eyes, and he was familiar with this figure in front of him. Isn't this Owen, one of the mother's right children!

But now I'm out of my aunt's sphere of influence!

"Owen The mole will draw out one of the fifty good and quick knives of his own. He will cover it with his armed color and dye the blade black.

A sword Qi was waved freely to resist the hot wind ticket.

"Lieutenant mole, meet again!"

"Yes, see you again! Why are you here? "

"How can't we be here? Before long, the sea here will become Mother's domain."

"Are you not afraid of the punishment of the Navy?"

"The Navy? When were we afraid of the Navy

"It's no use saying more. In that case, let's fight there."

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