"Captain, you're in the headlines

Perrona saw the appearance of Prometheus in the newspaper and said to Prometheus in her arms.

Rowling glanced, then drew back her eyes.

Rowling didn't go to the office of the Warring States in the past two days, and he didn't care about it. So he didn't know how the Navy arranged Prometheus.

But now it seems that the Navy still attaches great importance to Prometheus. It is good to pay attention to Prometheus. The more attention the Navy attaches, the better.

Only in this way, may cause the biggest shock in the future!

Except for Rowling and perrona, the two messengers don't know the words, so they can only look forward to looking at perrona and trying to get her to read the message.

Looking at Rowling in her arms, perrona said, "Prometheus was born in the air and tyrannized in arabastein. She happened to meet Rowling, a general of the Navy, and launched a fierce confrontation. Prometheus was slightly defeated and escaped from the pursuit of black crow. She was extremely cunning.

In addition, our strength is very strong. Please pay more attention to it. Once you have information about Prometheus, please inform the nearby naval branch in time. All those who inform will be rewarded... "

After Balabala for a long time, Perona felt that she was a little thirsty. In short, Prometheus was very powerful, but the Navy General was more powerful and beat Prometheus away. But please pay more attention to it. If you see Prometheus's movements, you must report it, and the report will be rewarded!

After listening to perrona's words, Rowling sighed, which was similar to what he imagined. However, his current status was Prometheus. He should always speak and do things according to the "habit" of Prometheus. Otherwise, he would not show his horse's feet, and the Warring States, who had become a wise general, would see the clues and make psychological preparations in advance, which was not what Rowling wanted result.

"The hateful Navy is really too smelly and shameless. It is clear that it is a close match. There is no need to waste such a long time to distinguish the victory and defeat. However, it is said that Laozi is afraid of fighting and fleeing. What a hateful thing

Perrona forced to smile, looking at the scene in front of Rowling, heart unspeakable happiness.

Perona, with tears of laughter, feels that this kind of life is actually very good. Compared with the gloomy and unchanging all the time, maybe facing the sun will be better.

Thinking of this, Perona looked at her own arms of Rowling, at the moment is the form of Prometheus, also looks very lovely.

Rowling didn't know what perrona was thinking. However, he was quite satisfied with his reward. It was only a few times that the reward in the form of Lorin Prometheus had reached the terror of 200000 Bailey!

You know, this is not the period of offering a reward at random. In this period, the reward represents the strength of a person to a great extent, and there is little water. It is not like Lufei. Ming Ming is known as the five emperors, with a reward of 1.5 billion, but it is still so difficult to fight a small soldier, which shows the amount of water.

"It seems that there is not enough noise."

Rowling murmured. It was strange for the two to do chores. It was clear that the sun was shining and there was no wind, but why could they still feel a chill?

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