The air island is 10000 meters above the great air route, and the air is very thin. Ordinary people simply can't stand this kind of environment, which will lead to a significant decline in their combat ability.

At this time, Rowling is carrying the sleeping Perona, floating on the white sea, looking at the boundless boundary line, Rowling is in a good mood.

There was no anger at the man just now.

Just now, when Rowling was about to enter the empty Island, he was stopped by a man. He wanted to collect one billion yikes of Rolin. Ike is the currency of the empty Island, equivalent to 100000 Bailey. If he was a general of Lorraine, he might have paid it.

But what is his identity now! It's a pirate! How could the captain of the hymn pirates pay 100000 Bailey for nothing.

What's more, it's still when Rowling knows that the people of konjima are extremely unfriendly to the people of the great route.

The aborigines in the empty Island call it the kingdom of God, with the island of Kaya drifting over hundreds of years ago.

The kingdom of God has a unique set of laws which were passed throughout the country during the reign of aenere. The purpose of the law is to make it easy for people from the great waterway to become criminals, and to induce them to increase their crimes, so as to set an example to the people of the sky.

Its disciplinary measures are chilling. For example, a person who interferes with public affairs will be punished.

And what is cloud floating?

To put it simply, it is to tie people to the boat and put them on the island cloud. At first glance, it doesn't seem to matter. But you should know that the white sea is full of dangers, and there are cloud beasts called by the empty island.

The fierce degree of the cloud beast is no less fierce than the sea king class in the great waterway, and even better than the sea king class in terms of agility.

And even if you don't meet a cloud beast, you will die of hunger because of hunger. No, you should die of thirst first.

It can be said that he was directly sentenced to death!

Just now, it seems that Rowling was "careless" and interfered with official business, but Rowling didn't care about it.

What is more important than enjoying the scenery!

I don't know how long after that, Perona finally wakes up in rollin's body, whining, Perona slowly opens her eyes.

"Captain, have we reached the empty island?"

Rowling nodded and said, "yes, we are in the empty island now."

Hearing Rowling's reply, Perona poked her head out of the fire and observed the surroundings.

At first, I feel white everywhere. The sea of white clouds comes and goes, the breeze is gentle, and the sun is blowing on my head.

Just in front of this scene, let Perona slightly open her lips, looks like a little shocked.

Rowling and perrona wandered in the white sea for a long time, and finally saw an island in the distance.

"Perona, let's go and have a look at the island!"

"Well, captain." Perrona nodded. Now she is very good. Rowling is very satisfied with this.

At Rowling's full speed, soon, two people came to the top of the island, just arrived on the island, two people heard the sound of string.

Along with the sound, Rowling saw a ball shaped light yellow double braid on the head and tail, and a pair of small wings behind the "angel" playing the harp on the shore.

The sound of the piano and the white catkin dance in a crisscross outline, echoing along the coast.

Long and elegant, crisp and moving.

Perrona's eyes lit up, as if she had found some strange species, pointed to Connie and said, "Captain, look! It's an angel! If there are angels, will there be demons or something? "

Sure enough, Perona was the first to think of weird things.

"There won't be Perona, and I don't like either demons or angels, and she's not an angel. She's just an empty Islander."

Although Rowling's tone is a little helpless, but the doting in the eyes, is a person can see clearly.

Rowling didn't like the islanders very much. He occupied other people's homes. He also looked down on the people who came here from the great route. Not only that, everyone was arrogant. Like some mermaids or mermaids, Rowling was extremely disgusted. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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