Rowling heart alarm ring, he never thought, this time the opportunity is really created by Karp.

Sure enough, I have little experience in fighting.

"Don't worry, boy. I only hurt you badly! It's a salute to the chopping attack just now! "

Hearing this, Rowling laughed. He won't let himself be seriously injured. Who knows what the Navy will do when he is injured!

Now that the matter has come to an end, he does not want to be a general. He can completely transform himself into Prometheus. After making enough rewards for a big fight by Marlin van dor, he leaves smartly. In any case, few people can hurt themselves except those who are proficient in tyranny.

This is one of Rowling's biggest cards!

Just at this critical moment, when Rowling was about to liberate Prometheus form, a shield suddenly appeared in the air for some reason.

The shield is silver, about five fingers thick, carved with mysterious patterns.


Kapp's iron fist directly blows on the shield. There are ripples on the shield. It seems that nothing has happened!

The Warring States period, which has been paying close attention to the battle between the two men, was stunned for a moment. His eyes were micron and his heart sank in an instant.

“CP0! Why are those guys here? "

Thinking of this, the Warring States period directly jumped down from the high-rise building, fell heavily on the ground, nothing happened, and went to the front of the masked man.

“CP0! What are you doing here? "

Naturally, Kapu also knew the guy in front of him. With the same frown, he folded up his armed color and domineering power and came to the position of the Warring States period side by side.

Two people face dignified looking at the person in front of them, they know, this person came absolutely nothing good!

Unlike the two men with a dignified face, Rowling was very interested in looking at the scene in front of her.

The sudden appearance of CP0 made Rowling give up the idea of becoming Prometheus. After all, the current situation seems to be changing in an interesting direction.

The mysterious man with a mask pointed to Rowling, and the cold voice came into the ears of the people.

"The five old stars have orders, he is for the fourth World War! Code name "black crow!"

Hearing this, Rowling laughed. He was very happy. His eyes narrowed. No one could see the shadow in his eyes.

It seems that I was taken as a flag!

"CP0, is this really the decision of five old stars? Is the tradition of only three generals in the navy to be broken since it was founded? Have the feelings of those preparing generals also been taken into account? "

Hearing the question of the Warring States period, the masked man did not speak and turned away.

The Warring States period frowned and looked at the figure of the man leaving. I was very angry on my face!

He did not intend to let Rowling become a general, at most give him a big assistant position, and then slowly observe to see if he can attract him to join dove school.

But now, this kind of thing has happened. The five old star's decision will definitely let the stable Navy faction reshuffle!

Today, the navy is divided into three factions, namely the pigeon faction headed by the Warring States period. They all have a steelyard in their hearts and know what their justice is!

The Hawks, led by red dogs, regard sea pirates as parasites of the sea and wish to get rid of them quickly! To kill pirates for glory!

As well as the neutral saltfish school headed by the Yellow ape, the strength of this faction is also very strong, especially the Yellow ape has just won the command of the naval scientific force, and its strength can not be underestimated. However, the Yellow ape is so salty that neither the dove nor the hawk will target the Zhongli faction.

Warring States can guess the idea of the five old stars, they want to let Rowling into the navy to establish their own forces, in order to weaken the strongest dove faction, and slightly inferior hawks.

I want to find a sharp knife that obeys my orders!

What the Warring States period can think of, Rowling, the traverser, can naturally understand.

But is it really possible?

In Rowling's opinion, the five old stars are always in high position all the year round, and their anger has been exhausted. They think that everything is under their control, but they don't know who is using them and who is not sure!

You know, he's not just Lorraine, but Prometheus!

Rollin's eyes flashed with a kind of glory called "danger". When he found that the Warring States and Kapu looked at him, his smile immediately hung on his face.

"Marshal, hero, I am so happy! I don't want to work with you in the future

The Warring States period snorted coldly, turned around and left. He was in a bad mood now. Instead of talking with Rowling about something, he might as well think more about how to stabilize the faction so that they would not do something irrational.

Kapp also had no previous anger, as if he was just pretending."Ha ha ha, boy, it's very good! I didn't expect you to be a great general! Ha ha ha

Kapp said something he didn't know. He also left Rowling's vision.

"Ding, the Warring States period is surprised that the host has become a great general. Evaluation: SS, gain: medium level accomplishments of the great swordsman!"

"Ding, Kapp is surprised that the host has become a general. Evaluation: SS, gain: Level 5 armed and aggressive!"

A mysterious force flowed into Rowling's four limbs and hundreds of skeletons. He felt that his whole body was relaxed and incomparable. No matter his perception of Kendo or the enhancement of his armed color and domineering spirit, rollin's combat effectiveness was directly upgraded to a higher level.

Warring States and Kapu, who are walking towards the office, suddenly feel a chill. They feel it carefully. They don't find anything and don't care too much.

"Kapp, it seems that the five old stars are ready to weaken the influence of our faction!"

"Ha ha ha, Warring States, don't worry. That boy is not easily controlled by the five old stars. I fought with him, and his heart is not as simple as it seems."

The Warring States sighed and did not say anything.

On the training ground, Rowling's mouth slightly cocked up. "Sure enough to come to Marin van dor, this choice is really too correct, there are a lot of old monsters in this, just burst out a thing, it is very rare!"

"System, call out my details!"

The following is the host's details:

Name: Rowling

with skills - Rolin: the supreme swordsman's medium level cultivation, the supreme swordsman's flaming sword sense, the transformation technique max, level 5 armed color domineering, level 4 seeing and hearing color domineering, the primary overlord's color and domineering spirit, flying sky to resist the sword flow, light song serenade, waltz dance music, extreme performance Rhapsody, burning banquet, Yan Shangyan!

Have skills - Prometheus: flame spray, fire on the sky, gigantic, special form, bearing (gigantic), fire escape - the art of giant fireball, Jindi burning the sky!

Belongings: the world key in the mirror, the world key in the mirror, 6 billion Bailey, Qiao Bi, mule hand washing photo, Coca Cola, baked gluten, sausage, sword drop, universal recovery medicine, a set of personal clothes of Adam and Stuart from Baoshu.

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