The next day, before dawn, a startling news exploded in the naval base of Marin van dor.

"What? There is an extra general in the Navy

"The fourth general? Why have you never heard of this man before

"Isn't this the man who fought with lieutenant general Kapp yesterday! I don't know what the outcome of the final battle will look like. "

"It's not that lieutenant general Kapp lost, or he won't be the fourth largest general, don't you think?"


All of you said a word to me, but in the final analysis, they were not convinced. A person who had never seen him suddenly became their top boss and a glorious general. Even the Navy broke through the rules and set up a fourth general. Too many people didn't accept it!

Among them, there is a senior general in preparation!

In a room full of scabbards, a beautiful woman is sitting on the bed with her long hair hanging down her shoulders. Her eyes are rippling with water. She is extremely moving. A mole of beauty is in the lower right corner of her lips, which looks quite charming.

This person is peach rabbit. She has just been promoted to a general. Naturally, she has the ambition that ordinary people can't reach. Her ambition is to completely promote herself to a senior general by virtue of her own strength at the time of general alternation.

Peach rabbit never thought that such a thing would happen.

I still remember how shocked I was when I got the news last night. Although lieutenant general crane constantly advised me to put it down, how could this kind of thing be put down!

Stop in the hands of the action, peach rabbit picked up the hands of the golden Piro, the United States eyes flashing dangerous light.

The beautiful voice with a little magnetism resounded in the room: "Rolin, can you be a general, and ask me about the golden Piro in my hand!"


Rowling did not know that he had become a "public enemy of the navy" and was still sleeping in his own room.

This room is temporary. After noon today, Rowling will become a real general and have his own warship, room and office.

In Marin van dor himself has a place.

Luo Lin is in the dream, as if suddenly aware of something, suddenly opened his eyes, sharp eyes straight to the room far away.

Two people in white robes and strange masks appeared in the room.

Rowling rubbed her eyes. "I thought it was you. Why did you come to me?"

He recognized that one of the two men in front of him was the shield man who appeared yesterday.

From the current situation, another person should have the ability to move. This ability does not seem to be a general trouble.

"Rowling, after noon today, you will be the only fourth largest general in the history of the Navy. Do you know the burden on you?"

Luo Lin shrugged his shoulders and said, "eliminate evil for the people, kill the pirates, and become famous and famous."

Listening to Rowling's words jumping out, the shield man's face became more and more ugly. Just as he was ready to speak and interrupt Rowling, Rowling's words directly turned a corner.

"It's impossible. It's impossible to eliminate harm for the people. After all, this is a world where the weak eat the strong. The weak are supposed to be slaughtered and killed by others. Please, there will be new pirates sailing at sea every moment. How can I catch them? I'm too lazy to work and become famous? I think most people will know their names when the news of becoming a general is completely released to the world! "

"So all I want is a broader stage, a lot of money, and supreme power! Can you give me these people behind you

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