Ayin drew out the holy sword from her waist and looked at Geng Siro coldly. She knew the relationship between gengshiro and guyna, but she didn't intend to be merciful, because what the master said just now was to teach him a good lesson!

"If you don't accept the challenge, die!" Ayin's anger broke out, and the murderous spirit that followed Rowling was more powerful than ordinary navy soldiers, and it directly pressed on Geng Hiro.

"Geng Si Lang stood up slowly from the ground," you go back first and go home respectively. "

"But, master gengshiro, we..."

"Go home!"

He has always been a smiling gengshiro, who is extremely rare to yell at the students nearby. He can feel ayin's strength. In addition, there is an unfathomable Rowling in the side, which makes his expression more dignified than ever.

Students listen to Geng Siro's orders, and when they leave, they stare at Luo Lin and his party angrily.

Rowling grinned at the corner of his mouth and flicked his fingers. A sharp sword came out and directly cut off one of the arms.

"Put away your boring expression and show it when you don't have strong strength. It will only advance your death date. Now this arm is your tuition fee."

Rowling's cold voice with a little smile, echoed in the ears of all the students, just like the devil, scared them to pieces.

Gengshiro's pupils are shrinking. He can't understand how Luo Lin sent out the sword spirit just now. There is no movement of the sword spirit. It seems that it was born from the body.

"I didn't expect that you villains would be attracted in the small village of simozhi."

Gengshiro's eyes narrowed into a line, and the sword was separated from its scabbard. A very common style of dagger appeared in the eyes of all.

"Villain, ha ha ha, just treat me as a villain, but it's better than your dream of destroying your daughter by yourself!"

"What are you talking about?" This sentence seems to have ignited gengshiro's heart knot which has been dusty for many years. His anger burns in his body, and his momentum suddenly erupts. From the perspective of feeling, he is even stronger than the top of the big sword hero, but he is not in the realm of the big sword hero.

Is it a short chance? Or is there a secret? Rowling thought in his heart.

When Luo Lin was thinking about the problem of Geng Si Lang, his figure flashed, and his knife in his hand was shining with cold light.

Gu Yina's reaction is not slow. The black sword Qiushui appears in her hand. Her strong sense of death is wrapped around the body of the sword, which can resist Geng Hiro's attack.

Ayin also used "shaving" to appear beside gengshiro. The holy sword crossed an arc and cut toward gengshiro.

"Your opponent is me!"

With ayin's low voice, the light of the knife flashed, and Geng Siro's left abdomen was injured, and blood flowed down.

This is Geng Hiro's response to ayin's chopping attack. Otherwise, it is estimated that the left abdomen will not be injured, but will be directly cut off from the waist.

Gengshiro quickly opened the distance, since his own attack began, Luo Lin has not played, the whole process is smiling at himself, which makes gengshiro have a chilling feeling.

But then again, gengshiro is not a threat to himself.

What's more, the most important thing that Luo Lin likes to see is the expression that gengshiro wants to kill himself, but he can't kill himself.

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