With the sound of "boom", two swords collided, and a strong air current broke out, and dust rose everywhere.

Taking advantage of the peach rabbit's body instability, not landing, Rowling with inertia to throw a sword.

"Serenade of light song!"

A silent sword, like a dying Luocha, stretches out an invisible hand and grabs at the peach rabbit.

Nowadays, Luo Lin is the top swordsman's middle level cultivation, and peach rabbit's seeing and hearing color has no reaction at all.

The penetrating slash went through the peach rabbit's left shoulder. The blood burst out, and the intense pain went straight to the brain. The peach rabbit screamed with pain, and the blood instantly dyed the cloak of justice.

The crane saw this scene in front of him, and his figure flashed. He went directly to the peach rabbit's side and said with concern, "peach rabbit, I'll take you to the medical department immediately."

As for the crane lieutenant general's action, Rowling said with a smile: "how can we go further without suffering? Lieutenant general, if you do this, you will delay the peach rabbit

Rowling takes the knife and turns to leave. He needs to continue to wrangle. He won't continue to waste time here. Maybe something good will come out!

Peach rabbit looked at Rowling left the back, is reluctant to clench his hands.

"The greatest swordsman in the world! He's actually the middle class of the greatest swordsman, but I'm a-chieftain! "

Peach rabbit's eyes are full of unwilling, but she has no way.

At this time, I thought it was very good to be promoted to the top swordsman, but I never thought that Rowling's Kendo cultivation and talent were even higher than myself!

"Peach rabbit, don't be sad. You are the most talented person I have ever seen in kendo cultivation among women. Don't be discouraged because of this!"

The crane general advised him.

At this time, Rowling's words just now played a role in peach rabbit's mind. He did not say anything more. Peach rabbit made up his mind.

All that can be seen on the top of the chinchilla can be seen naturally.

"This guy, did you hide your strength yesterday? What a terrible guy. If he was given some time to develop, he might reach the height of Hawk Eye or red hair at his present age! Let's talk to the Warring States. If such people can't offend, they won't be offended. "

Eagle eye and red hair in kendo understanding is far beyond ordinary people, both promoted to the top of the sword!

Eagle eye does not say, now he is not Qiwu sea, just a idle vagrant, riding his own boat everywhere to find strong.

Red hair alone, in addition to the overlord color that can affect the material, the cultivation of Kendo alone can make red hair stand among the four emperors.

Rowling, who had just gone a short distance, suddenly received the electronic sound of the system.

"Ding, because Kapp mistakenly thought that the host was hiding strength before, and was shocked. Evaluation: s, gain: Sword God blood - remnant!"

"Ding, congratulations on the host's evaluation of critical hit. The evaluation is: SSS. Gain: complete sword God blood! Sword God's blood is a very powerful blood. People with this blood have terrible physical quality and almost unlimited physical strength. Even if they are seriously injured, they can recover in a short time. Moreover, the understanding of Kendo is very fast. The body can store the sword Qi infinitely. If necessary, it can be released together. It can cause great damage to the heaven and the earth with the flick of a finger

"Ding, because the host activates the blood of the sword, he has been promoted to the highest level of swordsman!"

With the fall of electronic voice, a large number of mysterious energy scattered all over his body. Rowling only felt that he had indescribable comfort, but also felt that his body had inexhaustible strength.

At this time, Rowling's body strength is absolutely no less than that of auntie, known as the steel balloon, and even, in a sense, even more abnormal than her constitution!

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