Soon, three days passed.

During these three days, Rowling went to peach rabbit's room once every night.

Peach rabbit from the initial anger, to now accustomed to it, even yesterday Rowling in peach rabbit's room to sleep, peach rabbit did not say anything.

From zefa there to over a thousand recruits eggs, Rowling pulled peach rabbit on their own ship, ah, no, it's a general class warship.

Although the warship has been in use for several days, it is the first time that Rowling has seen so many people on board at the same time.

I have to say, it's quite spectacular.

All of them stood upright, the task division was clear, and the cooperation between the helmsman and the mariner was tacit. In short, the warship left marinfando.

In a huge cabin, this is Rowling's room.

Rowling and peach rabbit sat face to face.

Rowling put his hands behind his head, looking at the peach rabbit and asking, "how is your thinking?"

"Well, that's it."

"So your answer is."

"I follow your orders, but I will never do anything against my principles."

"Oh, look at the rabbit's eyes.

These days together, peach rabbit has been immune to Rowling, anyway, he should take advantage of all the cheap, like how to look at it.

"Can you tell me what your principles are?" Rowling added, "if I asked you to kill the crane, would you do it?"

"Of course not! You big jerk! Are you thinking about such dangerous things all day long? "

Peach rabbit's face changed. At the moment, she pulled out the gold piluo and put it on the neck of Rowling.

Rowling had no words. His face was like a knife with a shallow smile. His head was slowly approaching the peach rabbit. The blade of the sword and his neck were in contact.

"You madman

Peach rabbit put away his gold pila, white Luo Lin one eye.

Rowling is now very close to the peach rabbit, the breath hit the peach rabbit's face, warm.

"Peach, it seems that you still care about me."

It seems to have got a more satisfactory answer, the smile on Lorraine's face is more powerful.

Peach rabbit wants to refute, but finds that Rowling has already got up.

"Peach ~"

"it's all. Don't call me that. It's too greasy." Peach rabbit sighed. She said this sentence many times, but Rowling never changed it.

Rowling smile, for this question, he did not answer, but showed a serious expression, this is the peach rabbit has never seen on Rowling's face.

"I'm satisfied with your answer. I'll make you promoted, but you can't tell anyone what happened next." Rowling's expression changed again and her smile returned to her face. "Of course, it doesn't matter if you say it. I'll kill them all and punish you severely! Ha ha ha

"I promise you!"

"That's right, peach. This is our secret!"

"Well, don't waste time. What can I do to get promoted to the middle rank of the top swordsman?" For Rolin's character, peach rabbit really doesn't want to make complaints about what's in the Tucao. It's really bad.

"It's very simple. You just need to eat these two things!"

Rowling said, the hand appeared blue magic light, a potion shape and a sword the size of a thumb appeared in Rowling's hand.

Seeing this scene, peach rabbit's eyes widened inconceivably.

"Asshole, Lorraine, is that your ability?"

Rowling curled his mouth. Naturally, he knew that peach rabbit almost called himself an asshole just now. But when he thought about what he had done these days, he was really a jerk.

"Well, just eat these two things. One is to increase your potential, and the other is to contain the experience of a great swordsman's life! These two are the best. "

Peach rabbit took a look at Rowling, then looked at the things in Rowling's hands, and asked a very classic saying, "Rowling, why do you want to treat me so well? This kind of thing is clearly used by yourself."

"Because, ah, you are my subordinates, the people I care about." Rowling pinched the rabbit's cheek, then put the thing in the rabbit's hand, turned away.

The peach rabbit lowered his head, flushed cheeks, and thought wildly.

Does Rowling like himself? He is really excellent, although his personality is a little strange, but there is a sense of security around him.

Looking at what he had in his hand, the peach rabbit added in silence: besides, Rowling is very kind to himself. He has taken advantage of himself in recent days. It seems that it is a good choice to marry him later.

Rowling didn't know what peach rabbit thought in his heart. If he did, he would smile and say, "peach is really cute!"What is the hidden subtext of this sentence? I think only Rowling himself knows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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