The peach rabbit who got the news immediately turned the bow of the boat and sailed quickly in the direction of Rowling's battle.

At this time, Lorraine and Prometheus are still in the crazy display of their ability.

This battle is not only to lay a name on the sea for them, but also to test themselves.

Only you can surpass yourself, and that's what Rowling is doing now!

"Wither, are you ready?"

Luo Lin murmured, and there was a strong cold but hot breath on his voice.

In the next second, the dense sword spirit shrouded Prometheus, sealing the sky and chopping the waves.

The cut is so smooth that it doesn't look like a cut that can be cut by waves!

On the other side of the distance, he was watching the camera phone bug's eagle eye. Seeing this scene, his heart sank and he said, "it's true. I didn't expect that someone could step into the legendary swordsman's realm before me!"

The eagle's eyes are quiet. They seem to see Rowling through the space.

The shock is not only eagle eye, but also the other side of the red hair, red hair and Rowling have tried, for Rowling's strength, red hair know more clearly.

"Is it hidebound or premeditated, or just broken through?" Thinking of this, red hair shook her head. "No way. I've seen captain Roger do it, and Rowling at this time seems to be no different from captain Roger in his memory."

Thinking of this, the red haired intuition of Rowling is a terrible person, extremely calm mind, "that day, you were playing me, right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Just don't think about it. Drink, and the party will continue! "

Red hair on the ship again sounded a lively sound.


on the cake Island, the aunt looked at the figure of Prometheus, her eyes were faintly red, and her mouth was dripping continuously, falling on the floor of the castle, corroding the floor, making a "hissing" sound, accompanied by smoke rising.

"Prometheus! Prometheus! I must let you die The shouts of aunt rang through the cake island. The people on the island only felt harsh, but they said they were used to it.

It has been like this since she was defeated by Prometheus. Over time, they have no feelings about it.

"By the way, send someone, send someone, keep an eye on Prometheus. You can't let him escape. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, mother!"

The first to bear the brunt is that simuji took the lead to promise to leave from cake island with the rest of the pirates.

They have done this kind of thing many times, but every time they don't know why, they always lose it. So this time, my aunt sent out simuji, one of the three generals.

My aunt believes that ismugi's ability must not be lost!

At this time, the people of the Navy branch had already taken warships from the branch to the area where Lorraine and Prometheus were fighting. As soon as they arrived in this sea area, they saw a ship with a pirate flag, slowly sailing out of the sea.

"Report to chief assistant, six nautical miles ahead, there is a pirate ship coming towards us."

The warship penetrated, exclaimed a marine with a telescope.

They were soldiers from the nearby naval branch. After receiving the notice from the marshal of the Warring States period, they immediately piloted the warship and drove towards the battlefield. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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