Rowling now divides his spiritual strength in half, half of which is in Rowling's own body. He takes all the women to an island to train, while the other half, together with the master consciousness, is in Prometheus.

About a week later, Prometheus and others finally came to the kingdom of zuonadoron.

During this period, the news of the battle between Lorraine and Prometheus continued to ferment, because the relationship between the two, whether joining the Navy or joining the pirates, has doubled.

The atmosphere of the sea became more and more frenzied.

I want to wait until the moment when the evil generation comes, the whole sea will be more chaotic and irritable.

At that time, it's your chance!

Is the opportunity to achieve their own goals and ideals!

"Rowling, the kingdom of zuonadorun lies ahead. Do we need to land directly?"

"Of course! Now our identity, but five emperors! Do they dare to stop us? "

As Rowling said, Prometheus is now known as the five emperors on the sea!

The king of the kingdom of zuonadorun came to the port early, waiting for the arrival of Prometheus.

Although they are backed by the revolutionary army, the main force of the revolutionary army is not here. How could the king choose to resist Prometheus at this time?

The king didn't want to let himself cool down in advance because he provoked Prometheus. He didn't live long enough.

Prometheus's pirate ship came to the port under the gaze of the public.

The king of the kingdom of zuonadoron immediately welcomed him and said respectfully, "Lord Prometheus, your presence really makes me wait for the kingdom of zuonadorun to shine brilliantly!"

Listening to this old saying, Prometheus floated out of Lei Jiu's arms and said, "well, do you say that to the revolutionary army?"

The king of the kingdom of zuonadoron was shocked, and his expression on his face instantly became extremely dignified. His lips could tell that he was shaking: "Lord Prometheus, you are joking. We are just an ordinary Kingdom on the great waterway. How could we have an affair with the revolutionary army?"

"Ding, the king of zuonadorun was shocked by the host's language and identity oppression. Evaluation: A, reward: billion Bailey."

Rowling's intuition ignored the sound of the system. Now, for Rowling, a billion Bailey and a 10 billion Bailey are the same.

Instead, Rowling came to the king of zuonadorun and said to the king, "so you deny it?"

"In my capacity as king of the kingdom of zuonadoron, I will not deceive your Lord Prometheus."

"Oh, in that case, will you accept my protection? Hang up my pirate flag

The king of the kingdom of zuonadoron was stunned. He never thought that Prometheus would say such a thing.

This made the king of zuonadorun fall into a dilemma. If he and others join Prometheus, the revolutionary army will certainly not let him go. If he refuses, the king of zuonadorun can already imagine what his kingdom will look like in the next second.

In the situation of early death and late death, the king of the kingdom of zuonadoron immediately said, "it is our honor to join the camp of Lord Prometheus." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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