In the ward, zefa sat on the hospital bed and looked at the Warring States period in a daze. Two people were so eye to eye. For a long time, zefa said: "if it was him, it would be no problem. Rowling's strength is really terrible. I thought it was all his strength before, but I never thought that Rowling was hiding so deeply."

"Warring States, have you ever considered why Lorraine concealed his own strength?"

Yes, zefa and Kapp have the same idea. They think that Rowling has such terrible strength from the beginning, but it has been hiding all the time!

The Warring States period was silent. He had always wanted to avoid this problem, because there was no point in his heart. If Rowling really wanted to betray the Navy, how powerful the attack would be on the navy was not what the Warring States could imagine.

But there is no doubt that it will be the existence of destroying the earth and the sky!

The Warring States shook his head and said: "let's not say this for the time being. From the present point of view, Rowling has no sign of wanting to betray. Besides, he has the enthusiasm that other people do not have except red dog. Maybe, Rowling really joined the Navy for justice."

Instead of waiting for zefa to ask, the Warring States continued to say, "by the way, where is helona?"

"Helona, she should be training in the training ground now, or challenging others in the arena."

Thinking of this, zefa looked out of the window. "This time, if we didn't have her, maybe we would have been wiped out, but I don't know why. Helona seems to be very eager for power. If we don't guide her well, we will probably take a detour."

"What I want to say is, don't you think helona is very familiar?"

"Familiar? The Warring States period, how do you say that? "

The Warring States period stood up from her seat, stood in front of the window, and said, "helona is one of Rowling's maids. She just left Rowling's side for some reason, but she didn't know why, and returned to Marin van dor again. According to my observation, Rowling did not know about her return I didn't know until it happened

This incident in the Warring States period dialect was that zefa was almost destroyed by the Weibull regiment.

Zefa was silent. "Even if helona or Lorraine had something to hide, but she saved me and saved a few students. I would like to believe that her heart is kind, and she will never be a great evil person."

The Warring States turned and looked at zefa. "Who knows? I can't see through Luo Lin and the women around him. I thought they were just some vases, but the reality is that they are stronger than the generals or even the same as the backup generals."

"If he really wants to..."

Zefa said here, did not say anything, he looked down at his arm, and said: "Warring States, maybe I can really retreat now, the world is really crazy."

"Zefa, before you leave, I think you need this."

Saying that, the Warring States period did not know where to take out a manuscript, printed with the seal of the Navy scientific forces.

Yes, this is the operation approved by zefa's robotic arm, and it was carried out by berga punk, who is still in punk Hadza. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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