Charlotte Bray is very flustered now. She is looking at the distance between her mother and her forehead is covered with cold sweat.

Right now!

Charlotte Bray clasped her hands, "the world in the mirror!"

With the words of Charlotte Bray, the mirror seems to become more pure.

She knew that she had been saved, so she rushed into the world in the mirror.

Heavily hit the ground in the mirror world, but it doesn't matter. Now she just needs to close her eyes and wait for her children's treatment.

And even if her children don't have treatment and just need to ensure the food supply, she can still persist for more than half a year, as long as she slowly cultivates.

Although it is very likely that there will be sequelae, but now for the aunt, as long as she can live!

this is known as the steel balloon, where Aunt's constitution is terrible!

When Charlotte Bray saw her aunt enter the world in the mirror, she also rushed in and closed the world in the mirror.

At this time, almost all her children are in this world. In this world, they can be completely relieved, because no one can enter here.

This is Charlotte Bray's world!

But at this time, the mirror, like the surface of the water waves, Prometheus and Estes appeared in front of the people.

Time seems to condense in this moment, they stare big eyes, and even some people rub their eyes, as if to say whether they are dazzled.

"Charlotte Bray! You let them in? Don't you want your mother to die? "

The voice of the rack rings in the mirror.

Prometheus saw the mother who fell into a deep sleep in the distance. The corners of her mouth slightly cocked up. Looking at Charlotte Bray, who had already burst into tears, Prometheus said, "no, no, this is not her ability, but I have the key."

Prometheus said this, and Estes directly showed the key in his hand, which was spinning on his white fingers.

The key is made of glass, and its full name is the key to the world in the mirror.

It was something that Rowling burst out in the first tea party. I didn't expect that it would become the key to this killing action.

Even Charlotte Bray's ability of mirror fruit is very confused at this time.

"No way! Absolutely impossible! With just one key, how can I enter the world I created with my fruit power

Obviously Charlotte Brey didn't believe Prometheus at all. After all, if there was such a thing, Charlotte cloth would never have heard of it.

On such a large sea, no one has ever heard of such a thing.

Unless it's fruit, too!

But when she thought about it, Charlotte Bray just felt her brain was a little out of order.

Just then, katakauri came out of the crowd.

"Prometheus, how on earth would you like to let go of us, mother?"

Rowling could not help laughing when he heard katakauri's words, "are you teasing me? Katakuli, it is absolutely impossible for me to let my aunt go. Today next year will be the day of her death

On hearing Prometheus' words, catakuli knew that he might not be able to change his mind.

And then he said, "well , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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