In this short period of time, Rowling's mind flashed a lot of ideas, and finally he sighed and expelled them from his mind.

No matter how the world changes, as long as you have a strong strength, you can still do whatever you want.

After all, the world is a world of the jungle!

Thinking of this, Rowling felt a little better in his heart, and immediately the figure flashed up in Weiwei's side.

The sudden appearance of Lorraine made bell alert for a moment, but he relaxed his vigilance when he saw that it was Rowling.

After a royal ceremony, bell retired from here.

Give it up to vivie and Rowling.

Weiwei's tears couldn't stop flowing. Her eyes were red and red, and she had been crying and swelling.

"Vivie, I'm here."

Hearing Rowling's familiar voice, Wei Wei's "wow" cry again.

That cry, really listen to sad, heard the tears.

Rowling rubbed Weiwei's hair, and only heard Weiwei say, "father's gone, father's gone, and I'm the only one left, Wuwuwuwu ~"

Rowling's eyes looked at the kingdom of kobula lying in front of her. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her white eyes moved to the extreme. What are these black powders? How did it come from? It doesn't matter. What's important is that it tells Rowling that Cobra didn't die naturally.

"Vivi, don't cry. Maybe, I mean, maybe the kingdom of cobra is still saved."

Weiwei heard the words of Rowling, raised her head and looked at Rowling with her swollen eyes full of tears.

In that eye, there is a thing called hope!

With a gentle squeeze on his soft cheek, Rowling went to King Cobra.

At this time, kobula had already lost the heartbeat, his face was very pale, and looked as if there was no blood.

White eye constantly observed kobula's body, rollin was surprised to find that in some serious places, blood vessels had been blocked by black powder for a long time. It is because of this that king kobula died.

But it doesn't matter. It should be saved.

Rowling took a deep breath, controlled the golden red sword Qi stored in his body, and went directly to kobula's body.

The overlord of the sword God's blood was revealed once and for all.

Just like the essence and marrow cutting in martial arts novels or fantasy novels, rollin's golden red sword spirit, under his control, also has this similar effect.

He rushed directly into cobra's body. Under the gaze of white eyes, Lorraine completely opened the blood vessels blocked by black powder. Meanwhile, he photographed the powder directly along his mouth. The black blood spurted out of cobra's mouth.

Wei Wei hands together, looking forward to kobula.

But Cobra still didn't breathe or react.

However, Weiwei quickly reacted, pulling her sleeve, gently wiping on Rowling's forehead, wiping the sweat on her forehead.

Rowling didn't know how long he didn't feel sweating, but the high tension of his mental strength really reminded him of that feeling at the beginning.

After all, cobra has no breath now, and his constitution, which is ordinary people, can't be compared with himself.

It can only be done with great care.

"Weiwei, don't worry, there is no final step, this step is crucial!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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