"Lorraine, why do you suddenly want to go to the shampoo islands?"

Peach rabbit puzzled asked, now the task is completed, should not return to Marin van dor?

Luo Lin's pet pinched the peach rabbit's cheek, "are you so anxious to go back? Don't you plan to have some delicious food in the shampoo islands before you go back? "

Hearing the delicious food, the peach rabbit's eyes lit up in an instant, "is it the same delicious tempura as the last time?"

"Of course, and there's good wine and birds. It's a nice place."

"Well, it's decided that before we go back to Marin van dor, we'll go to the shampoos to eat. You treat me. I don't have any money."

Looking at the peach rabbit so interested in the appearance, Rowling smile, who can know in the peach rabbit mature sexy appearance, there is similar to the heart of a little girl.

Think to come to this kind of little girl's disposition also only has oneself to see.

The speed of the general class warship at full speed is very amazing. In about four days, Rowling and peach rabbit arrived at the shampoo islands.

The origin of the shampoo islands is a world's largest mangrove tree "yarchi vine mangrove". Because the root of the tree has been exposed to the water, it forms the shampoo islands.

The biggest feature of the shambaldi islands is that the roots of the yarchi mangrove trees secrete special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands to form bubbles because of the air, and then flies to the sky.

This led to the fact that most of the buildings and vehicles in the islands were built on this bubble. It was a world wonder and attracted a large number of people.

Make the shambaldi islands mixed, everything.

"Come on, peach rabbit. I'll take you to a very special tavern."

"It's not that color, is it?" The peach rabbit looks at the peach rabbit with his face full of guard, and his tone is full of ridicule.

"Sometimes, I'm really curious about what you're thinking about. How could it be that kind of shop?"

"I'm just asking. You see how excited you are."

Peach rabbit shrugged, but the smile on the corner of his mouth betrayed her.

"Let's go. I can't wait to eat delicious food. During this time on the ship, I really fade out of the bird."

Luo Lin said and took the peach rabbit's hand, pulling the blushing peach rabbit to a bar named "Xia Qi's rip off bar".

"Quickly, no one came out of the bar

Hearing Rowling's voice, Xiaqi frowned at the back of the tavern and said to Raleigh, "he's here again. Has he..."

Xia Qi is eager to say something, but Raleigh can hear Xia Qi's subtext.

"It doesn't matter. You go and have a look. If something really happens, I'll show up."

"But then, it's estimated that I will be wanted again. I don't know if I can run this old bone."

Laughing, Xia Qi came to the bar.

"Isn't this black crow? How can you come to my humble tavern when you have time?"

"How can it be so humble that taverns with such names as extortion are rare on the sea."

Xia Qi nodded, as if to acquiesce in the words of Rowling, "you and your little girl friend, what do you want to eat? I'm confident in my own craftsmanship! "

Hear Xia Qi call himself a little girl friend, she bowed her head, dare not look at Rowling, quietly stay aside, like a good girl.

"Aunt Shao, I'm naturally at ease about your craft. You can do what you are good at."

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