"Luffy, I want to ask you a question."

Rowling leaves in front of Nami and walks towards Lufei. She looks down at Lufei with an unknown look in her eyes.

"Would you like to have Nami's life in exchange for all of you alive?"

Voice down, the momentum of Rowling body immediately towards the presence of the crowd again crush and go.

Just momentum, Rowling did not call the overbearing color domineering, but even so, people still feel dizzy.

Under the powerful power of Rowling, Luffy suddenly put his straw hat on his head, lowered his head, tightly clenched his fist, and firmly said, "if we want to use Nami to return our lives, I can't do it, because Nami is our partner! Rowling, even if you are strong, but if you bully my partner, I will never forgive you! Even if it is death, I will definitely knock you to the ground

At this time, the air in the prison is almost frozen.

Robin in particular, a pair of beautiful eyes is staring very big, she sounded, once a person said to himself: "on the sea, sooner or later you will meet your real partner."

Yes, I met a person who regarded the partner as more important than life.

Robin's eyes are a little moist. Although she meets someone who can treat her partner as a life, it doesn't mean that Robin is optimistic about Luffy.

You know Luffy is talking to Lorraine!

Who is Rowling, the strongest general in history! What one person represents is the ability to kill the country!

"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to adults like that?"

Robin frowned slightly, adding a lot of heroism. She stood in front of Rowling and looked directly at Luffy's eyes.

It was as if Robin would kill Luffy as soon as Rowling gave his order.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha Suddenly, in the air seems to be stagnant atmosphere, Rowling suddenly burst out laughing, and the whole person bent down, laughing very fiercely.

"Ha ha ha ha, this is really what you can say, Luffy! But are you really ready? Welcome all the strong men on the sea

Rowling stopped smiling, took back his momentum, and said to Luffy and others, "Luffy, take your men with you, but only once. The next time, I'm sure I'll catch all of you and put them in prison. Even if Karp comes in person, he won't use any money. Do you understand?"

Hearing Rowling's words, Luffy smiles and says to Rowling, "I know you're a good man, but I won't give you another chance."

"I hope so." Rowling didn't care about Luffy's words. Seeing him leave with his friends, Rowling turned his eyes to Robin.

"Robin, do you have anything to say now?"

Hearing Rowling's words, Robin immediately knelt down in front of Rowling and said to Rowling, "no matter how the adults want to punish me, I just hope that you can believe me. This is the first time, and also the last time, I will never make this kind of problem in the future."

"Oh, is it?" Rowling's mouth cocked slightly. "In that case, when you think of any punishment, you can find me yourself."

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