At the gate of the auction house in dorflamenco, shambaud islands.

No one knows how terrifying the identity strength of the two people who seem to be a little funny at the door.

One is Raleigh, known as Hades, and the other is Rowling, a navy general!

Either of these two people can be famous all over the world, but now, like friends I haven't seen for years, they hook up with each other and walk into the auction house.

"Little brother, I tell you, you are right today."

Hearing Raleigh's words, rollingle said, "what do you mean I'm here? Isn't there usually so many people in the auction house?"

"Brother, you are really right. Although there are many people in the auction house, there will not be so many people." "Today is the third year of this auction house. There are many good things to sell here," Raley said

"I don't know what is a good thing in the eyes of the older generation?"

Raleigh grinned and shaved his white beard. He said, "this good thing depends on people. In my opinion, wine is a good thing. But in other people's eyes, it may be a famous sword or a slave. These things will vary from person to person."

"Well, in your opinion, senior, what do you think I'm more interested in?"

Raleigh heard Rowling's words, looked at him up and down, and found that his whole body was covered tightly, even his eyes were blocked by sunglasses. Except for a head of ink hair, he could not see any characteristics at all, and even he specially felt the breath of Rowling.

But no matter how I feel, I don't feel any strong breath from rollin.

It was like sinking into the sea, which made Raleigh a little more serious.

In his view, this is nothing more than two possibilities, one is the ability to hide their own breath, the other is really ordinary people.

Generally can cover their own breath of people, their strength is not a weak.

However, Raleigh didn't care too much, and there were not many people who could make Raleigh care.

Can you be a navy general, black crow?

"This little brother, I think you are strong. You should pay more attention to famous swords or boxing tactics."

Rowling shook his head.

"Devil fruit?"

Rowling still shook his head.

"Do you prefer to auction slaves, brother?"

Rowling still shook his head, and Raleigh was curious. "I said, brother, you are not interested in this or that. What are you doing in this auction house? Is it possible that they came here to learn more? "

Luo Lin shook his head and explained the reason: "senior, I'm greedy. I'm very interested in what you just said. It's because there's everything in the auction house, and the quality is good, that's why I came here."

"In my opinion, only children make choices, I want all of them."

Raleigh stares at Luo Lin, and then he laughs boldly, "ha ha ha, you little brother is so interesting. I'm optimistic about you, but don't be angry and bid."

Raleigh has changed from brother to brother, but what Rowling said just now really made Raleigh happy and his tears came out.

"Little brother, in this big sea, it's not as simple as you think. If you want everything, you must have enough strength to protect it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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