A torrent of gold and red rushed directly out of the warship. The coating was very tough. Even when Rowling rushed out quickly, it would not break. Instead, it was a bullet and changed back to the previous one.

It looks very interesting.

Like a fish, Rowling rushes to the king squid at a very fast speed, and the dragon that gives its soul is also under the control of Rowling and turns into sea water and dissipates in it.

King squid has been liberated, angry it, eyes have become red.

It's quite terrifying. It looks like the warship's light.

Gan Wu Zhuo was pulled out by Luo Lin from the deep sea. His sword was raging like a storm.

It stirred the deep sea, and even the idea of sky shaking sword rushed to the sea. Millions of hectares of sea water rose on the ground and condensed into thousands of Zhang huge waves. Like tens of thousands of dragons roaring at the same time, there were countless adults swimming around the thick and thin Zhanzhan sword spirit among the thousands of Zhangs of the startling waves like ruby.

This kind of terrifying momentum can only be achieved by Luo Lin, a legendary swordsman of high level!

The pressure of the deep sea on Rowling's body, which is enough to easily crush a person's pressure, fell on Rowling's body like nothing.

The body shape constantly flickers, the speed, directly let King squid lost the target.

"Or, you'd better be my octopus ball!"

Said here, Luo Lin held up Gan Wu Zhuo in his hand and chopped it down from top to bottom.

The sword Qi surges on it, and the sword body trembles gently. In the silent sea, it is so clear and bright that it can easily spread to the distance, and it can be blocked at all!

There's a place in the Yuren Island palace called the hard shell tower.

In the tower, the white star seemed to hear the clear and bright sound, lying in front of the small window, stunned.

"Listen to the voice just now. If only I were free now, then I could go and see where the sweet voice came from."

It is not only the white star who hears this sound, but also all the fishermen on the fishman island.

They raised their heads and looked up into the sky, wondering how the sound came from.

In the palace, Neptune sat on the throne, looked down at his sons standing in front of him and said, "what's the matter with that voice just now?"

"Report to my father, we have sent someone to investigate the voice just now. In addition, we have just received the news that the black crow has set out. If there is no accident, it is estimated that we can reach the fishman island in two hours at most."

"Shark star, call him lord Lorraine, this time he's not representing the Navy, but arabastein, get it?"

"I know my father, but my father, what is the reason why Lord Lorraine came to Fishman island this time?"

Nipton shook his head, looked at the sky at a 45 degree angle and said, "I don't know, but what I know is that we need Rowling's arrival. I want to ask him to kill the man who has been harassing white star."

When nepton said about this man, his heart was undoubtedly killing. As a king, he wanted to kill him more than once, but the man's strength was strong, not to mention, he was extremely cunning.

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