When Rowling first came to this world, he thought the devil fruit was very good to get. But as time went on and he lived in this world for a long time, he found that the devil fruit was not the kind that can be seen everywhere in rotten streets.

Anyone who can get the fruit of the devil is absolutely very tough, which indirectly shows that, in a certain way, he is indeed the king of the underground world.

Rowling raised the sign next to his seat and yelled, "500 million Bailey!"

All of a sudden, there was an uproar!

"Is there any mistake? The first time you ask for a price of 500 million yuan

"Or a superman fruit who doesn't know what abilities are?"

"Is this a flower where there is no money?"


Compared with other people who are very shocked, helona's eyes brightened when she heard Rowling's offer, but Rowling was not interested in her kind of offer.

She closed her eyes and stopped looking, which made helona stamp her feet angrily.

"500 million, now 500 million, it seems to be a good start, but I believe there should be a lot of bigwigs here, can't 500 million Bailey frighten you?"

Don't mention, it's the first time for Rowling to see such a poor challenge. The most important thing is that some people have been stimulated and said, "510 million Bailey!"

"520 million Bailey!"

"530 million Bailey!"


Looking at the voices shouting from all corners of the auction hall, Rowling was quite helpless. He knew why dorfminger sent out a helona who was not good at auction. His feelings were beautiful and hot, and they were stimulated by her like fighting chicken blood. He really convinced these people.

"Little brother, I didn't see it. When I opened my mouth, it was 500 million yuan. It's really heroic. I think my good wine is in place."

Raleigh patted Lorraine on the shoulder and laughed.

But Raleigh's voice was drowned in the auction house.

Rowling had an idea and said, "senior, I just heard from my friends that there is a very interesting bar in the shampoo islands. Its name seems to be some kind of rip off. When the auction is over, I will invite you to drink there. How about it?"

Raleigh's face changed as soon as he heard the rip off. There was only Xiaqi's family in the shampoo islands. He lost interest in it. If Xiaqi could let him drink the wine there, would he still use it? Just drink.

Then he said with a smile, "little brother, I'm just joking with you. You can't take it to heart."

While Rowling was making a bad joke about Raleigh, a voice echoed in the auction house.

"700 million Bailey!" A sudden old voice echoed in people's ears. Helona looked at the direction of the old man, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It was really ugly, and her eyes were too floating, which made her feel uncomfortable. At one glance, helona could see through what the old man was thinking.

However, helona is a part-time worker, so she can only hammer and say in her charming voice: "congratulations on the first auction of no.721, Superman Department"

backstage, dorfminger cocked his legs and looked at the surveillance phone bug in front of him, and his face showed a grim smile, "Froude, frover, the first auction price is 700 million Bailey, which is a good omen!"

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