"Everyone, leave them behind regardless of the consequences!"

At this time, the Warring States did not want to consider any war damage.

Because once ace is rescued by the pirates, even if their war damage is low, it will be a heavy blow to the Navy and the world government.

So absolutely not allowed!

As for the orders of the Warring States period, the Yellow ape, the red dog and the Green Pheasant all besieged ace directly.

At least, we have to kill ace completely!

The blood of sin must disappear in this world. This is the thought in the heart of red dog.

"Lorraine, stop, ace!"

The roar of the Warring States period spread directly to half of marlin van dor.

Hearing the words of the Warring States period, Rowling laughed and immediately said, "the Warring States period, some things seem not to be as simple as you imagine!"

As Rowling finished this sentence, before waiting for the Warring States to savor the meaning Rowling wanted to express, there was an unbearable sense of heat in the sky.

Prometheus, who directly used the gigantic and load-bearing forms, appeared on Marlin van dor.

At the same time, Noah's ark, half the size of a fishman Island, also appeared in the eyes of the public.

At the same time, there are the ark proverbs, and Hades!

When the five old stars in the office of the Warring States period saw the Hades, their eyes suddenly widened.

They've seen pictures of Hades in classified documents.

So for Pluto, they were very impressed.

Although the front of this is a reduced version, but the attack system, it seems that there is no reduction at all!

"How, Prometheus! Have you mastered Hades already

Before the five old stars were too shocked, there were countless waves on the sea. The big wind and waves were constantly beating on the huge ice made by the Green Pheasant.

A head of Sea King class, emerged from the sea, the mouth of the constant roar, strong sound pressure, in the ears of people recall.

Let countless people, can not help but cover their ears.

This feeling is really too painful!

"Isn't this truth the king of the sea?"

The five old stars only felt that their three outlooks had collapsed. Why were they still under their control just now? In a flash, all kinds of Hades and sea kings appeared.

This is the rhythm of collapse!

Seeing the scene in front of them, the five old stars looked at each other, and their bodies flashed and came to the battlefield.

Robin, Reggie, Perona, Estes, Rebecca, violet They came down from Prometheus and set foot on Marlin van dor.

"Now, Marlin van dor is our stage, and we are the best people."

Rowling murmured, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a very beautiful arc.

Then he flew to Prometheus.

"What does he want to do?"

As the most powerful one among the four emperors, the Warring States period and the five old stars are not allowed.

Prometheus appeared in the sky of a ship. Without saying a word, he extended his body and wrapped the ship directly.

The extremely hot flame detonated the explosive rock on the ship in an instant.

"Upgrade begins!"

Prometheus was ecstatic in his heart. The explosion of dark cloud rumby exploded in Prometheus' body, but at the moment of explosion, Prometheus absorbed him into his body and turned into his own strength!

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