"Ding, the host of big zoine, shocked, evaluation: B, reward: a ton of peach wine."

"Ding, youth a who participated in the navy was shocked by the momentum of the host. Evaluation: B, reward: one ton of ham sausage."

"Ding, young B, who participated in the Navy, was shocked by the momentum of the host. Evaluation: B, reward: a ton of spicy strips."


Rowling is wantonly sending out his own breath, hearing the system is full of food prompt sound, the whole face is even more ugly.

"System, silence me. If I'm a snack bar, I'll get all kinds of snacks!"

With Rowling's order, the system finally quieted down. Looking at the system warehouse full of food, Rowling showed a bitter smile.

The mole dropped the cold sweat from his face down his cheek to the ground.

"Do you think one of my generals can have this right?"

"So, you just need to report this matter to the higher authorities. I think the marshal of the Warring States period, who just took office, will certainly agree."

"You are so confident!" Generally can feel that Rowling really has no idea of killing, mole will gradually put down the heart.

"Carl big Zuo, you watch here, I'll contact Marshal!"

"Ah?! Yes! I will try my best The chief assistant looked at Rowling nervously, for fear that Rowling had any action.

Looking at the mole gradually away, Rowling also because of the system of things, gradually put off the momentum.

Looking at the legs of some slightly trembling Carl Dazuo, rollin said with a smile: "what are you so nervous about? I won't eat you, do you think so!"

"You, you! No, don't try to lower my defenses! I, I am very good

Carl Dazuo's eyes are always staring at Rowling, for fear that he has any action.

For such a timid big assistant, Rowling smiles, intuition is fun.

Holding a tease his mentality, Rowling from time to time to frighten him, see his ferocious appearance, Rowling feel his evil taste full.

General mole went to the corner of the square and took out a telephone bug from his arms. Every rank above major general had the emergency contact number of the admiral.

The telephone bug imitates the appearance and voice of the Warring States period.

"Mole, what happened? What's wrong with conscription? "

"Marshal, the conscription is very smooth, far more than our expected goal, but..."

"Just what!"

"It's just that in the process of conscription, I met a man who said he wanted to join the Navy, but he didn't want to start from a small soldier. He also said that at worst, he wanted to be a general!"

The Warring States period on the other side of the phone bug was silent for a long time, and then said, "can you call me? I want that person's strength is very strong! Otherwise you would have banished him! "

General mole sighed secretly that the wisdom of the Warring States period was far beyond ordinary people. "Yes, marshal, according to my perception, that person is the worst, and he is also the peak strength of a great swordsman. He even gives me a kind of prestige of a great swordsman. I'm not sure if I have enough strength left!"

"Yes! I see. For the time being, you promise him to take your warship back and come directly to Marin van dor. For the strong, we are absolutely welcome

"Yes, marshal, I know what to do with it!"


Marlin van dor, who hung up the phone bug in the Warring States period, looked aside at the Kapu who was not concerned about his identity and ate his Xianbei. The Warring States shook his head helplessly. He could not see any emotion in his calm eyes.

"We welcome those who sincerely want to join the Navy, but for those who make trouble! Kapp, you'll be busy soon

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