"Well, well, this guy only has 30 years to live, and the remaining 70 years will come from you as a partner!" BOGMOM laughed his favorite unique laugh and turned to look at the painful Pedro. The world of pirates is originally the law of the jungle, and the weak can only survive with difficulty. Moreover, as an invader, Pedro is still the party in the wrong to some extent.

So, if you lose the war, you can only be slaughtered by others. There is no reason in the world of pirates.

"Okay, the remaining 70 years will come from you!" BIGMOM leaned down, and the threat was evident in his words. As if being stared at by a peerless beast, Pedro's hatred, fear, grief and other complex emotions sprouted in his heart at this moment. He regretted why he made this decision, otherwise Jiebo would not die.

"Well, please, Pedro will die after 70 years of life! Well", seeing this, Pokumus burst into tears and knelt down in front of BIGMOM, begging for Pedro's life.

"Huh? Got it, Bokmom, I'm so annoyed, just subtract ten years!" BIGMOM saw the little lion fur tribe in front of him and waved his hand impatiently.

"But, Baron Dandan's one eye is a serious matter."

As soon as BIGMOM finished speaking, Pedro took the saber from his waist and stabbed it directly into his eye. This move shocked everyone present. This guy was too brave.

"Hey, BOGMOM, I want to ask, how many years of life can this eye buy!" Pedro raised his head, stared at BIGMOM, endured the severe pain, and asked.

"Brother Pedro! ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ", Bokmom cried even harder when he saw Pedro who lost an eye.

"It's meaningless to die like this. The dawn of the world will come, and I must go back!" Pedro's eyes became firm. Now he just wanted to go back alive. He still had things he should do.

"Well, well, you're a man, so let's reduce your life by ten years! For the remaining fifty years of life, if you can survive, you can survive, well, well!" BIGMOM squinted at Pedro, and then said in a serious tone, this can be regarded as the morality of pirates.

BIGMOM clawed his big hand, and Pedro's soul floated out of his body, and then most of it was extracted. Pedro, who lost his huge life span, fainted directly.

"Throw him out!" Ignoring Pokumus's pleading eyes, BIGMOM waved his hand and asked the surrounding soldiers to lift the fallen duo and walk out of the castle.


"Well~ Pokumus!"

In the end, all Pokumus's reluctance succumbed under BIGMOM's eyes. After a long time, after BIGMOM left, he got up and ran madly to the outside of the island, with tears all over the ground along the way.

Twenty minutes ago, Pedro was secretly commanded by Baron Dandan to let the soldiers of Cake Island throw him into the sea. As luck would have it, a gust of wind suddenly blew up from the sea, blowing him over the submarine that Xia Tian was riding.


A dull crash made Xia Tian frown, put down the donut in his hand, then opened the door and walked out of the submarine.

"What is this? A beast?! Oh no, isn't this the fur tribe?!"

Xia Tian looked at it for a few more times, and finally salvaged Pedro, and started the submarine's surface navigation mode. A three-meter-long steel boat appeared under Xia Tian. This is the special place produced by the system, and the black technology is really strong.

After seeing it and doing some bandaging treatment, Xia Tian recognized that the person he saved was Pedro, the brave man who wanted to destroy Perospero with a dynamite pack.

"Alas, it's really unpredictable, I can even encounter this, really!" Xia Tian smiled bitterly, turned on the automatic navigation mode, and headed towards the depths of the sea, the destination was Zou Island.

It just so happened that Xia Tian also wanted to see what was going on with the Moon Lion form of the Fur Tribe. If possible, let Poker study the bloodline factor, maybe it could make the strength of the First Beast Corps of the Tuan Tuan even better.

Thinking of this, Xia Tian drew a large tube of blood from Pedro and stored it. The ready-made Fur Tribe would be wasted if not used.

Two days later, Xia Tian brought the unconscious Pedro to a place ten nautical miles away from Zou Island. Looking up, what caught his eye was a huge elephant. It was said that the length reached a terrifying 20,000 meters, and the body that reached the sky was more than 35,000 meters high. There was no end in sight, and all creatures seemed as small as sand in front of him.

"Hey, he hasn't woken up yet. It seems that I can only fly up with this guy on my back!" Xia Tian looked down at the unconscious Pedro.Pedro, who was unconscious, let out a long sigh. He didn't expect that the first person he carried on his back was not his wife, but a fur tribe member! ᵟຶᴖ ᵟຶ

After thinking about it, Xia Tian finally chose to grab Pedro's clothes with one hand, and then used the flying technique to fly directly to the sky. It was impossible to carry a man, not in this life.

Even if Xia Tian used the flying technique, it took him half an hour to reach the top of the elephant master's back. Once he got up, Xia Tian threw Pedro away casually. This guy was as heavy as a dead pig.

Xia Tian's landing attracted the attention of the fur tribe members. The special human smell made Wanda, a fur tribe member on patrol, stop her action unconsciously and sniff the smell in the air carefully, a smell that did not belong to the fur kingdom.

"Gallot, be alert, someone should be invading!" Wanda pulled the reins of the crocodile under her, her expression serious. According to her understanding, the humans outside Zou Island are not only powerful and terrifying, but also very cruel. If you are caught, you may become a pet and be locked in a cage every day.

"Got it, Wanda!" On the side, Garlot moved his cute bunny ears, nodded obediently, and kept looking around, ready to fight at any time.

"Hey, someone is coming!" Xia Tian, ​​who was sitting on the ground to rest, looked up at the forest. Under the perception of the domineering sense of observation, he noticed that two figures were moving at a high speed, and the destination was exactly where he was.

"Is it the patrol team of the fur tribe? It's just right. Hand this guy to them, we should be able to get some information!" Xia Tian slowly stood up. Since he was here, he didn't plan to go back empty-handed.

"Pedro?!" Suddenly, a fluffy white figure attacked Xia Tian while shouting angrily. The static electricity on its claws made a crackling sound around Xia Tian, ​​but it had no effect. It was far inferior to Enel's lightning.

"Hey, hey, I'm not here to fight!" Xia Tian quickly stepped back and raised his hands slightly to indicate that he had no hostility. Unfortunately, no one listened to Xia Tian's explanation. From the depths of the forest, there came a series of friction sounds that passed through the forest.

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