"Yin Yang Bagua Defense Formation?!"

Xia Tian frowned slightly, clicked the instruction manual, and a detailed introduction of the formation appeared.

Defense formation, a large formation based on Tai Chi Yin Yang Bagua, as the saying goes, Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. The formation can absorb the energy of heaven and earth to form a transparent protective shield. As long as the needle eye is not damaged, the formation can be infinitely automatic defense and repair. Heaven and earth will not perish, the formation is used incorrectly.

Xia Tian carefully read the introduction given by the system, and became more and more frightened. As long as the sub-formation is constantly created, a larger defense formation that can cover the entire Kingdom of Smile can be formed. Its defense can even resist the attack of the legendary ancient weapons.

"It's really not poking, I like this formation! With it, there is no worry," Xia Tian said in a low voice with a smile on his face. After all, no one wants to be robbed by outsiders when they go out.

Next, we will develop slowly and prepare the materials needed for the formation. Xia Tian is eager for that day to come, and then even if he is an enemy of the whole world, he can be 50-50.

"Ajin, come here! Put these things in the treasure pavilion and let Tuantuan and the others choose for themselves! As for these, put them in the mission hall of Smile Island and mark the exchange requirements." Xia Tian handed some items won in the lottery to Ajin, including the drawn firearms, Smileist 1.0 version, devil fruit, human gene book, body-building pills, and a bottle of life potion. After all, Ajin is currently also the captain of the Smile Kingdom Guard, and many things need him to do. As for why he is so generous, it is because after the combat power of the younger brothers below is improved, they will soon be scrambled for by the major direct teams. In short, no matter who improves their strength, Xia Tian will always be the one who benefits. You may make a small profit, but I will never lose! As for the choice of rewards, Xia Tian roughly guessed that the animal-type devil fruit would be chosen by Tuantuan, and the Thunder Release Encyclopedia Enel should be very interested. The human genetics book is of course Poke, and it is useless for others if they are not interested. As for the remaining rewards, they should be chosen according to their mood. After all, there are only so many good things. ...

Five days later, Xiaoyu has completely become familiar with all the members of the Smiling Pirates and understands their personalities. Perhaps because of the power of the devil fruit, Tuantuan looks at Xiaoyu with a little fear. He has been out to sea with the beast army for several days.

Absolutely, absolutely control the contact distance, even if the little guy is cute, after all, Tuanzi has a strong temptation to beasts.

In the meeting room of Qunyu Pavilion, Xia Tian and Norinte are sitting at the table. The purpose of coming today is about the red text of Fishman Island. Xia Tian wants Norinte to make a trip. After all, fishmen have a natural advantage in the sea. In addition to the training and use of the body-building pills during this period, Norinte's overall strength has also improved.

"Looking for the red text?" Norinte said in surprise, because as an ordinary civilian of Fishman Island, coupled with his poor life at a young age, he has no time to take care of other things, so he doesn't know the problem of Fishman Island.

"Yes, find out the news of the red text, and make a copy of the ordinary historical text without destroying the stone tablet." Xia Tian looked at Norinte and gave him the scanning tool. In addition, he also asked him to take his nephew Nofei back with him. After all, Fishman Island is their hometown.

"No problem, Captain, I will definitely complete the task!" Norinte stood up solemnly and spoke very seriously. This was the first time that Xia Tian gave him a task, and it must be completed perfectly.

"Well, be careful, go!"

Xia Tian waved his hand. Fishman Island should be in a relatively peaceful period now. Hodi is still planning now, and there should be no accidents when Norinte goes there.

After Norinte left, Xia Tian came to Poke's experimental base. Looking around, it was densely packed with various disassembled parts of the Smileists and some dead animal entities. This was Xia Tian's request to Poke. Unless voluntarily, human bodies cannot be used for research. Scientific medicine is created to benefit mankind, not to destroy the world.

"Hey, how come Boss Xia Tian has time to come here?!" Poker, who was dismantling the mecha, knew that Xia Tian was coming when he heard the footsteps behind him. Others were more or less afraid of Poker now. Moreover, with the expansion of the Kingdom of Smiles, the major squads also showed super strong combat power and different types of strength.

The squad led by Poker naturally gained a certain reputation by relying on the ability of the Smileists and bloodline factors. Many pirates who lost their arms or organs in fighting joined Poker's team in order to become stronger. Now the members of the fifth squad are of various shapes.They can even be called the Little Beasts Pirates. Many members have implanted body parts of large animals to gain more powerful strength.

"Let's take a look at your research results! I heard that the Fifth Division you led has also made a good name in the New World during this period, the Devil's Doctor! (¬‸¬)?"

"Ahem, ┐(´-`)┌To be honest, I don't like this title. It doesn't fit the handsome, tall and mighty me at all!"

"Really? A 1.5-meter-tall tough guy? (ー_ー)!! Hahaha!" Xia Tian slowly lowered his head when he heard Poker's rebuttal. He didn't know if it was because of the devil fruit. Poker's body was motionless now, but after using his ability, his body size increased a lot. Now he can become a giant up to ten meters tall, and his strength has also increased rapidly, comparable to the giants.

"┻╰(‵□′)╯!!! "

"Ahem, let's get down to business. This is an aircraft. It can travel a thousand miles on a single charge. Do you have the confidence to make it?" Xia Tian saw the angry Poker, coughed, and took out an aircraft from his arms. This was also the purpose of Xia Tian's visit, to research and manufacture a brand-new product to allow the entire Smiling Pirates to enter the aviation age, so that the navy, army and air force are all complete. As for the air force, Xia Tian's first choice is Ajin.

"Aircraft?! Let me see, um, not bad, not bad, the concept is very clever, very good!" Poker saw the aircraft Xia Tian took out, and his originally angry face turned directly into a smile as bright as a chrysanthemum. There is nothing happier than improving technology.

Holding the aircraft, he started to tinker with it without looking back, and Xia Tian was left aside.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am redundant.

Shaking his head, Xia Tian left directly. The guy who studies science is not only a genius but also a madman.

In the Sea of ​​Riot, Norinte and Nofei embarked on a journey home in a submarine. This time, Norinte was full of confidence. This was the confidence brought by strong strength. Only the strong can survive better.

"Uncle, I want to go to Fishman Street to see my friends! (˙-˙)" Nofei looked at Norinte with a longing face. There was his only friend.

"Okay!" Norinte rubbed his head with a fatherly smile. This was his only relative in the world.

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