On the sea, Xia Tian, ​​who was flying fast, showed a helpless expression. His old man actually came to Smile Island secretly? What on earth was he going to do!

Forget it, let's go back as soon as possible!

"What, join the World Government?!"

"Yes, that's right. The people of the World Government asked the Navy to pass on a message. I have nothing to do, so I just acted as a messenger." Karp didn't care about Kalina's jaw dropping. He ate a donut in one bite. He found that the apple-flavored donuts were more to his taste.

"It's better to let His Majesty Xia Tian come back to confirm this!" Kalina breathed a sigh of relief, but she felt that Xia Tian would not agree. After all, becoming an alliance country requires paying Tianshang Gold. With her understanding of Xia Tian's stinginess, it is absolutely impossible. Xia Tian was the guy who took the initiative to rob Tianshang Gold because of lack of funds.

What's wrong with these people in the World Government? !


One day later, Xia Tian came to a small island outside the Kingdom of Smiles and installed a teleportation anchor point. Then his figure turned into countless light spots and dissipated in the original place. When he appeared again, he had arrived at the Smile Island.


Xia Tian pushed open the door and saw Garp struggling at the dining table. He shrugged his shoulders and came to Garp.

"Old man, you don't come to me for no reason. What do you want to do here?"

"Bang, bastard, no respect for elders, I am your grandfather!" Garp hit Xia Tian's head with one hand without raising his head. A crisp sound rang out. It was obvious that both grandfather and grandson used the armed color domineering cover.

"I am here to pass on a message. The World Government intends to let you join the Alliance."

"Are you kidding, old man? It is absolutely impossible for me to listen to those fat pigs and garbage?"

Xia Tian refused without thinking. What is the benefit of becoming a member country? On the contrary, it is necessary to pay Tianshang Gold for the use of the group of wastes of the Celestial Dragons. Xia Tian could not agree.

"Haha, you're right, you are worthy of being my grandson." Hearing this, Karp burst into tears of joy, and kept clapping the table, making a banging sound.

"Mr. Karp, pay attention to the impact!" Bogart on the side turned black, and quietly touched his clothes, indicating not to talk too much.

"Let's not talk about this, old man, since you are here, stay here for a few days. I haven't seen you for many years. I miss you very much."

"Hehe, let's talk about it next time. I don't want to be a punching bag." Karp stood up directly, wiped his mouth, and raised his legs to leave. What is Xia Tian's plan, he doesn't know yet? It is undoubtedly to make him a sparring partner to train his strength.

"Tsk, stingy guy!"

In the end, Karp left directly. After all, the grandfather and grandson are not in the same camp.

"Mr. Karp! This country is too strange and too perfect!" Not long after the dog-headed battleship walked out, the silent and cold Bogart spoke up and expressed his own thoughts.

"Strange? Maybe! Bogart, have you ever thought that the bad things in the world today are not things, but people?"

"Don't care about these, just report to that bastard Sengoku", Garp waved his hand, interrupting Bogart's continued questioning. No matter what his grandson does, it's fine, as long as he doesn't hurt the weak for no reason.

In the new world, in the office of Marshal Marinfan, Sengoku heard the news from Garp and smiled inexplicably.

"I didn't expect that Garp had such a smart grandson. It's really surprising."


Half a year later, in the East China Sea, Windmill Village, a small wooden boat floated quietly on the sea. A boy wearing a straw hat showed an extremely excited and happy smile, and was waving his arms to say goodbye to the people on the shore.

That's right, Monkey D. Luffy is about to go to sea, and a new era is coming! The seemingly calm situation on the sea is about to undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Boss, aren't you going to say goodbye? Luffy is also going out to sea!"

"Hmph, who cares about the life or death of this kid? Anyway, they are all a bunch of annoying guys, so just leave quickly." The bandit Dadan, who was hiding in the corner, took a deep puff of cigarette, secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said as if nothing had happened.

"Bang! Crash!"

When Dadan was about to leave, the originally calm sea surface suddenly raised huge waves. The waves of more than ten meters made Luffy's small wooden boat shake constantly. A huge and ferocious head looked down at Luffy.

The Lord of the Near Sea appeared, his red eyes full of murderous intent, looking at Luffy like a delicious food, drooling.

"Hehe, I am not the same as before, let you try the results of my training!" Luffy smiled heartily, gently pressed his hat with one hand to make sure it was foolproof, and then began to shake his arms faster and faster..

"Guo Mo Guo Moruo! Rubber pistol!"


Luffy's arm suddenly stretched out and hit the huge head of the Lord of the Near Sea directly. The terrifying force directly made his head sink, and blood and teeth spit out of his bloody mouth. The huge body of more than ten meters fell heavily on the sea. The tall body fell into the sea, stirring up a wave.

One punch KO!

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! So powerful, Luffy!"

"Great, Luffy, you actually knocked down the Lord of the Near Sea directly."

"So strong, Luffy!"


Everyone in the windmill village on the shore suddenly changed from fear to surprise, and jumped up happily to cheer for Luffy,

"Humph, kid!"

When Dadan saw that Luffy was fine, her originally nervous heart finally fell, but she was not forgiving, and she strode away. She was afraid that if she didn't leave, she would really cry back.

The rest of the bandits saw their boss was so stubborn, and they were a little helpless, but they still followed him and left.

"I'm leaving! Everyone!" Luffy defeated the Lord of the Near Sea, raised his hand and shook it to say goodbye to everyone again, then looked at the boundless sea in front of him, feeling the breath of freedom.

"Xia Tian, ​​Ace, here I come!"

Luffy thought in his heart, and then began to row hard. The boat faced the rising sun and drove fast. Slowly, everyone on the shore could only see a small black dot, and finally nothing could be seen.

In the New World, Ace, who was having a banquet in the Whitebeard Pirates, and Xia Tian on the Qun Yu Pavilion all sensed something, stopped what they were doing, came to the beach, and looked in a certain direction at the same time.

"Luffy, is he finally coming?" Xia Tian and Ace thought at the same time.

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