"Sky Island? Go! Xia Tian, ​​I think it's great. There must be a lot of interesting creatures there." Poke danced with excitement when he heard Xia Tian's description. The island in the sky is very interesting. There must be something he wants to study there.

"Captain decides!" A Jin said expressionlessly. Anyway, in his mind, Xia Tian is everything. He will obey all orders unconditionally, even if he is asked to commit suicide.

"Hehe, I listen to the boss!" Tuan Tuan raised his chubby paws and agreed with a smile. Wherever the boss goes, Tuan Tuan will go.

"Well, in that case, then wait here for a few days. According to rumors, there are five upwelling currents every month. Counting the days, it will be in these two days."

"However, before we set off, we still need to do one thing, catching birds."

"Catch birds?"

"Catch birds!"

"Well, a special kind of bird, with a special and strange call, just like the magnetic field in the body, the head will always look south from beginning to end. People generally call it a compass bird."

"This is the only way we can identify the direction to Sky Island at present."

Xia Tian explained the preparations. As for going to Sky Island in the future, it is not necessary. As long as the Smile navigation system completes the record this time, it will automatically identify and track.

"Hey, boss, look ahead, there seems to be a castle!"

Tuan Tuan pointed to the front with his little black claws. Xia Tian looked at it and understood that this must be the residence of the diamond-shaped uncle with a chestnut on his head-Mont Blanc Kulikai.

However, from a distance, the castle background board does look very realistic.

"That's fake!"


"Well, it's just a background board."

"Oh (ー_ー)!!" Tuan Tuan was immediately contemptuous in his heart. He thought it was a big castle, and his excited heart was extinguished at once.

"Liar, humans are all big liars!"

Xia Tian and others docked the Smile on the shore and prepared to enter the forest to catch the guide bird. Because it was very simple, Xia Tian brought Tuan Tuan and Poker.

"Splash!" Dense bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and an uncle with a strange head shape emerged from the bottom of the sea. He looked at Xia Tian and others and asked in confusion.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, uncle, my name is Monkey D. Xia Tian, ​​a pirate, and these are my friends." Xia Tian explained.


Hearing Xia Tian's explanation, Kuli Kai showed a trace of irritation, but quickly suppressed it.

"What are pirates doing in such a place? There is no treasure here."

"This time, we plan to capture the compass bird to prepare for going to Sky Island. Apart from that, we have no malicious intentions."

"Compass bird!" Kuli Kai was surprised to hear Xia Tian's words. The man in front of him actually knew Sky Island and understood the role of the compass bird. It seems that he is not a simple man.

Because even he, as a descendant of the "big liar" Mont Blanc Noland, just hopes that Sky Island really exists, but he is not sure.


Xia Tian answered confidently, then waved his hand and led Tuan Tuan towards the forest. Time was short and the task was heavy. They had to catch one before the current came.

This was just a check-in point on the adventure road.

"Boss, are they going to the Sky Island?!" Two 'gorillas' appeared behind Kuli Kai and asked in surprise.

"Yeah! Huh~" Kuli Kai took a long breath and looked in the direction of Xia Tian and his group until his figure completely disappeared in the forest. The ashtray beside him was already full of cigarette butts.

"Sky Island? Do you really exist!" Kuli Kai muttered to himself, with an indescribable loneliness in his eyes. For hundreds of years, the Mont Blanc family has been called a big liar family. Such shame cannot be justified. A deep sense of powerlessness filled the whole body.

"I hope you can bring a surprise!"


Southern Forest

Xia Tian and the others finally reached their destination, and they moved forward slowly. Their observation Haki covered the surrounding area of ​​100 meters. As long as they could see, Xia Tian had the confidence to succeed in one strike.

"Yo woo woo~ woo woo~"

A strange cry suddenly sounded, and Xia Tian felt it from a tree 50 to 60 meters ahead. Then his body was ejected directly. After learning the lesson of Crocodile being rescued by a vulture last time, Xia Tian also added the Navy Six Styles to his learning items during morning exercises, and he is now able to use it proficiently.

With Xia Tian's own speed and the coordination of the Navy Six Styles Moon Step, he can now fly and run in the sky for an hour. The speed of his full burst is so fast that it even exceeds the speed of sound.

"I see you!"

"Xun Zi - Wind Rope!"

In the air, Xia Tian whispered, and suddenly two ropes of wind appeared around him, and the compass bird floated towards the branch in front of him. Before it succeeded in doing bad things, it was captured.

"Woo woo woo~"

The moment Xia Tian caught it in his hand, the compass bird opened its mouth and screamed indignantly


Xia Tian's head popped, it was a habit, don't forget that he has the talent of controlling beasts, thinking that Xia Tian would not understand if he cursed people in bird language.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will stew you!"

Feeling Xia Tian's fierce breath, the compass bird suddenly deflated, and its eyeballs rolled around, and I don't know what it was thinking.

On the other side, Xia Tian was not as relaxed. I saw several compass birds standing on the tree, arrogantly commanding various insects in the forest to attack, and immediately bit Tuan Tuan and the other two with big lumps all over their bodies. Fortunately, Poker brought potions and disinfected them in time, otherwise they would suffer again.

"Roar! I'm angry!"

Tuantuan saw more and more insects attacking him, frowning, and a panda roar sounded. The powerful momentum swept the surrounding air, shaking the trees rustling. The terrifying sound wave attack made the insects in the air lose consciousness, and they fell densely like raindrops. Not far away, a compass bird rolled its eyes and fell straight down.

"Little guy, you are far from playing with your uncle Tuantuan!"

Tuantuan saw the strange bird that Xia Tian described, and hurried over, caught it with one claw, and held it tightly in his claws, fearing that it would escape.

"Hey, not bad, you caught one too!"

Xia Tian saw the strange bird in Tuantuan's hand from a distance, and smiled with a slight smile on his face.

"Hey, boss, I'm awesome, right! (ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́)✧"

"Yeah, our Tuantuan is the strongest!" Xia Tian reached out and touched Tuantuan's head. The little guy closed his eyes happily, and his chubby face was full of smiles.

"Let's go and wait for the upwelling current to appear."

Marinford, Navy Headquarters.

Marine Admiral Sengoku held an internal meeting to deal with Xia Tian's defeat of Shichibukai Crocodile.

"Everyone is here! Let's start discussing this new pirate Monkey D. Xia Tian."

"Monkey? The same last name as Vice Admiral Garp?"

"Yeah, I wonder what the relationship is?"

"Hey, such a powerful young man, why don't you join the navy! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"


"Quiet!" Sengoku saw the people whispering below, frowned, and shouted loudly.

"It is indeed as you think. Monkey D. Xia Tian is related to that bastard Garp, and he is very close to him. He is the grandson of Garp. However, pirates are pirates, and pirates are evil garbage. No matter who they are related to, our navy will never let a pirate go. Now let's discuss the opinions on how to deal with this pirate and the bounty amount!..."

"Aba Aba..."

The meeting lasted for three hours, and finally Xia Tian's bounty was set at 100 million berries.

Such a bounty amount is already a terrifying and deterrent pirate in the first half of the Grand Line!

Akin's bounty amount reached 40 million berries, and as for Tuantuan, it reached a terrifying 300 berries, which tripled. After all, it is a bear, and it is still deterrent.

Pok and Kalina have not yet entered the Navy's bounty order this time.

Tuan Tuan: "▄█▀█, I obviously fought very hard! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)".

"Okay, there will be many opportunities in the future! Look, Poker and Karina don't even have a bounty", Xia Tian comforted, but he was not optimistic in his heart. Think about it, just like Chopper, even if his record is amazing, because of his pet status, the bounty is not as expensive as cotton candy.

Poker: "Hehe, Xia Tian, ​​next time I will definitely work hard! I will definitely be bountied".

Karina's heart: "No need, I still want to live well (ー_ー)!!".

In short, because Xia Tian defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile and became famous in one battle, the bounty was flying all over the world, and the Revolutionary Army Headquarters, Windmill Village, New World and other places received it. The Smiling Pirates entered the eyes of the strong for the first time.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

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