
When Whitebeard saw Ace intact, a smile appeared on his old face and he breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that he was fine, otherwise all his plans would be useless.

"Let's have some fun next! Navy brats!" Whitebeard pushed his hands, the air on both sides exploded, spider web-like patterns emerged, and the entire space began to shatter. The three admirals closest to Whitebeard looked at Whitebeard with a serious face at this moment. They all knew that Whitebeard was just a spent force after being attacked repeatedly and pierced by laser beams. Even if he left here today, it would be difficult to recover.

However, even the weakest tiger is still a beast. If you underestimate him, you will definitely pay a heavy price. The three admirals are now ready to fight with all their strength to stop the last Whitebeard.

The ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit was activated, and the calm sea surface began to roll wildly. The waves came one after another. The originally frozen offshore sea surface also began to break under the devastating vibration of Whitebeard. The thick ice layer gradually disintegrated and floated with the surging waves.

"Destroy it! Marinford!"

The waves as high as several hundred meters hit Marinford again, forming a circle of vibration field with Whitebeard as the center, and everything was shattered here. This was Whitebeard's all-out attack.

The sky exploded, and with a shocking sound of breaking, the tall buildings of Marinford were directly flattened in half. The terrifying attack brushed past the big Buddha Sengoku. This was Whitebeard's determination and also a protection for Ace and Luffy who were landing. No one could sneak attack them. These two people were the ones he, Whitebeard, protected.

"Gulala! Marco, protect Ace, everyone, start to retreat!"

Whitebeard skillfully swung out a slashing air wave with Kurokumo in his hand, attacking the three admirals in front of him fiercely. He could feel that his body was no longer good, but for his sons, he had to hold on.


Ace looked at Whitebeard who was surrounded by the navy and shouted with all his might. Similarly, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates also shouted desperately at this moment. They could all see that Whitebeard was using his life to exchange for their chance to live.

"Leave here, this is the last order as a captain!"


"Dog bites Red Lotus!"

The indifferent Akainu didn't care whether the pirates were reminiscing about the past. Whitebeard, who was distracted, had to bear the consequences of carelessness. The extremely hot magma heat wave rolled in and hit Whitebeard's broad chest directly. A heavy punch directly pierced his body, and his internal organs were melted by the terrifying high temperature. With a wow, he spit out large mouthfuls of blood. Whitebeard supported Kusukio Kirei and tried to stand up his shaky body. Looking at the figure in front of him, he actually saw a double image.


Ace saw Whitebeard's scarred body at the moment. The injuries all over his body were horrifying. He could still survive such a horrible attack, which undoubtedly showed his tenacious vitality.

"Let's go, Ace!" Marco's eyes were full of tears. Although he was very reluctant and hurt, when he thought of his dad's resolute eyes, Marco took out the attitude of a big brother at this moment. The brothers and sisters behind him needed him to protect them.

"But, Dad! Where is Dad alone! Marco" (。í _ ì。)

"I know, but just because of this, you should work hard to live. Do you want Dad's death to be meaningless? Ah, Ace, wake up!"

Marco roared loudly. His feelings for Whitebeard were no worse than anyone else. He even regarded Whitebeard as his biological father. How could he not care about the feelings of more than 20 years of getting along?

"Let's go! ~`oˊ~"

"Dad! ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ"



A group of famous pirates were crying like a child of several hundred months old at this moment. They looked back every few steps and began to evacuate to the seaside, where there was the last retreat left by Whitebeard Newgate.

"Humph, you want to run, how can I let you leave!" Akainu glanced at the dying Whitebeard and strode towards the Whitebeard Pirates. Since they were all a group of evil pirates, it didn't matter even if they were all killed.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu raised his hands, and his arms turned into balls of flames and magma and sprayed towards the sky. The direction was exactly the direction where the Whitebeard Pirates fled. Akainu wanted to destroy everyone in Marinford.

"Lava kid, you really don't take me seriously!" Whitebeard appeared behind Akainu without knowing when. His weak breath made Akainu feel the threat of death. He turned around in horror and found that the tall Whitebeard was in a thickThe strong arm grabbed his head, and the vibration formed an invisible light circle. The pain of being torn into pieces made Akainu's face extremely distorted. This old guy is really crazy.


Whitebeard burst out with all his strength and pressed Akainu to the ground directly. He didn't care about the blood flowing on his body. He raised his fist and pressed it down again. The ground was directly torn into pieces and stretched for hundreds of meters. Akainu lay on the ground with blood on his face, his eyes wide open and very surprised.

"Frozen time capsule!"

Aokiji took action at this time. The ability of the ice fruit was activated. The cold sound shock wave released from his body froze Whitebeard in an instant. The seriously injured Whitebeard was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Crack! Crack! Gulala, I am just a remnant of the old times. There is no ship for me to ride in the new era!"

Whitebeard's body was filled with vibration force, which shattered the ice again. He raised his right arm high, and then swung it down with force. The powerful force directly hit Aokiji. The terrifying vibration force pushed Aokiji back a hundred meters before he barely stopped.

"Yashakani no Magatama!"

Kizaru seized the opportunity behind Whitebeard, condensed the laser beam in his hand, and then fired countless dazzling light bullets. In an instant, dense attacks flew down from the sky, all bombarding Whitebeard's shaky body.

"Cough, cough, puff~"

"Dog Devouring Red Lotus!"

Akainu, who finally rested, had magma surging all over his body. Magma as high as several thousand degrees was instantly ejected, instantly covering Whitebeard.


Whitebeard, who was hit hard, stopped moving and stood like an old pine tree. He looked towards Ace and smiled calmly, but when he looked closely, he was no longer able to make any sound.

The rest of the navy cheered when they saw the world's strongest man being taken down by the three admirals. Whitebeard's defeat meant that the navy had won the war. As long as the remaining remnants were eliminated, the navy would be the winner and the embodiment of justice.

"Dad! Impossible! How could this be possible? Dad will not die." Ace suddenly looked a little dazed when he saw Whitebeard being frozen. His eyes widened and tears filled his eyes. He seemed to be hollowed out.

"Huh, it looks like this war is about to end! Red-haired Shanks, isn't he going to appear yet?"

Whitebeard died, Ace was rescued, and Xia Tian held his chin and thought seriously. As long as Red-haired Shanks appeared, the trajectory of history would be changed.

"Retreat!" Marco wiped his eyes vigorously and pulled Ace to run to the periphery. This was the time that his father had bought with his life. No more people could die. As long as they returned to the sea, they would have a chance to survive.

"Ah la la, if I let you leave like this, I will lose all my face!"

Kizaru's wretched face wrinkled, and his whole body began to elementalize, transforming into countless light spots and flying towards the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates, as if he wanted to give a final blow.

"Don't move, Kizaru!"

The cold voice stopped the elemental Kizaru, and a man with a cigarette in his mouth appeared on the mast of the ship, holding a gun and speaking.

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