After watching Poker enter the body of the Sky Lord, Xia Tian was not in a hurry. After all, Enelu was there and could not escape. Moreover, they had defeated a priest, so it was impossible for Enelu not to notice Xia Tian, ​​because the "Heart Net" (Observation Haki) combined with the power of the Thunder Fruit could cover the entire Sky Island area.

Maybe, Enelu would come to the door in person.

"Who! Come out!"

Xia Tian turned his head and stared at a big tree not far away, saying that he had just used the Observation Haki when he found someone approaching behind him.

"My friend from Qinghai, I have no ill intentions! I just happened to pass by."

The person who came was the original god, Gan For, who had just broken up with the leader of the Shandia people, Wapa, on his way home and found Xia Tian and his group confronting the Sky Lord. When he was thinking about rescuing them, he saw the scene of Xia Tian's victory just now. He was shocked and wanted to leave, but was discovered by Xia Tian.

"Hey, old man, your mount is so ugly"╭(╯ε╰)╮

Tuantuan came to the opposite side of Ganfor's mount, stared at him with wide eyes, curled his lips, and said with great disdain.

"Wow, stinky bird, shut up, or I'll stew you, bang!" Being despised, Pierre's bird face changed, and he bit Tuantuan's head.

Fatty Tuan screamed immediately. He had never suffered such grievances before. Besides, he always claimed to be the vice-captain of the Smiling Pirates. Where is his prestige? He just punched him with his fists.

Pierre was dizzy and staggered to hide behind Ganfor, revealing his head and looking at Tuantuan in horror.

"Okay, okay, who told you to say it's ugly." Xia Tian stroked his forehead and said helplessly.

"It is!" Tuantuan muttered softly on the side.

"Hello, my name is Monkey D. Xia Tian, ​​from Qinghai. Now, we are short of a guide. You are a native of Sky Island. I believe you know where God Enel is. Please take us to find him." Xia Tian said. His impression of Ganfor is still in the original book. He is a person who loves his people very much and is also kind. He saved Luffy and his gang. Otherwise, the future Pirate King would have been wiped out on Sky Island.

"Looking for God Enel?!"


"I advise you not to go. That guy is too dangerous. He is moody and you may be killed if you disagree with him." Ganfor looked at the group of young people in front of him, Xia Tian, ​​and persuaded.

"Tsk, old man, my boss is the strongest. Lead the way in a while. I want to see what that god is! How powerful (* ̄rǒ ̄)", Tuantuan said with disdain while picking his nose. In his heart, Xia Tian is the strongest existence, sweeping away all monsters.

"Hey, you guys..."

Seeing Xia Tian and the others so determined, he stopped trying to persuade them, thinking: There are too many young people these days who are full of vigor and vitality, and sooner or later they will suffer the beating of reality.

Just like that, they waited quietly for an hour, and finally, Pok, who was about 1.7 meters tall, walked out of the mouth of the Lord of the Sky dragging a three-meter-long gold.

"Hey, Xia Tian, ​​you have fulfilled your mission!"

Pok's face was like a ghost painting, which seemed to be a mixture of blood and internal organs, but Pok didn't care at all, showing his white teeth and grinning, which was even more creepy.

"Okay, okay, wash your face quickly."

"Wow, so much gold, we are rich! ~\(≧▽≦)/~" Here, the quick-eyed and quick-handed Kalina had already opened the pocket of gold, and suddenly it was shining with gold, and various gold products appeared in front of everyone.

"Swish, so much, how much meat can I buy?" Tuantuan's eyes glowed, staring at the gold. It knew that a small piece could be exchanged for a lot of berries. It secretly glanced at Xia Tian, ​​and kept thinking about it in its mind.

"Ah, a bunch of money-grubbers!" Xia Tian sighed in his heart. Although he knew that the Lord of the Sky had a lot of gold in his stomach, he was still shocked when he really appeared in front of him.

The system store flashed in his mind, but after seeing the ratio of 10,000:1, Xia Tian was heartbroken. Ten thousand berries for one point, this krypton gold level is even more cruel than a certain penguin.

The evil capitalist system.

System: "You can not exchange it (▔, ▔)"

"Xia Tian, ​​are you really determined to find Enelu?"

Seeing Poker come back and the Smiling Pirates were ready to go, Ganfor couldn't help asking again.

"Well, please lead the way! After today, there will be no dictatorship on Sky Island! You don't have to live under the shadow of fear." Xia Tian said calmly.

"I hope so!" Gan Fuer sighed in his heart. Since Enel came here for more than a year, too many things have happened, and the islanders have suffered for a long time.

With Gan Fuer's guidance, Xia TianDrive straight towards Enel's mansion.

At this time, a lazy man wearing a white turban, long earlobes with earrings, bare upper body, thunder drums on his back, and a gold ring on his hand took a bite of the apple, and sat boredly to see the remaining three priests in the yard.


"The man who defeated Shura is heading here, you three go and get rid of him!".

The three priests looked at each other, then stood up together, took their weapons and left the mansion, the target, Xia Tian and his party.

"Xia Tian, ​​the place ahead is where Enel lives!" Gan Fuer raised his hand and pointed to the front, saying seriously.

"Well, thank you!"


There were bursts of wind breaking in the woods, and the three priests appeared in front of Xia Tian and others, staring with indifferent expressions, as if they didn't take it seriously.

"Qinghai people, I heard that you defeated that guy Shura!" Ohm slowly drew out the big sword and pointed it forward.

"Yes, that's right. I thought you priests were pretty strong, but I didn't expect you to be so weak after fighting."

"Humph, you're looking for death!"

Oum's face turned black, he raised the sword in his hand high, chopped it down with force, and a stream of sword energy attacked Xia Tian in a crisscross pattern.

"Your opponent is me, how could I let you disturb our captain right at the beginning!"

A Jin's figure flashed in front of Xia Tian, ​​and he directly transformed into the form of the Mythical Beast · Bird-Bird Fruit · Ghost Car, blocking all attacks.

"What? How is it possible!"

The three priests were shocked. Everyone knew Ohm's strength. The man in the turban in front of him could easily bear it with his body, and why did the flames around him feel so weird and cold.

"I'll leave the three of them to you! I'll go find that guy Enel!"

"Don't worry, Boss, I'll make them recognize who they are!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"Uh, Xia Tian, ​​I'll do my best!" Poker said, not to be outdone, seeing A Jin and Tuan Tuan's statements. Although he was a ship doctor, he loved fighting adventures, otherwise he wouldn't have sailed alone so often before.

"Let's go!"

As soon as Xia Tian finished speaking, the people around him felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a light flew out and disappeared in an instant.

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