"Bulu Bulu, Bulu Bulu"

In the Kingdom of Smiles, in the Jade Pavilion, a series of sounds came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Xia Tian, ​​what do you want to do? Don't you know that there are Celestial Dragons in the Golden City?"

Akainu's roar made Xia Tian's ears numb. It seems that the actions of Ilin and Enel made someone report it to Akainu.

CP Organization: (´`;) ? What did you say? I don't know.

"Celestial Dragons? No way, the high and mighty Celestial Dragons would actually go to such a place? (;´・`)>"

Xia Tian said in an unbelievable tone and exaggeratedly.

"Humph, stop pretending, Xia Tian, ​​no matter what, the safety of the Celestial Dragons cannot be wrong, otherwise, you know the consequences."

"Are you threatening me? Marshal Sakaski!"

Akainu: ...™

"Hahahahaha, just kidding, as an ally of the Navy and a partner of justice, how could they do such a crazy thing? I will tell them immediately to respect the Celestial Dragons."

"Hmph, that's better!"

Akainu snorted coldly. He also knew that such a conversation was just Xia Tian giving him face. After all, the guys in the Smile Pirates were all a bunch of lunatics, a bunch of evil pirates who were reckless and powerful.

In the Golden City, Yilin, who was connected to the Den Den Mushi, heard Xia Tian's voice and nodded seriously. He looked at the CP organization above, and a sinister light flashed in his eyes.

"I know, Captain, I will definitely keep an eye on Enelu," Yilin replied seriously.

"Come out, don't hide,

I will notify all the teams to make way for a passage, and quickly take the fat guy up there away."

"You, do you know what you are talking about?" The World Government personnel who protect the Celestial Dragons were terrified, trembling and raised their arms to point at Yilin and accused him.

"You'd better put your hands down, otherwise I'm not sure if your head will still be on your body in the next second. As for the Celestial Dragons? Do you think the Smiling Pirates will be afraid?!"

Ilin's indifferent voice made the black-suited personnel in front of him recover from their excitement and anger, and subconsciously put down their arms. Yes, I forgot what the Smiling Pirates were like for a moment.

The former Smiling Pirates were the ones who captured the Celestial Dragons, robbed the Tensho Gold, and even defeated the Demon Slayer Order. Whether it was Captain Baquan Xiatian or the cadres, they were all top pirates in the New World.

"Get out of here!"

"Dengdengdeng, bang..."

Hearing Ilin's voice, the guards of the World Government immediately rolled away without looking back, and hurriedly took the Celestial Dragons away from here, otherwise, it was unclear whether the Celestial Dragons were in trouble, and they would definitely die.

On the attic, the Celestial Dragons, who were originally majestic and high above, subconsciously sniffed when they heard the Smiling Pirates, and hurriedly stood up.

Saint Charlos in the bubble ball showed a horrified expression. No one had ever frightened him so much until the appearance of the Smiling Pirates.

These guys were not human at all. The scene of dragging him through the streets would still wake him up in his dreams. This was the humiliation of his life. As a Celestial Dragon, when had he ever suffered such an injustice?

"Asshole, hurry up and leave!"

Saint Charlos kicked the World Government personnel who reported, strode forward, and fled from the attic, fearing that the lunatics of the Smiling Pirates would come to his door in the next second.

But, no matter what, Saint Charlos did not expect that the navy warship he was on encountered a huge tsunami during the voyage, and both the people and the warship were destroyed and sank to the bottom of the sea forever.

One week later

In the New World, BIGMOM Pirates, Capone Bege, one of the supernovas, has become the father of a baby and is planning to kill the grandmother of his child to replace her. As BIGMOM's daughter, Charlotte Chiffon has no objection to this idea.

It has to be said that there are many famous scenes of loving fathers and filial sons, loving mothers and filial sons in the pirate world. At this moment, Bege looked at the newspaper in her hand with a solemn expression.

The world's largest entertainment city was destroyed, and the Smiling Pirates once again appeared in front of the world. In the newspaper, Enelu's god-like figure made Bege fall into deep thought. So, Bege decided to postpone the plan to assassinate BIGMOM. After all, the four emperors as powerful as monsters could not kill her in seconds even if they attacked by surprise.

The plan cannot have any mistakes, otherwise, everyone will die.

On an island outside the Bigmom Pirates' territory, Urouge, one of the supernovas, sat on the ground panting. Not far in front of him was Charlotte Snaggle, one of the four generals of the Bigmom Pirates.Lying on the ground and passed out, perhaps because of the arrival of summer, some time nodes have changed vaguely, as if everything is accelerating.

"What a waste, he was defeated by a newcomer who just went to sea!"

A rustling sound came from the depths of the forest. After a tremor, a strange-looking cookie man came out holding a big sword in his hand and pointed it directly at Ulki.

Seeing the enemy appear, Ulki stood up with a smile on his face, not afraid at all, because only by defeating the enemy in front of him can he move forward.

The battle was about to break out, and the battle between the two people directly entered a white-hot stage. The power of the devil fruit was activated crazily, the earth cracked, and the trees on the island were destroyed in an instant. On the coast, the shock wave generated by the attack of the two people made the waves roll up, and a wave of fifty or sixty meters slammed against the coast.

Will history repeat itself? !

On a winter island somewhere in the New World, Bonnie, the big eater who was eating food in big mouthfuls, looked at the newspaper in her hand with an uninterested expression. She remembered that Kidd and Hawkins and others formed an alliance more than a year ago, but were wiped out by the Smiling Pirates. She was very contemptuous.

After eating the food in her hand in a few bites, Bonnie continued to move towards the snowy mountain, where she had the information she wanted.


Kid, who was digging stones at a mine somewhere on the Smiling Island, sneezed inexplicably, making him, who never gets sick, look at the people around him with a guilty conscience, because today is the time they planned to escape.

Every Sunday is the day when the Smiling Pirates have the least guards. The most important thing is that the tunnel that has been secretly dug for these years has finally been opened, and the destination is all the way to the outermost port of this island.

On the Punk Hazard Island, the Straw Hat Pirates gathered together, looking at Trafalgar Law in front of them, with different expressions and a subtle atmosphere.


"Luffy, how can you cooperate with such a terrifying and dangerous guy? It's terrible."

"Luffy, I will follow your decision, but the pirate alliance often betrays, which is not a good thing for you who easily trust others."

"Huh? Trafalgar, will you betray us?" Luffy asked with a smile, pinching his waist.

"No!" Trafalgar Law answered very seriously.

"Hehe, look!" (๑╹ヮ╹๑)ノ

Luffy nodded with satisfaction, indicating that there was nothing wrong with his vision.

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