"Dead! Master Pierclo is dead?! Hahahaha, this old bastard is finally dead!"

The Shadow Killer who was fighting with Xiao Jin laughed crazily when he saw that Pierclo was dead, and his whole body was shaking.

"It's good to be dead, this devil is dead!"

"Master Shadow?!"

"What happened, why is Master Shadow like this?"

"Master Pierclo is dead, why is Master Shadow laughing! Could it be..."

Everyone in the Big Hand Funeral House looked at the crazy Shadow Killer, and they were at a loss. They didn't know the grudge between the two. They only knew that the Shadow Killer was the top card of the Big Hand Funeral House and the direct confidant of the assassin emperor Pierclo.

"It seems that there has been a story in the past few years!" Ajin came over at this time, looked at Shadow calmly, and said calmly: "Tell your story, maybe we can talk about it."

Because Xia Tian wanted to control the entire shadow world behind the scenes, and didn't want to expose himself to the public, as for this attack?

It can be understood that he was in a bad mood. The assassin king Pierclo had offended Xia Tian in some ways. After all, in this world where the strong are respected, many things are unreasonable and unfair.

Just like, Hawkeye, who was bored, cut off more than 50 pirate ships of the Creek Pirates in one breath, and even chased them to the East China Sea? Why? Maybe Hawkeye was just in a bad mood, or maybe he was just sharpening his knife.

The shadow killer looked at Ajin's calm eyes, and then thought of the battle just now, and the shadow felt that he still had a chance of survival.

It turned out that 25 years ago, in order to expand the scale of the assassin organization Dashou Funeral House, the assassin king Pierclo used all means to fight with other hostile organizations. In order to win, he killed crazily and slaughtered all civilians under the jurisdiction of other organizations. The whole village was a sea of ​​blood, like a hell on earth, just to find the remnants of the enemy to prevent revenge.

Among these villages, there were the family members of Shadow Killer. He who witnessed the tragic scene unexpectedly did not cry, but stared at Pierclo with anger and hatred.

Finally, with his efforts, he successfully joined the Big Hand Funeral Home and became the direct descendant of Pierclo, but because of the difference in strength, he never found a chance to take revenge.

"I'm done, kill me, the great revenge has been taken, and I'm finally free!"

Shadow Killer opened his arms, looking like he was at the mercy of others, which made Ajin speechless. Maybe everything Shadow Killer said was true.

But, this look of waiting for death without a care in the world is definitely fake. No one wants to lose his life. At least, a killer with blood on his hands will never give up the chance to live.

"Haha, I don't care about your life or death. Now I give you a choice, a chance to become the boss of the Big Hand Funeral Home and the assassin emperor of the dark world. This is a bottle of poison. There will be no effect within a month after taking it, but if you don't take the antidote regularly after a month, you will be in pain from the insects that eat your bones, and it will be worse than death."

"Agree or die? Choose one!"

"What a ruthless man, worthy of being called a ghost by the world government." The shadow killer took the vial of poison from Ajin and drank the venom in it.

"A smart choice. As for those people outside, it's up to you to decide whether they live or die!"

"Let them stay. I believe I can control them!"

"This is the special contact phone bug of the Smiling Pirates. If you have anything, you can report it directly!" After Ajin finished speaking, he stopped talking and ordered the Smiling Pirates to start the plundering mode. After all, as the emperor of the dark world, there must be a lot of good things.

Sure enough, in the underground warehouse of the Big Hand Funeral Home, Jin found a room full of gold, silver and treasures and three treasure boxes. Two of the boxes were devil fruits, but the specific types were unknown. In the other box, there was a knife. Although it was unclear what grade it was, it was at least a large knife level for Pierre to store it here alone.

Soon, the Smiling Pirates cleared out everything. The speed was astonishing. It seemed that this was definitely not the first time they did this kind of work. They were too skilled.

In the New World, Dressrosa, above the sky of King's Highland, Doflamingo and Gear 4 Luffy were facing off. The battle had come to the end. The high-intensity collision battle was about to reach the critical point of their physical strength.

"Mingge, no matter who it is, you want to control it again and again. It's really infuriating. This country can't be destroyed by you anymore. I'm going to beat you up!" Luffy was angry and determined, with white gas surrounding him, and he looked at Doflamingo with fighting spirit.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Isn't this a country?Okay? Everyone lives in peace and warmth, so what if you become a toy!

As for knocking me away? ! Kid, if you can do it, come on!"

"I want to see how long you can hold on with your remaining strength!"

Doflamingo looked at Luffy in the fourth gear in the sky with disdain and arrogance, because he is the Sky Yasha!

"Spider web wall!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the silk thread instantly wove into the shape of a spider web, which completely protected Doflamingo.

"People are born unequal. If you want to blame it, blame your bloodline. You are born to be controlled! Hehehehehehehe!"

"Control? Control! It really makes me breathless, Mingge! "

Hearing Doflamingo's ridicule, Luffy's eyes spit fire, his teeth creaked, and anger burst out from his heart.

"Great Ape King Spear!"

"咈咈咈咈咈, you are really disobedient. In this case, even if you are Xia Tian's brother, I will not let you go easily!"

"Sixteen Holy Bullets: God Killing!"

Doflamingo opened his arms, tilted his mouth, and looked at Luffy in the sky without fear. As long as he didn't kill him, he wouldn't say anything, Xia Tian!


Luffy roared, and the huge Great Ape King Spear was covered with armed color domineering. The legs behind him burst out with terrifying thrust like rocket boosters. In an instant, his fist suddenly ejected and smashed towards Doflamingo below.

"Boom! "

The two attacks collided, and the huge fist hit the silk thread created by Doflamingo. A sound resounding through the sky was heard, and all the people in Dressrosa looked up at the sky, because Luffy and Doflamingo's victory also determined the life and death of these people.

"Crack, crack! Bang!"

Finally, under Luffy's full roar and explosion, the Great Ape King Spear was unstoppable, breaking the silk thread with armed color in front of him, and then attacking downward without reducing the momentum.

The defense was broken, and looking at the fist shadow that was getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Doflamingo's face changed. He wanted to dodge but it was too late. The big fist fell and hit him hard in the face.

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