Fist shadows fell, and heavy fists hit Teach's body firmly, one punch after another, and the terrifying fist force penetrated Teach's body with the domineering aura and dark power.

"Damn it!"

Teach raised his arm, roared, and tried his best to open defense, but Teach, whose domineering power was weaker than Xia Tian, ​​could not defend against Xia Tian's domineering attack at all.

His body retreated again and again, and a deep gully formed under his feet due to the strong pressure. Feeling his arm about to break, Teach knew that he had to fight desperately and then run for his life.

"Bang! Gululu!"

Teach was preparing for the last battle when he heard a sound of an object rolling. He turned his head and saw that it was the head of his capable and loyal general, Badgers.

Just ten minutes ago, on other battlefields, the Smiling Pirates had all won the victory with mutual cooperation. After Tuantuan used the extraction card to seize the devil fruit ability, they were all killed by the cold-blooded Ajin.

This is the best way to eliminate the trouble forever, and not everyone can have the ability to resurrect like Blackbeard Teach.

Killed means death!

"Bajes! Van Oka! Lafitte! Poison Q!"

Looking at the familiar big heads one after another, Teach was furious. A few days ago, he was still bragging and discussing his ambitions to dominate the world. Now he is the only one left.

All this was caused by the man in front of him. If it weren't for him, everything would be implemented according to his plan.


"Xia Tian, ​​since you don't let me live, let's die together!"

At the moment when all his men were killed, Teach finally made up his mind, his eyes flashed with cruel cold light, and the next moment, Teach's body began to swell rapidly, and it became bigger and bigger, as if it was about to explode.

"Quickly retreat!"

Although he didn't know what Titch's purpose was, Xia Tian could feel the madness of Blackbeard Titch. He shouted, and A Jin and others also felt the terrifying energy of Titch's ultimate move in front of him, which was dark and suffocating.

"Tick! Tick!"

The black blood dripped from Titch's body faster and faster. The next moment, Blackbeard Titch laughed wildly, and the whole person burst into an astonishing speed and rushed towards Xia Tian, ​​looking like he wanted to die together.


"Xia Tian!"



The anxious and concerned voices of Tuan Tuan and others came from the back. After all, Titch looked really crazy now.

"Don't worry, I won't die!"

Xia Tian raised his hand and signaled Tuan Tuan and others to use the teleportation anchor to leave first. Looking at Titch in front of him, Xia Tian grinned.



A terrifyingly thick energy beam hit Teach who was about to explode. The powerful impact made Teach unable to control his body. He expanded rapidly ten meters away from Xia Tian, ​​and then exploded with a bang!

Blackbeard Teach exploded again, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the whole person disappeared completely.

The black blood eroded the sky into black, and the air waves generated by the rolling blood mist covered the entire island. The breath of decay and death began to permeate. Wherever it went, all life was dying. The trees on the island withered, and the creatures passing by were eroded to the point that not even bones were left when they came into contact with the black blood mist.

"It's really scary! But it doesn't seem to have much effect on me!"

The black blood mist eroded the golden light spell in an instant, and Xia Tian's skin began to fester, bloody and blurred, but the next moment, the passive skill super healing instantly repaired the damaged skin tissue. Looking at the blood mist in the sky, a strange eight trigrams storm tornado blew over, and the blood mist gradually dissipated with the wind. Xia Tian still stood there safely.

"What a pity, Teach, if you develop your ability a little stronger, maybe you can kill me!"

Xia Tian shook his head, then quietly found a big rock to sit on and wait. The teleportation anchor point behind flashed, and A Jin appeared behind him. Looking at the dead battlefield and environment in front of him, even the indifferent A Jin couldn't help but twitch his eyelids. He didn't know if he could survive such a large-scale attack.


"Don't worry, it's okay. Teach has no ability to kill me now. Just wait quietly!"

Raising his hand, Xia Tian stopped A Jin's questions and concerned inquiries, and looked at everything in front of him. Because of the attack by Blackbeard Teach, everything on the island was eroded. Looking around, it was clear.

Three hours later

A rustling sound was heard more than ten meters ahead, and the black blood on the ground began to condense and merge, gradually forming a bloody river, and then began to change shape.

Soon, an ugly guy panted andSitting on the ground, perhaps because of weakness, he did not notice Xia Tian and A Jin for a while.

"Hey, alive again, Teach!"

The cold and familiar voice echoed in the ears of Teach who had just been reborn. The fear spread from the bottom of his heart again. Blackbeard Teach turned his head with difficulty and looked at Xia Tian.

"Ahhh! Xia Tian, ​​you devil, you haven't left yet!"

Blackbeard Teach was simply crazy. The moment he saw Xia Tian, ​​he felt bad. Three hours, in order to avoid the Smile Pirates, Teach deliberately delayed for three hours before resurrecting, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't avoid it.

"Before you die, can you tell me why you want to kill me?"

Knowing that he couldn't avoid it, Blackbeard Teach simply gave up, slowly sat up, sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at Xia Tian, ​​and asked seriously.

After all, even if you die, you have to die knowingly!

"The reason? It's very simple. I just don't like you," Xia Tian replied coldly. There's no need for a dead person to know so many things, and he can't be taken away.


With a punch, Titch's head, which had just recovered, was blown up again. There was no evasion or ferocity. This time, Titch seemed to be relieved and showed the kindest smile in his life.

"Let's go! This time it's really over!"

"Elemental Burst: Star!"

As if sensing something in the dark, Xia Tian looked up at the sky and turned to walk towards the teleportation anchor point. However, before leaving, he gave another big gift.

The rumbling sound above the sky was deafening, and a powerful pressure enveloped the island. Before the attack arrived, the pressure generated by the air wave caused a strong wind on the island. A meteorite full of flames fell from the sky, carrying supreme power and falling at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

"Boom! Boom!"

The meteorite landed, and the impact force combined with the explosion. At the moment Xia Tian and A Jin left, the entire island began to break under the attack. With the meteorite landing point as the center, it quickly disintegrated and sank into the sea.

At this point, Blackbeard Teach and his subordinates all disappeared from the world along with Devil Island.

The future villain was killed before he had time to exert his true combat power.

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