Tai Chi·Yin Yang Reversal!

This is the ability that Xia Tian gained after practicing Tai Chi to a certain extent. He can hide himself in the void for a short time, like two worlds that do not intersect each other. Therefore, no matter how terrible Enel's attack is, it cannot attack Xia Tian. However, this ability is not invincible. It can only be used for five seconds each time, and then it will be sealed for a week.

Of course, this is also because Xia Tian has not practiced well. If he can reach the combat power of the great demon king Saitama, then even if he does not dodge, resisting this thunder is just wiping his forehead.

If Xia Tian practices the Golden Light Curse to the highest level, he can freely control the ability of Yin Wu Lei or Yang Wu Lei, and he can directly fight against each other without dodging Enel's attack.

But, unfortunately, neither of them is up to standard at present.

The road of practice is long and arduous. It seems that we need to find a way to improve our defense ability.

For example, stacking one hundred or one thousand layers of golden bell cover.

As long as the enemy can't break the defense, then he will be invincible. Even if someone is stronger than him, he can be worn down by continuous output.

"No way, such a weak ability, even if you beg me to teach me, this god will not learn <( ̄3 ̄)>, I am a great god who can do everything!" Enelu refused again very proudly.

"As a god, it is impossible to lose, and I will not lose, 200 million volts Thunder God!"

After many fights, Enelu saw that the thunder and lightning Xia Tian with a high volt of 100 million volts could not be directly confronted, so Enelu released all his 200 million volts of thunder and lightning, surrounding his body. Under the effect of thunder, his body quickly grew larger. Enelu in the form of Thunder God increased his offensiveness and speed by one level.

However, Enelu forgot one thing. For Xia Tian with armed color domineering, it is not a good thing to grow bigger. The target of attack is more obvious.

"Hey, it seems that I have to teach him a physical lesson. Why are you so disobedient?" Xia Tian frowned, shook his head, and sighed.

"Then, here I come!"

Xia Tian's eyes became serious, and a pair of black and white boxing gloves in the shape of Tai Chi Bagua appeared on his hands. His observation Haki and armed Haki were activated to the best state at the same time.


Countless afterimages appeared, and Xia Tian's body moved at high speed to produce a sound explosion surrounding Enelu. In just one second, Xia Tian swung hundreds of punches, and his fists fell like raindrops. Enelu in the form of Thunder God was like a target, taking all the attacks.

"Stop! Stop, stop, stop~ Stop, I accept your invitation~ Invitation".

Enelu, who was smashed into a deep pit on the ground by Xia Tian, ​​made intermittent sounds, but Xia Tian pretended not to hear it and continued to punch, but the attack speed was much slower.

The intense pain made Enelu's head buzzing. Not being injured for a long time reduced his tolerance a lot.

"Stop, I~I lost, Captain Xia Tian, ​​Enelu begs~begs you to accept my request to board the ship."

After a while, Enelu's pleading voice came weakly, and his attitude was obviously much better than last time.

"Hey, you said it earlier, it doesn't hurt, it's a bit heavy just now", Xia Tian smiled and pretended to be embarrassed, but when he saw Enelu's face swollen like a pig's head, he couldn't help laughing.

"Puff, hahahahaha! o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓"

Enelu: "..." I really admire you, old six, didn't you hear it! It was definitely intentional.

However, the winner is the king. When Enelu was beaten by Xia Tian on the ground, he figured it out in his heart. Instead of resisting beyond his ability, it is better to stop and enjoy it.

"Sorry, Enelu, I really couldn't help it, puff haha~" Xia Tian comforted.

"Hey, boss, is this guy the god? Why does he look so strange and ugly〣( ºΔº )〣"

The mocking little fat man came online again, Xia Tian turned around and saw that Tuan Tuan and several 'people' had come with Gan Fuer and the Shandian warriors. Especially when Tuan Tuan saw Enelu's appearance, he laughed without any scruples.

"Ahem, Tuan Tuan, okay, stop laughing, we are all family members from now on", Xia Tian coughed twice, and then began to introduce the members of the Smile Pirates to Enelu.

"Successful?" Gan Fuer looked at the fat Enelu who was beaten in disbelief, and asked uncertainly.

"Well, there will be no more god Enelu on Sky Island in the future, only Enelu, a member of the Smile Pirates", Xia Tian said affirmatively.

"Huh~ That's great!" Gan Fuer breathed a sigh of relief. Although Enelu had only ruled for more than a year, he had heard a lot of rumors about his brutality. His hometown, Bica, was directly destroyed. Now Xia Tian wasIt was a very lucky thing for the residents of Sky Island that Tian was conquered.

"Okay, everyone is here, let me tell you another good news. Enelu collected a lot of gold to build ships. Let's go pack it up and take it away."

Xia Tian turned his head to look at Tuan Tuan and the others, smiled and said loudly.

"Really? Boss °˖✧︎◝︎(⁰▿︎⁰)◜︎✧︎˖°"

"It must be!"

"Hehehe! Then who, Enelu, this deputy captain recognizes you!" Tuan Tuan patted Enelu's arm in a decent manner. As for why he didn't pat his shoulder, it was because Fatty Tuan was too short.

Imagine the visual impact of a 1.6-meter-tall person standing next to a 2.66-meter-tall person!


Wapa couldn't help shouting when he saw Xia Tian and his group wanting to leave, frowning and holding the rocket launcher tightly in his right hand.

"Something happened!"

Xia Tian suddenly widened his eyes, and the domineering aura instantly covered the entire venue. An inexplicable pressure enveloped the entire space. The Shandian warriors brought by Wapa could not withstand the impact, and one after another, their eyes turned white and fell to the ground.

Even as the strongest warrior of the Shandians, Wapa was a little overwhelmed at this moment. He knelt on one knee and used his hands to forcibly support his body with a rocket launcher. His black face was sweating, and his inner fear was staring at Xia Tian.


"I'm sorry, I hate people pointing guns at me, so I gave a little deterrence. Don't worry, I just fainted." Xia Tian said in a cold attitude. After all, no one likes others to point guns at their heads.

"Domineering aura?!" Ganfor said in shock.

"Ganfor, do you know what this ability is?" Enel heard Ganfor's voice and instantly turned into a flash of lightning and came to Ganfor's side, asking excitedly. He liked this ability that could especially enhance his status.

Enelu thought, if he could master this ability, would he be as powerful as Xia Tian in the future?

"Well, I've seen it before. About 20 years ago, a Qinghai pirate named Roger used this ability. I was shocked at the time, hahaha!" Ganfor seemed to recall some interesting stories and laughed.

"Roger?! Pirate King!" Kalina's face changed drastically, she screamed, and then covered her mouth.

Even the cold-faced Ajin looked deeply at his captain Xia Tian at this moment. Sure enough, the person he chose to follow was not an ordinary person. He actually mastered such a terrifying ability like Pirate King Roger.

"Okay, okay, it's just basic exercises!"

"So, may I ask what this gentleman wants to call us for?"

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