Half a month has passed since the robbed Tian Shang Jin. The Smile Pirate Ship is moving fast and getting closer to the Sabaody Archipelago.

During this period, Yilin completely mixed with Tuan Tuan and played around. Ajin and Enelu still practiced their domineering and abilities normally because they all had super determination and desire. Karina often sang in her free time to adjust the atmosphere and familiarize herself with and redevelop the devil fruit ability.

Poker found new research materials and directions. Except for eating, he hardly left the laboratory. It is said that he was studying the powerful pill. Taking one pill can permanently enhance a certain degree of strength, but there is no progress at present.

At the suggestion of Xia Tian, ​​the fishman Norint conducted swimming training in order to lay the foundation for rescuing the ability users who fell into the sea in the future. Thus, the salvage captain of the Smile Pirates was officially born.

A few days later, on a sunny morning, on an uninhabited island hundreds of miles away from the Sabaody Archipelago, the Smile Pirates stopped the ship to reorganize supplies.

Beach...sunbathing, beautiful scenery, and the laughter of the crowd resounded throughout the island, and not far behind the crowd, a group of animals trembled, their eyes couldn't help but show fear. If these killers didn't leave, the animals on the island would be eaten to extinction.

Can't escape, can't fight, too difficult!

"Someone is here, very strong!"

Enelu, who was sitting and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes wide, turned his head to look at Xia Tian, ​​and found that Xia Tian had already stood up and was walking towards the coast.

The Smile Pirates were on high alert. After all, the guy who could make Enelu say powerful must be a strong enemy. They must not be taken lightly, and there might even be a big battle.

A warship with a dog head logo slowly appeared in front of everyone. Enelu and Tuantuan didn't care, because one of them knew nothing, and the other already knew who was coming.

However, Kalina, Akin, Ilin, and Norint subconsciously tensed their bodies, because there was only one navy warship with such a logo.

He is the legendary navy hero Garp, who has countless legendary experiences, and has forced the Pirate King Roger into a desperate situation several times, joined hands with the Navy Marshal Sengoku to capture the Golden Lion Shiki, etc.

"Are you here! Hehe", Xia Tian showed a big battleship, and stood quietly watching the battleship getting closer and closer.

"Sashi Buli Dana, Grandpa!"

Xia Tian looked at the tall figure appearing on the dog-headed battleship, took a deep breath, raised his hand and greeted.

"Humph, you still know that there is a grandpa like me, Xia Tian!"


A burst of dust and smoke rose up, and the figure jumped down directly from above. The impact sounded when it landed, and a sturdy old man slowly walked out, looking at Xia Tian with a serious face and complicated eyes.


Karina rubbed her eyes hard, and looked at the old and the young in front of her again. Her pretty face was extremely surprised, as if she couldn't believe the information she heard.

The navy hero turned out to be Xia Tian's grandfather!


Countless question marks popped up from Enelu and everyone's heads, who dares to believe it? !

"Hehe, of course, I can forget whoever I forget, but I can't forget you. After all, you raised me with your shit and piss!" Xia Tian said seriously. Before the age of seven, Xia Tian lived with Garp. He started to exercise Xia Tian's physique when he was very young. In addition to the strong physique of the family bloodline, acquired basic training is also very important.

"So, you haven't forgotten my performance as a pirate?"

"Defeat the Seven Warlords of the Sea appointed by the World Government, and hijack the Celestial Dragons' Tenjojin, Xia Tian, ​​you are too presumptuous!" Garp's forehead veins bulged, wouldn't it be better to listen to his ideas and become a navy?

"Ah, don't be angry, grandpa, come and taste it, my grandson, the barbecue skewers that just came out of the oven, they are fragrant!" Faced with the scolding, Xia Tian didn't care at all, took the barbecue off the fire, and handed it to Garp very attentively.


Seeing Xia Tian's expression of indifference, and looking at the fragrant barbecue in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh while eating.

"Admiral, are you really okay here?"

Aokiji, who had woken up on the navy battleship at some point, had come to the deck, and his eyes were lazy and casually sweeping over the people of the Smile Pirates, as if he wanted to remember their faces.

"Alala, just pretend I haven't been here", ignoring Enel's expression full of fighting will, Aokiji waved his hand, pushed a bicycle to the coast, and then used the ability of the ice fruit to develop a winding and slender ice road, humming a little song, and left leisurely.

"Admiral of the Navy?! It turns out to be a monster-level existence." Enel was a little disappointed that he didn't fight, and a good opportunity to test the results was wasted.

"Ah, I forgot, this time I cameTeach you a lesson, you bastard!" While eating, Garp touched his forehead and slapped it, then stared at Xia Tian with a fierce look.

"Hehe, Grandpa, I am not a child now. Even if you personally catch me, it is impossible." Xia Tian said confidently. Maybe Xia Tian is not Garp's opponent at present in terms of combat power, but it is also very easy to escape.

"Oh~ Are you confident?" Garp clenched his fist and blew a breath gently. In Xia Tian's perception, an invisible domineering aura has covered it. It is very strong and far exceeds himself.

"Swish! Taste the fist of love!"

As soon as the voice fell, Garp's figure disappeared, and the speed was ridiculous. It was difficult to capture even with the perception of observation Haki. What a terrifying old man.

"Boom! "

"Hiss~ It hurts"

The grandfather and grandson swung their fists at the same time. With a sound of breaking through the air, the two fists, one big and one small, collided with each other. The domineering aura spread out, and a gust of wind was set off. The surrounding trees whistled and bent their branches.

Xia Tian withdrew his fist, and an indescribable pain surged in his heart. Sure enough, Xia Tian was still a little worse in the competition of domineering.

"Xia Tian, ​​are you convinced?" Seeing Xia Tian's funny expression of enduring pain, Karp was very proud and raised his head and asked.

"No! It's not over yet!"

"Kun Zi: Lamborghini!"


Hearing Xia Tian's words, Karp was a little speechless. What kind of skill is this? But before he could taunt, the ground suddenly surged, and a stone in the shape of a sports car suddenly appeared and attacked Karp.

"Hmph! Trivial tricks! "

Garp slowly calmed down from shock, raised his fist and punched out, directly smashing the attacking stone into pieces, turning it into countless small stones falling to the ground.

"Dui Zi: Black Glaze!"

Armament Color!

"Serious Fist: Booming Sky!"

Since pure domineering can't beat him, then add a layer of defense. Xia Tian jumped high, and the terrifying fist quickly condensed and formed. Everyone felt their hearts sink, and inexplicable pressure fell from the sky, as if they were covered by a huge palm.

"This punch is interesting!"

Garp felt the invisible pressure, and he was very happy and helpless in his heart. If Xia Tian could be a righteous navy, with his strong strength, he would have a good chance to become a general.

"Bang! "

Garp sighed inwardly, then suddenly jumped up. There was no fancy moves, just a seemingly ordinary punch, but Xia Tian clearly felt that it was more powerful than last time, and more domineering. It was tough and solemn.

From south to north, from east to west, the battle between the grandfather and grandson was almost all over the island. Countless trees were blown down, countless hills were flattened, and the surviving beasts on the island ran away. If they didn't run, they would be killed.

In this battle, Xia Tian used 90% of his ability, and almost all means except the domineering color domineering were used.

Sure enough, during the battle, seeing Xia Tian's layers of The endless powerful means and the skillful use of domineering, even Garp, who was mentally prepared, almost dropped his jaw.

Compared with Luffy, Garp knew that his grandson in front of him was the most difficult guy. Since he was three years old, he showed calmness and the way of dealing with things were not like ordinary people.

As he grew older, Garp was more certain that he would follow his son Dragon in the summer, and Luffy was very similar to him, carefree, living freely and happily every day.

Five hours later, the grandfather and grandson returned to the original place panting. Obviously, the high-intensity battle competition consumed a lot of physical strength.

"Hehe, Grandpa, how is it?"

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