Saying goodbye to Rayleigh, Xia Tian whistled and sang happily as he headed to the next island, heading for the illegal area of ​​Area 16, which is the dark side of the island, with fighting, robbery, human traffickers, etc.


As soon as his left foot stepped into Area 16, a huge cannon sounded in Xia Tian's ears. He looked ahead and saw dust and smoke rising in front of him. Two pirate groups were fighting hard, and there was a group of people watching the scene with fiery eyes. The cause of the conflict was the box in the hands of one of the pirate captains.

Devil Fruit!

That's right, the two teams were fighting for the Devil Fruit, and the ground was stained with blood. The strong smell of blood was very pungent, and broken limbs were everywhere.


"If you keep snatching, no one will leave today!"

The two pirates fought hand to hand, and their weapons sparked. One of them said viciously, looking around. After resisting each other for more than ten seconds, they finally reached an agreement. They took a step back and stopped fighting.

Because this is the illegal area of ​​the Sabaody Archipelago, even if the two pirates win or lose, they can't get out alive. Just look at the eyes of those who are choosing to eat people. After all, many people will take risks for such precious treasures as devil fruits.

"Huh, stopped? It seems that you are smart! It's a pity that you wanted to take advantage of the chaos to find a loophole."

Seeing the stop, Xia Tian shook his head and ignored it. He turned around and was about to leave. After all, entering the new world is the most important thing, and there is no need to be too conspicuous.

"Hey, you want to leave now? Have you asked our boss for permission?!"

A yellow-haired pirate walked out of the crowd and said arrogantly.

"Wild Wolf Pirates?! The leader is Wolf King Bai Kuang, a pirate with a bounty of 100 million berries!"

The pirates with devil fruits trembled, holding the wooden box tightly with both hands, and grasping the blade with their right hands. This kind of bounty pirate is not something they can resist.

"You, this is what we got, why should we give it to you?"

"Why? Of course it's because we are stronger than you! Boy, don't you know that the strong are respected?"

The leader of the Wild Wolf Pirates, a strong man with long white hair, said with a mocking face, and with a hand, the sharp wolf claws shot out, flashing dazzling light in the sun.

"Fight!" The leaders of the two pirate groups looked at each other, then quickly took out swords and guns and raised their hands to attack. The target was the Wild Wolf Pirates. Only in this way could there be a glimmer of life.

As for the distribution of devil fruits in the future, let's talk about it after they survive. After all, this fruit was discovered by the two pirate groups together, and they have been entangled from the Grand Line to here.

"Humph, you're looking for death!"

Facing the attack of the pirates in front of them, the Wild Wolf Pirates stood quietly, not worried at all, because their captain had transformed.

The originally strong body of the Wild Wolf Pirates leader Bai Kuang exploded again, his muscles expanded visibly, his body quickly rose, and a white wolf with snow-white hair and a height of more than three meters appeared. Then a white shadow flashed by, and then a huge wolf head appeared again, baring its teeth and biting at the pirate holding the gun.


The sharp wolf teeth bit off a large piece of flesh and blood, and the arm holding the devil fruit produced a severe pain that instantly spread all over the body. Then, with a huge scream, the wooden box fell down, and the devil fruit inside rolled a few times, and it happened to roll under Xia Tian's feet.

"Uh, what is this? Those who are destined to get it! Destiny is in my hands"

Xia Tian saw the devil fruit coming over, slowly bent down and picked it up, and blew away the dust.

"Ding, detected the Paraman-type blood-sucking vine devil fruit! Do you want to put it in the backpack?"


It would be too abrupt to put it in the backpack now, and since it's here, it's yours, and no one can take it away.


With a loud bang, a huge deep pit was smashed in front of Xia Tian, ​​and inside was a blood-stained person. Looking closely, it was the original recipient of this devil fruit.


The smell of blood wafted into his nose, and a pair of sharp wolf claws attacked him head-on. A buzzing metal tremor came from the air, as if trying to kill Xia Tian with one blow.

"Good attack power, but it's too slow!"

"Tai Chi: Collapse Fist!"

Xia Tian's body was slightly dislocated, his right hand clenched into a fist, and the armed color domineering wrapped around his fist, and he blasted straight out. The terrifying fist burst out with a sound explosion, and the space produced waves of ripples. The originally fierce wild wolf Bai Kuang was hit in the abdomen by the heavy fist, and the domineering force directly penetrated him. With a wow, Bai Kuang opened his mouth and widened his eyes and fainted.

One punch! Just one punch! The pirate with a bounty of 100 million berries was defeated.

When the Wild Wolf Pirates saw Xia Tian looking at them, they subconsciously stepped back. In their eyes, Xia Tian was like a monster.The powerful boss was killed in an instant. No one wanted to accept this result, but the facts were in front of them and had to be acknowledged.

Seeing that no one wanted to fight, Xia Tian left with the devil fruit.

Today is a good day. I can pick up a devil fruit when I go out. After walking away, Xia Tian put the devil fruit into the system.

Looking up at the sky, Xia Tian quickened his pace and planned to gather with everyone first to arrange the next things. You know, the coating takes at least three days, and the Smile Pirates need to live on the island.

"Boss, really? Stay here for three days?" Tuan Tuan heard Xia Tian's decision and jumped high in excitement and grabbed Yi Lin's hand. Both the man and the panda were very excited. I think they didn't have enough fun.

After all, a panda who has never seen the world, a little guy who has never been far away at a young age.

"Well, of course!"

"Hehe, long live the boss! (ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́)✧"

Auction House in Area 1 of Sabaody Archipelago

A very wretched and ugly guy came in carrying a sack that was constantly squirming.

"Hey, isn't this Peterman? What good stuff is being auctioned at this time? The hottest thing today is the giants!" A registrar at the auction said. It was obvious that the two were familiar with each other and should be old customers.

"Hey, look! I caught this with great difficulty!"


The zip tie was opened, and a white-skinned boy appeared inside. Human? No, if you look closely, you can see the gill-like organs on the boy's neck.

That's right, the boy being trafficked in front of him is a young fishman.

"Merceman! Where did you get it from, Peterman?" The registrar was very excited and asked in a trembling voice. You know, the arm strength of a fishman is ten times that of a normal human. It is a slave that the nobles of the Holy Land Mary Joa like very much. It must be sold at a good price.

"This is confidential."

"Okay, fishman, this auction will definitely be a hot spot, Peterman, you've made a fortune this time."

"Yeah, remember to help me sell it at a good price."

The registrar waited until Peterman left, then stood up excitedly and ran to the office area upstairs.


"Mr. Disco, this auction will be very lively!"

"Of course, after all, giant slaves are very rare, this auction will be carefully prepared, and the Celestial Dragons will also participate", Disco looked up and smiled happily.

"No, Mr. Disco, fishman! Young fishman!"

"What? Fishman? Hahahaha! Great, this auction will definitely be a big hit! Come on, take me to see it."

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