"Monkey D. Xia Tian, ​​you are still young!" Charlotte Perospero licked her long, drooping tongue and said with a sly smile.

"BIGMOOM Pirates? What are you doing here?" Xia Tian asked calmly. BIGMOOM did not appear. It seemed that she did not take Xia Tian seriously. After all, no matter how famous Xia Tian was, these long-famous monsters would not care too much unless they really touched their cake.

"What do you think?!"

"Hey, big tongue, what am I saying? If you have anything to say, come on. We, the Smiling Pirates, don't have so much time to play house with you!" Tuan Tuan responded directly. In his eyes, this guy was too disgusting, and he was just a Four Emperor. He believed that his boss would soon catch up or even surpass him.

"(눈益눈)!" Perospero's originally relaxed face showed endless anger. It was just a pet. How dare he talk like that?

"Where did this beast come from? How dare you talk to me like that? Are you looking for death?" Perospero was furious. He stood up with the candy scepter in his hand and looked at Tuantuan with murderous eyes.

"Boss, I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to give him a big fight! ┻╰ (‵□′)╯" Tuantuan was ready to fight, and his black eyes stared at Perospero. This guy dared to insult him. He must teach him a lesson to know why the flowers are so red.

"Hey, big tongue, do you BIGMOOM Pirates really want to start a war?" Xia Tian raised his hand to stop the furious Tuantuan, with a slightly cold expression on his face, and said.

"Start a war? Kukukukukuku! Do you know who you are facing? The Four Emperors! The strongest pirate group in this sea!"

"I know!" Xia Tian shrugged, not caring at all.

Whether it is strength or background, there are a few people in the whole One Piece world who are stronger than me. What I like most is that BIGMOOM said that the Monkey family will be eliminated.

"Brother Perospero, it seems that they have not yet realized the terror of the Four Emperors. We must teach them a lesson!" On the side, the son of NOGMOOM, who was not sure which one, whispered.

"Since you are really looking for death, let me show you how powerful the Four Emperors Pirates are!"

Perospero waved his hand and pointed the scepter in his hand at Xia Tian's Smile. Amid cheers and shouts, a crowd of people took out grappling hooks to pull out the Smile.

But how could Norinte give them a chance? He pulled away in an instant.

Chasing each other, under the conscious guidance of Xia Tian and others, the BIGMOOM Pirates successfully entered the encirclement of the Smile Pirates. The dark electromagnetic gun barrels were already aimed, waiting for Xia Tian's order to attack.

"Why don't you run away?!" Perospero smiled excitedly when he saw the Smile docked on the coast.

"Of course it's because I want to give you a big gift!" Xia Tian raised his arm and waved it gently. An inexplicable palpitation enveloped Perospero and others. Looking around, they didn't see anything that could threaten them.

At this moment, a deafening roar sounded, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be shaken apart. A thick column of lightning quickly attacked and headed straight for the ship of the BIGMOOM Pirates.

The breath of death enveloped the BIGMOOM Pirates. More than a dozen pirate ships that followed were terrified and rushed back, but unfortunately, they were still a step late.

A little cold light came, and the violent thunder energy shock wave swept across an area in an instant. The sea surface for several miles stirred up waves, like elves dancing.

After the bombardment, only five pirate ships of the BIGMOOM Pirates remained, one of which was like a fallen leaf in the wind, swaying uncertainly.

"You actually launched a sneak attack? Xia Tian, ​​you are one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and you don't follow the rules of war!" Perospero was so confused that his majestic demeanor disappeared completely. Instead, his face was distorted and he shouted at Xia Tian.

"A sneak attack? Martial ethics? Hey, are you kidding? We are a group of evil pirates. Winning or losing is the key. Other things are useless!" Xia Tian curled his lips in disdain. Martial ethics? Tens of thousands of you take turns to fight my stupid brother, and that's justice!

"But then again, don't you know that we just fought with the Three Calamities King of the Beasts Pirates? Perospero, where do you get the courage!" Contempt rushed over him. Hearing Xia Tian's straightforward ridicule, BIGMOOM's eldest son fell silent, his eyes looking around at the group of dilapidated ships around him.

"Everyone, attack as a whole. We can't lose face for Mama. We must destroy all the ships that the Smile Pirates have taken."Someone has to eliminate them!" Perospero looked at Xia Tian sinisterly. The dead soldiers can be reproduced or subdued. As long as their brothers and sisters are there, I will get rid of the Smile Pirates today.

"Charge! Kill them!"



With shouts of anger, the BIGMOOM Pirates surrounded Xia Tian and others. Xia Tian didn't care about this group of people. They were just cannon fodder. What he really cared about was the abilities of the children of BIGMOOM. Strange abilities must not be tried casually.

"Big tongue, stop, your uncle Tuan Tuan wants to fight you alone!" Seeing Perospero retreating behind everyone, Tuan Tuan stomped his feet, and his fat figure was ejected like a mortar shell, aiming at the direction of Perospero.

"〣( ºΔº )〣!" Perospero's eyes widened, and he felt a sense of fear when he looked at Tuan Tuan who was getting closer and closer. He felt that the black and white bear in front of him was different and might be very strong.

"Pah! "

Tuan Tuan's approaching figure suddenly disappeared in front of Perospero, and reappeared at his side. His chubby claws wrapped in armed color domineering slammed Perospero's face with a big punch.

"Ah! You bastard!" Perospero felt the pain on his face and cursed. He was actually beaten by a pet.

"Tsk, you are so thick-skinned!"

Seeing that his face did not change, Tuan Tuan was very sad. He thought he could continue to increase his strength and used the same trick again. He punched out, but this time Tuan Tuan's claws were blocked by a tall candy wall.

"Candy wall!"

Perospero quickly took a small step back, raised his hand and used candy to create a thick barrier for defense, and Tuan Tuan's ordinary attack was blocked.

"Devil Fruit ability user! It seems that I have to whip it hard!"

Seeing the candy wall that suddenly appeared, Tuan Tuan's claws touched it and left immediately. It was sticky and disgusting (except for marshmallows!).

"Roar! "The roar of the beast resounded through the sky, and behind Tuan Tuan, a black and white panda several hundred meters long seemed to appear, looking down at Perospero, with a sinister light flashing in its huge eyes.

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