The sea stone is still in the air, but the sea stone is still in the air.

"Hmm? Could it be the navy? The navy has mastered the technology of embedding seastone on the bottom of the ship, which can avoid disturbing the underwater sea kings in the calm zone. And they are not powered by sails, but steam, so they can move freely in a windless environment."

In Bardock's opinion, if they encounter a ship in the calm zone, the most likely possibility is a navy warship.

"Does seastone have that kind of function?"

This is the first time that Enel heard this statement, "But it's not the navy. I heard them talking about Lady Snake and the Nine Snakes Pirates."

"Oh? So it's them!"

Bardock couldn't help but laugh. He originally wanted to ask about the situation of the three Hancock sisters when he met Rayleigh, but now he can't go to the Sabaody Archipelago. Hancock, who was hard to meet, was about to meet. It was his fault that he didn't leave his phone number.

"Kyuuja Pirates? Captain Bardock, is it Hancock and the others?"

Manshiri's eyes lit up. It had been a few years since they last met, but she still had a deep impression of Hancock and the others.

"Oh, it turned out to be Hancock. They seemed to live in the Calm Belt."

Leo also recalled the past. He was most impressed by Hancock's fruit ability, which was a powerful ability that could petrify a whole ship of pirates in an instant.

The others looked at each other in bewilderment, and Robin asked their questions, "Bardock, is this Hancock the friend you mentioned? Why haven't you mentioned him?"

"It's a long story, and it involves some secrets, so we rarely mention it.

I met the three Hancock sisters in the Sabaody Archipelago. For our own purposes, Hancock and I went together to find the Lilliput Country, and then met Mansherry and Leo.

Later, I took Mansherry and Leo back to the West Sea. She was going to become the emperor of Nine Snake Island and protect her country. There has been no news for several years.

Oh, by the way, Nine Snake Island is the legendary Daughter Island."

Bardock roughly talked about the past.

"What? Daughter Island? Or emperor? Your experience is really fantastic!"

They were quite emotional for a while.

"Enelu, they are probably coming out of the Calm Belt from somewhere. Let's go in front of them and wait for a while. It's a good time to catch up."

In terms of the range of observation Haki, Bardock is far inferior to Enelu, and he has not yet discovered the other party.


Enelu drove the White Dragon Horse to one side.

On the Perfume Serpent.

This is the first time Hancock has gone out to sea to plunder since becoming the emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, so the lineup is quite luxurious. The three Hancock sisters, accompanied by Granny Guroliosa in person, plus many seniors of the old generation of the Nine Snakes Pirates, can easily break through some countries in terms of strength.

"Snake Princess, we are about to leave the Calm Belt, do you have any ideas?"

As the previous previous emperor of Amazon Lily, Granny Zha has experienced leaving and coming back, and now is equivalent to a military advisor.

"Stop talking nonsense, just rob all the way. No matter what I do, whether it's plundering or turning enemies into stone, the world will forgive me. If you want to know why, it's because I'm so beautiful!"

Hancock raised her head and chest, looked up at the sky, and looked "arrogant".

After getting old, the grandmother had shrunk a lot. At this moment, she could only see Hancock's powerful "weapon", and she was speechless.

"Snake Princess, you are the emperor of Amazon Lily, don't be so willful, if you are too reckless, the navy will target you."

"You, the emperor of the previous generation, are not qualified to teach me a lesson!"

Hancock ignored it. She had made up her mind that she must make a big fuss this time.

At this time, Sandasonia and Marigorud came in together, "Sister, the lookout found a ship, it looks like a fat sheep, and the hull is inlaid with gold."

"Do you know who the other party is?"

Grandma Zha asked on the side.

"Ignore her! Chase after her, don't let her run away!"

Hancock didn't stay in the cabin and went straight to the bow deck. The pet snake Salome followed Hancock closely. Other snakes had to act as weapons, but it only had to act as a seat.

"Yes, elder sister!"

Sandasonia and Marigord passed the order and followed Hancock on both sides, like two bodyguards.

Zha Po Po had no choice but to follow. This generation of the empress was too willful.

Hancock appeared on the deck, and all the Nine Snake Pirates

The members all looked at Hancock with admiration, "Snake Lady!"

They would sneak a peek at Hancock from time to time, which was also the reason why Hancock rarely showed up, affecting the crew's work.

"Pull the boat over!"

Hancock gave an order, and the two snakes pulling the boat immediately accelerated. The strange thing was that the boat on the opposite side did not run away, but waited there without moving.

When the distance was close enough, she finally saw the person on the opposite side. Even if there was no sensational Golden Country incident some time ago, she was sure that she could recognize the other party at a glance. The bright smile just appeared and disappeared again.

"Ah! Snake Lady! So beautiful!"

Some young Nine Snake warriors witnessed Hancock's smiling face and were petrified directly.

Hancock touched her forehead with her hand, and she knew, these idiots! What can she do? Of course, it is to remove their petrification!

She suddenly remembered that Bardock once said that when top pirates meet, they always use their Conqueror Haki first, so she did not hesitate and released her own Conqueror Haki to press Bardock on the opposite side.

These years have not been in vain. Under Rayleigh's guidance, she has mastered all kinds of Haki, and Conqueror Haki is as easy as using her arms.

When Hancock appeared on the deck, Bardock also saw her and her smile, and his heart beat wildly a few times.

Fortunately, Hancock released Conqueror Haki at this time, and he reacted in time and released his own to fight back.

The two powerful pressures clashed in the middle, the clouds began to surge, and the sky cracked.

This time Bardock still had some strength left, and finally discovered the abnormality in the sky. Can he "crack the sky" now? A sense of unreality lingered around him.

What he didn't know was that this was actually the second time.

"Hancock, long time no see!"

"Bardock, long time no see!"

The two said almost in unison, then laughed together and stopped the Domineering Haki test.

"Hancock, you are more beautiful!"

Mansherry jumped over at this time and landed on Hancock's shoulder. Leo did not go over, but jumped on Bardock's shoulder.

"Mansherry, Leo, congratulations on finding the Golden Country. I believe everyone understands that Nolando is not a big talker!"

Hancock was sincerely happy for them and ended the 400-year stigma of the benefactor.

"Congratulations, Mansherry, Leo!"

Sandasonia and Marigord also said.

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