The news was a big surprise, but the news was not good.

Vice Admiral Tsuru received Aokiji's Den Mushi and took it very seriously. He immediately arranged for several subordinates in the South China Sea to act separately and investigate the situation.

These subordinates investigated in different directions and reported to Vice Admiral Tsuru unilaterally. No one knew the existence of the others.

A few days later, detailed intelligence was summarized here by Vice Admiral Tsuru, and the anchored warship was also found by one of his subordinates. If it was a few days later, the people on the warship might really starve to death. They were sewn on the ship one by one, looking depressed.

Vice Admiral Tsuru then realized that Bardock and his men had left the Grand Line and ran to the South China Sea. No wonder there was no news about them on the Grand Line recently. Kizaru and Aokiji had started to perform other tasks.

According to the investigation, the crime committed by Colonel Andy is true. Next, they will be escorted to Judicial Island for trial. Colonel Andy's superior, an official of the World Government, is now going through the procedures.

As for Bardock and his men, Vice Admiral Tsuru has sent their intelligence to all branches in the South Sea, asking them to pay special attention to a golden ship. They don't need to take action, but they need to monitor the whereabouts of the other party.

At this moment, she already knew that the devil fruit abilities of most people on Bardock's ship, with the ability of the South Sea branch, could not deal with enemies of that strength.

After explaining the follow-up of the matter to Kuzan, Aokiji also sighed that Bardock and his men ran too fast. And they found out the scum of the South Sea Navy, and for a while, his mood became more complicated.

Vice Admiral Tsuru then began to think about the following things. Should he agree to that Snake Princess to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are selected by the World Government. The opinions of the Navy are useful, but not decisive. However, unless there are special circumstances, the World Government will also refer to the opinions of the Navy.

In terms of strength, the Snake Princess has petrified several supernovas and all their crew members in the Sabaody Archipelago; in terms of status, she is the emperor of Amazon Lily, the daughter country of Nine Snake Island. When she officially becomes one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the most lacking reputation will also be made up.

After not much hesitation, she finally wrote the words "suggested approval" on the document. The navy has warships that cross the doldrums, and Nine Snake Island is an island in the doldrums. I believe they will be easier to communicate.

What Vice Admiral Tsuru didn't know was that the Snake Princess was famous for her willfulness, and it was impossible to communicate well. She might be the most difficult to communicate with among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

On the other side of the South China Sea, the White Dragon Horse was no longer a golden ship, but a white ship. Gardino successfully applied a layer of white wax to the ship, and now Bardock and his men are much more low-key.

"Gardino, your ability has great potential, and you can cooperate with others. For example, you can equip others with a set of armor, or you can combo with Perona and Leo..."

Bardock thought of the previous combat effects, the golden armor of the Golden Emperor Gild Tezoro, and the biscuit armor and biscuit soldiers of Charlotte Cracker.

Once he said these ideas, the others were left to Gardino to develop by himself. Some should be successful, but some are more uncertain.

Gardino nodded repeatedly, and these directions can indeed be tried.

"Also, from today on, you have to do physical training and domineering training. Physical fitness is the basis of fruit ability, and domineering is an extremely important power."

Bardock added another sentence.


Gardino was not happy at once. As a person who aspires to be a brain worker, he dislikes physical training the most.

A few days passed, and Bardock practiced stick techniques on the deck with seastone handcuffs.

He tried it as soon as he got the seastone handcuffs. When he first put them on, his whole body was as soft as noodles and he had no strength at all. Others didn't understand his behavior.

He explained that this would allow him to go further, but others were skeptical. They had never heard of this kind of exercise method.

It wasn't until a few days later that Bardock got used to the seastone handcuffs, picked up the golden hoop, and started to exercise. Others thought that it might really work.

At this time, Robin came over with a newspaper in her hand, "Bardock, Hancock has officially become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Oh? Wasn't it decided when we talked to Den Den Mushi before? Why is it published in the newspaper so soon?"

Bardock took the newspaper. The headline on it was the world's most beautiful woman, not the Seven Warlords of the Sea. It just mentioned in the article that Hancock officially became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Morgans is indeed a great journalist. His news entry point is different. If there was just another Seven Warlords of the Sea, there would not be as many people paying attention as now. This issue of the newspaper will definitely sell out. It should be reprinted now!"

Finally, Bardock finished reading the whole news and sighed.

"Morgans is not wrong. With Hancock's beauty, she deserves the title of the world's most beautiful woman!"

She is a woman that every woman will be moved by. Robin has never seen a woman who can compare with her in all these years. In addition, she is the empress, the strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the world's most beautiful woman. Who else can be better than her?

Countless people saw this newspaper. Some were amazed, some were disdainful, some supported her, and there were even more people who planned to challenge the empress.

"Bulu bulu bulu..."

Bardock picked up the Den Den Mushi, and Hancock's voice was heard, "How is it, Bardock? Have you seen today's news?"

"Of course I have, I haven't congratulated you yet, the world's most beautiful woman!" Bardock said with a smile.

"Humph! Didn't you know about this a long time ago? I'm talking about the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Don't let me meet Morgans, otherwise, I will definitely turn him into stone."

Hancock said aggressively. A good thing to promote force, it's as if she is a vase.

Indeed, a few years ago, Bardock told Hancock through someone else that she would be the world's most beautiful woman in the future, and she was mentally prepared for this. On the contrary, becoming the Seven Warlords of the Sea is what she has been planning recently, and now it only occupies such a small space, no wonder she is dissatisfied.

Although Bardock agreed with Morgans' plan, there was no need to talk to Hancock. He changed the subject and said, "Now that you have become a Shichibukai, has the Navy agreed to your request?"

Hancock said in Den Den Mushi, "They agreed to part of it. The Navy is prohibited from entering the 5-kilometer range of the coast of Nine Snake Island. As for the rest, I will not attend the activities of the Seven Warlords unless I am forcibly recruited."

In the original time and space, the range was 3 kilometers, and now it is 5 kilometers, which is a little more, but it is still under the threat of the opponent's artillery fire.

Especially Bardock knows that the Navy will eventually abolish the Shichibukai system. At that time, when the Navy army is approaching, Nine Snake Island will still become a battlefield.

"It's okay, by the way, has Rayleigh agreed to teach you the Conqueror's Haki? I tell you, he must have some special skills hidden, such as the Observation Haki that can foresee the future, the Observation Kill...

The next 10 years or so are your rare growth period, you must do your best to become stronger. The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is not immutable.

If one day, the World Government abolishes the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, you need to have the power to make the other party afraid."

Things in the future have begun to change. Bardock is not sure whether Fujitora will stand up and advocate the abolition of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, but it is always right to prepare for a rainy day, and strength will not disappoint those who are prepared.

"Hey, Bardock, I'm almost empty..."

Rayleigh's voice suddenly came from the Den Den Mushi, but before he finished a sentence, he only heard a roar, "Rayleigh..."

Rayleigh couldn't say the rest of the words. I really didn't expect that the little girl at the time would have the potential of a tigress so quickly. Xia Qi is still the most gentle!

"Hahaha, is Rayleigh senior here too? Then Xia Qi senior must be here too, right? It's been a long time since we last met, I miss you so much."

Bardock was a little embarrassed, secretly revealing someone's secrets behind their back, but the other person just listened silently.

"Brother Bardock, you seem to have determined that the Shichibukai system will have problems after more than 10 years?"

Xia Qi's voice came, "Have you met that Oda again?"

Bardock was stunned for a moment, then he remembered that he had been talking nonsense in front of Xia Qi, saying that he had learned a lot of information from a cartoonist named Oda, and he was immediately more embarrassed.

If he knew that Xia Qi had been asking for information for a long time through his own intelligence channels, I wonder what he would think.

"No, no, it's just that I've come into contact with the other Shichibukai, two of them, and they're not the kind of people who would be content to obey the World Government.

Now is their dormant period, and once the opportunity is ripe, I believe they will break with the World Government, and then the Shichibukai system will no longer be trusted by the World Government.

Moreover, within the Navy, there are also a large number of middle and high-level officers who oppose the Shichibukai system, and they're also waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the Shichibukai."

As an old hand, Xia Qi easily heard that Bardock must be hiding something, but she didn't delve into it, she just remembered that time point, and planned to pay more attention to it when the time comes.

for a moment.

Later, they chatted for a while before hanging up the Den Den Mushi.

Robin, who had listened to the whole thing, touched her chin and asked, "Bardock, that Rayleigh, is that the legendary Pluto, Silvers Rayleigh, the right arm of the Pirate King?"

"Yes, that's right, that Rayleigh, what's wrong?" Bardock looked at Robin and felt that she was inexplicably embarrassed.

"Didn't we see the message of the Pirate King on the base of the Golden Bell when we were on Sky Island?

They arrived at Raftel, so they must have collected all the ancient historical texts, and they even knew what happened in the blank 100 years?

I think..."

After a few words, Robin was sweating all over her forehead, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"Do you want to ask him about the truth of history? If you insist, I can help you contact him."

Bardock picked up the Den Den Mushi and started dialing.

Robin was having a fierce ideological struggle. On one side was the truth within reach, and on the other side was the mission of O'Hara's last person to personally pursue history.

Just as Bardock was about to dial, she held Bardock's hand and said calmly, "My journey is not yet over. If possible, I hope to solve the truth myself."

"Well, Robin is really worthy of it. I will help you."

To be honest, Robin can resist the temptation of such spoilers, which really makes Bardock admire her.

He is not interested in the "truth of history", or he does not trust the historical truth of the historical text.

In the original time and space, Wano Country revised history in front of Robin and others. The Kozuki family was the engraver of the historical text. Their descendants did not respect history at all, which led to Bardock not believing in the ancient historical text.

However, he did not object to Robin collecting the historical text. This was her obsession and also her dream.

In the following journey, Bardock and his crew were not affected at all. There were no pursuers from the navy, and no one from the pirates insisted on attacking a white ship.

In fact, the navy was still tracking them, but because of the lag in intelligence, they were still looking for a golden ship. I believe they will have a different experience after Bardock and his crew landed.

Pirates also began to spread rumors that a golden ship had arrived in the South China Sea. Many people did not believe it, but some people thought that there was no smoke without fire, so they began to take a chance.

Finally, an island appeared in front of Bardock and his crew.

This is an unfortunate island, and it is also a lucky island.

The unfortunate thing is that it is being bombarded by a group of pirates; the lucky thing is that the pirates' bombardment has just begun, and the White Dragon Horse has arrived.

"Captain, it's not good! There is another ship behind!"

The pirates were bombarding the port, and the lookout spotted the approaching White Dragon Horse.

"Is it the navy?"

The captain who was directing the gunners was startled, looked back, and slapped the lookout's head in anger. This was neither the navy nor the pirates, so why should he be so startled.

"Move a cannon over, aim at the incoming ship, and sink it!"

The captain quickly gave the order. In any case, being attacked from both sides was a bad situation, and the retreat must be opened as soon as possible.

Therefore, even if it was to sink the incoming ship from behind, it was necessary to do so even if it was impossible to plunder supplies.

"Yes, Captain!"

A team of pirates pushed a cannon to the stern and quickly aimed at Bardock and his men.

"Yeah, hahaha, another bunch of idiots, Bardock, let me punish them!"

Enelu witnessed and heard all the activities of the pirates, and he was eager to raise his arm.

If Enelu released this divine punishment, everything would be over. Bardock stopped him, "No, let's try Perona's ghost bomb. It has not been used in combat since it was developed. The situation on the shore is not yet urgent."

"Ah? Me? Well, I want to know the effect too. Mini ghost·ghost bomb!"

Countless miniaturized ghosts flew towards the pirate ship, and Perona kept snapping her fingers. In response, the mini ghosts on the pirate ship began to explode one by one.

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