After leaving the square in Rogue Town, Bardock and his friends planned to have a meal. On the way, a weapon shop came into view, which seemed to be the place where Zoro obtained "Snow Walk" and "Three Generations of Kitetsu".

"You go first, I'll go in and take a look."

Bardock left the team and entered the weapon shop.


The shop owner greeted warmly.

The moment he saw the shop owner, Bardock knew that he was not wrong. The hairstyle of this boss named Ipponmatsu was quite conspicuous and unforgettable.

"Boss, do you have a famous sword?"

Bardock was not sure whether Ipponmatsu already had "Snow Walk" and "Three Generations of Kitetsu" in his hands after ten years. In his impression, "Snow Walk" seemed to be the treasure of the shop.

Ipponmatsu didn't answer Bardock's question right away. He looked Bardock up and down. When his eyes swept over the "Autumn Water" on Bardock's waist, he couldn't believe it. He didn't even blink, for fear that if he blinked, he would miss the sword in front of him.

"Autumn Water", the twenty-first great sword, the weapon of the legendary dragon-slaying sword Go Ryoma, and the national treasure of Wano Country.

"Ahem", Bardock coughed twice, and Ipponmatsu immediately came back to his senses, "Sorry, sorry, we are a 200-year-old store, of course we have famous swords, but the price..."

"Price is not a problem."

Bardock waved his hand proudly.

"Please wait a moment, I'll be back soon." Ipponmatsu ran to the inner room, and soon came back with a box, "Please take a look."

He opened the box, and inside was a long sword with a black scabbard. Bardock took it up and looked at it carefully, unsheathed it, and tried it.

Ipponmatsu spoke at the right time, "The famous sword 'Snow Walk' is one of the fifty best swords. The blade is a black lacquer Tachi, the blade is a small T-shaped blade, and the scabbard is exquisite and gorgeous. It is the treasure of our store. I won't take it out to ordinary people. The sword on your waist seems to be very special?"

"You said 'Autumn Water', it is indeed very special."

Bardock is still tasting "Snow Walk" with a somewhat careless tone.

Ipponmatsu sighed, it turns out that he knew it, and I thought he was a lucky guy who didn't know it.

Finally, Ipponmatsu couldn't resist the desire in his heart and said, "Can you let me see the sword?"

Bardock took off the "Autumn Water", handed it to him, and asked, "Do you only have 'Snow Walker' here? A two-hundred-year-old shop, is there only one famous sword?"

Ipponmatsu took the "Autumn Water" and said only one sentence, "Famous swords are not common goods. It's rare to have one."

Then, he began to check the "Autumn Water" wholeheartedly, making "tsk tsk" sounds of praise from time to time, and muttering words like Ranren Dai Ni Dingzi.

Bardock didn't know whether Ipponmatsu didn't get the "Three Generations of Kitetsu" or didn't want to sell it to him. Thinking that Zoro found the "Three Generations of Kitetsu" in a barrel of inferior weapons, he also went over to look for it.

At this time, Ipponmatsu had had enough fun. Seeing Bardock rummaging through the "junk", he said, "Those are all cheap stuff over there, 50,000 berries each."

Bardock was a little dissatisfied because he didn't find the Sandai Kitetsu. "Boss, do you really have no other famous swords here? No demon swords either?"

Ipponmatsu said embarrassedly, "I'm really sorry, we only have 'Snow Walker' now, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"That's it! I want 'Snow Walker', you name a price."

Since there was no "Sandai Kitetsu", Bardock could only give up.

"Famous swords usually start at a million berries, and 'Snow Walker' is also a fine product among good and fast swords, so the price is 5 million berries."

After Ipponmatsu made the offer, he was ready for Bardock to bargain.

Who knew that Bardock didn't even frown, "Deal."

It wasn't until Bardock paid the money and walked out of the store with a knife that Ipponmatsu came back to his senses, "I met a big boss! Oh, I forgot to ask him how he got the 'Autumn Water'. Forget it, what's the use of knowing it?"

Outside the store, after getting the "Snow Walk", Bardock sensed the location of Robin and the others and went straight to join the others.

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