The first time, the second time.

On this day, the Kingdom of Lubnir that Mansherry and Leo had been thinking about appeared in front of everyone, and Nolando's hometown arrived.

According to the plan in advance, the wax layer of the White Dragon Horse was peeled off again, and the golden gold was exposed to the sun, shining brightly and flashing with a rich atmosphere.

Before the ship approached the port, people on the shore had already discovered this golden ship that came from afar, and the port was immediately sensational.

"Look! What is that?"

"Oh my god, I can't believe my eyes..."

"Isn't that ship made of gold?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Who would use gold to build a ship?"

"That's gold! Well! Even if I close my eyes, I won't make a mistake!"

"Ah... What a trouble. I always feel like something is going to happen!"


Amidst the noisy discussions, Bardock and his companions got off the ship one by one and officially set foot on the land of the Kingdom of Lubnir.

"It turned out to be them!"

Seeing Bardock and his companions' faces, a bystander exclaimed.

He had seen Bardock and his companions' newspapers before, and he still reviews them every now and then, imagining that he was the one who discovered the Golden Country.

"Who are they? Why don't I have any impression of them?"

Another person asked curiously at this time.

The other people around pricked up their ears and looked at Bardock and his companions quietly, but their attention was focused on the next words of the insider.

"They are very famous. If I say a name, you will remember it. I will never forget them..."

The insider kept talking, which made the people around him anxious. A voice came from the crowd, "Stop talking nonsense! Speak quickly!"

"Speak quickly!" Others also echoed.

The insider was going to make a long speech, but the crowd didn't buy it, so he had to give up and said, "Nolando! Do you remember?"

"It turned out to be them!"

"Who? Didn't Nolando die 400 years ago?"

"You don't even know it? The Golden Country! An explorer named Dak discovered the Golden Country."

"It was Bardock!"

"No wonder, only the lucky ones who discovered the Golden Country have enough gold to build ships."

After he finished speaking, the crowd's eyes turned green.

"If the king hadn't executed Nolando, with his ability, the Golden Country would have belonged to us 400 years ago."

"Wake up! Even if we find the Golden Country, it belongs to the king. What does it have to do with us?"

"Maybe we can pay less Heavenly Gold?"


Ignoring the messy crowd, Bardock and his companions walked through the crowd.

"Bardock, we found Nolando's hometown. I also found news about Nolando's descendants, but it is said that he has gone out to sea as a pirate..."

Robin told Bardock all the information he had collected.

Bardock nodded, "We still have to go and see Nolando's grave, just as a message for the great warrior Calgara.

By the way, let Mansherry and Leo express their gratitude. As for Nolando's descendants, the sea is vast, and it depends on fate."

Led by Robin, Bardock and his companions went to Nolando's grave.

On the way, Enelu would release a divine punishment from a distance every once in a while.

He couldn't help but complain, "These idiots! What are they thinking? They actually want to sneak into our ship one after another."

"Wealth is blinding. People die for money, and birds die for food. Throughout history, how many people have regarded money as dirt?" Bardock was not surprised at all.

Fortunately, with Enelu, it was much easier to protect the ship. With the addition of the small robot on the ship, Bardock was not worried about the White Dragon Horse at all. In an emergency, the White Dragon Horse could fly into the sky.

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